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For decades, feminists have intervened in a sexually violent culture. Many public health professionals, educators, and activists who design these interventions have called for complex conceptualizations of communication, yet communication studies scholars have not written extensively on consent. Moreover, researchers outside the field rarely rely on insights from the discipline. Accordingly, I offer a critical review of consent activism and research, and I highlight disciplinary assumptions that could enhance existing knowledge. I argue that many feminist academic/activist interventions use false ideas about communication, what I call communication myths: discourse merely reflects reality, and local discourse is disconnected from larger social Discourse. I show how these communication myths resonate with rape-supportive arguments. By suggesting communication should be unambiguous during consent, anti-violence educators/activists lower the standard for communicative competence, disconnect it from historical-cultural context, and miss opportunities to politicize consent. I argue feminists can challenge communication myths to build on existing interventions while more fully dismantling rape culture.  相似文献   
苗族是我国历史悠久的民族之一,许多苗族民间神话就是一幅色彩斑斓的苗族人民英勇斗争的历史画卷,从传说中苗族始祖盘瓠取吴将的头有功,被封为护国将军,娶帝女为妻,一直到今天,一切悲壮而又震撼人心的事迹,无不闪烁着苗族人民勇敢和智慧的火花。如果说,苗族人民是勇敢、智睿、勤劳的人民,那么,那些苗族英雄人物便是苗族人民的杰出代表。  相似文献   
There are many reasons to develop closer links between research and teaching. To do this, we argue the need to move beyond university rhetoric that fractures the engagement of teaching with research and instead focus on the development of what is necessary to bring these two core academic activities closer together. Opening with a review of the current literature on research‐led teaching, the paper then highlights the various debates about whether or not the divide between research and teaching can be broached. We then explore a number of often contradictory myths that we argue universities subscribe to in their efforts to bring teaching and research together as they simultaneously create structures to separate them. The paper seeks to better ‘marry’ research and teaching activities in higher education settings, concluding with a set of principles that could be used by university leaders to guide the implementation of research‐led teaching.  相似文献   
商周神话与中国古代审美意识的发生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
神话是各民族文化原的精神母体,从商周神话亦可以追溯中国古代审美意识发生的某些重要特点,(一)商周神话中始祖神话突出,反映了中国古代艺术审美很早具有的夫伦倾向,并影响到中国古代复古恋古、以古为是审美观念的形成。(二)商周神话的生命意识,寄需和塑造着中华民族的生命美学精神。(三)商周神话人化程度低和叙述因素缺乏的特点,在某种程度上规范着中国艺术审美的发展道路,影响到中国古代叙事文学风格的形成。(四)从  相似文献   
论文分为五部分,主要着眼于神话主义和原型批评的一些基本概念。前四部分分别介绍了“新神话主义”、“纯真神话”、“神话与神幻故事及英雄史诗”和“原型批评”,最后一部分“结语”阐释了神话学的意义及缺陷。  相似文献   
仡佬族神话传说生态伦理思想研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
仡佬族神话传说中蕴涵着深刻的生态伦理思想:重生意识、“天人合一”的自然观、和谐的社会道德价值观。这反映了仡佬人对自然的崇敬,对个体生命的珍视,对生命延续的渴望。  相似文献   
英雄赞歌是古希腊神话中的主旋律,其英雄观念独特而鲜明,尤其在荣誉、勇敢和爱情的理解态度上别具一格,充分体现了其强烈的个体意识和生命价值。这恰恰是古希腊神话的魅力所在,也是后人诠释西方精神实质的本源之一。  相似文献   
2013年上映的美国神话电影《波西·杰克逊与魔兽之海》改编自同名小说。从生态学的角度来看,作为一部融合了古希腊神话的现代神话电影,电影呈现了一系列关于生态自我存在以及现代机械文明的隐喻,倡导回归古代朴素自然主义对自然崇敬之情的“世界复魅”的理念。  相似文献   
在《狼厅》中,希拉里·曼特尔将神话传说和历史叙事结合在一起。这种独特的叙述风格,颠覆了宫廷令人敬畏的传统形象,深刻揭示了权力斗争背后的权威确立和自我塑造。  相似文献   
在云南这个神话王国中,由于有其特定的文化语境,一直续存着多种存在形态的神话,如活形态神话、口承神话、以及早已被用文字笔录写定的文献神话。各种存在形态之神话,其发展演进脉络仍较清晰。此外,神话的多向性发展,如从氏族神话发展为部落神话、民族乃至国家(地方政权)神话,由单一型(独立)神话发展为复合型(体系)神话,以及神话之文学化、哲学化、历史化的发展倾向,也依稀可见。通过梳理,可以透视出云南少数民族神话发展演进的历史脉络及其与文化生态系统有着内在的联系。  相似文献   
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