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在中国古代小说中,“黑幕小说”是颇有争议的小说之一。本文以求实的态度,对这一小说流变的称谓、代表作、刊行盛况、当年的论争与今天的评价诸方面进行了重新梳理,目的之一是给有志于此的研究者们提供一点较系统的资料。  相似文献   
雪漠的小说以对西北农民生存状况的深切关注而体现出它的现实意义。通过对农民的日常生活常态、人与环境的关系、离土的挣扎与无奈的回归等的叙事,在物质和精神的双重层面上展示了农民艰难活着的生存境遇和现实命运,这在当下的文学表现中无疑彰显了一种可贵的现实精神和社会责任。  相似文献   
通过对大学英语教学中文化教学的现状作分析,指出在教学中加强母语文化教学是十分必要的,而后对英语教学中加强母语文化教学的途径和需注意的原则进行探讨。  相似文献   
人类的苦忍能力(humanendurance)和终究战胜苦难的思想,是威廉福克纳(WilliamFaulkner)对人类命运的概括。在他看来,人类存在虽然已有千百万年历史,但仍然时刻在为自身的生存殚精竭虑,流血流汗,他作品中的人物都在苦忍(endure)。本文试图通过对苦忍命题具体表现形式的分析探讨该命题的意义及其影响力。  相似文献   
“有意义的”教育思想必须基于实践,对中国教育真正具有引导力的思想最终只能形成于本土境脉与本土实践之中,不能用具有浓厚西方文化色彩的价值取向、思维习惯与言说方式来套解中国的社会现实和规引中国人的教育实践。“寻找”教育思想的过程不是被动的思想服从过程,而是以“寻找者”自身的已有思想需求与思想前见为参照标准的思想选择过程和思想构建过程。教育研究者应当首先是思想者。构建真正有意义的教育思想的最宝贵的资源就在研究者自身及本土境脉与本土实践之中。  相似文献   
The present paper is divided into eight sections:introduction,the global diffusion of English,perceptions of the new varieties,the issue of intelligibility,features that cause unintelligibility,need for a broader pragmatics,and pedagogical impli- cations,and conclusion,followed by the references.Not surprisingly,the global spread of English has generated varying perspec- tives on the nature and functions of its acculturated varieties.Broadly speaking,the debate has divided scholars into two camps holding diametrically opposing views on the multiple versions of English.On the one hand,some scholars view variations as symp- toms of linguistic degeneration and deterioration;on the other hand,some scholars legitimize them as inevitable manifestations ne- cessitated by the demands of the new cultural contexts.The normative view of the former camp stems,at least partly,from the problems the new forms of English pose in terms of international intelligibility.It is in this context that the paper examines the traditional,one-sided,native speaker-centred idea of intelligibility and the recent two-sided view of intelligibility that places the onus on both the native speaker and the non-native speaker.The argument of the latter camp is based on the premise that the new varieties require a broader pragmatic framework,because universal pragmatics is inadequate to describe them satisfactorily. Thus,the camp advocates a need for a language specific pragmatics,and a comparative pragmatics,in addition to the traditional universal pragmatics.Logically,the debate on phonological,lexical,grammatical,and discourse structure variations,and their le- gitimacy has prompted English language teaching specialists to have a fresh look at the goals and objectives of teaching English in the countries of the outer and expanding circles,and accordingly prioritize the teaching of national and regional varieties over that of the so-called native varieties.Thus,the paradigms of independence and centrality of the new varieties are replacing the paradigms of their dependence and marginality.  相似文献   
外语教育中目的语文化输入与母语文化输出始终是一对矛盾,如何在这一矛盾中推进外语教学目标的实现,一直是外语界探讨的课题。笔者运用矛盾论原理,在客观分析这一矛盾形成机制的基础上,结合当前外语教育实际,提出了一些相应策略,以期引起外语教育界的关注。  相似文献   
以戴厚英的最富有代表性的五部知识分子长篇小说为研究视域,运用文本细读和典型人物心理分析的方法,从人物的心灵视角切入,分析知识分子的处境与命运及在特定处境中的心灵轨迹,综合考察作者笔下知识分子的精神历程。  相似文献   
虽然"郡望"一词对南北朝社会影响深远,但南朝与北朝对汉族大姓望族的认可态度不同,南朝与北朝冒籍现象的程度不同,南朝与北朝的人们对祖籍的态度不同。之所以会出现不同的态度,是因为南朝与北朝政权依靠的力量、迁都的影响以及文化方面存在差异,而且南朝对于墓志碑铭、谱系的管理制度相对北朝也更为健全和完善。  相似文献   
神秘主义叙事是先锋作家常用的方法,具有女性文学和先锋作家双重身份的林白也在其作品中渗入了神秘主义的因子,形成了一种与众不同的感觉和神秘主义色彩。以神秘主义叙事为切入点,通过林白小说中神秘人物、神秘事件以及叙事手法解读其小说的神秘主义特色,挖掘地域文化风俗和自身特质对其神秘主义叙事的影响,并阐释其神秘主义叙事在释放女性话语方面的作用以及林白神秘主义独特的诗化意境。  相似文献   
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