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从《世说新语》出发,分析当时人们对山水自然审美态度的转变,指出这种审美态度具有与山水平等沟通、在其中怡情乐志和体味生命哲思的特点,并讨论了由此所形成的美学理想。  相似文献   
沂蒙是一个历史人文地理概念,包括山东鲁南地区的沂沭河流域和汶泗流域。这里是中国古老文明的发祥地之一。区域内山地、丘陵、河谷平原相间的地理环境和史前温暖湿润的气候为早期人类文化的产生与发展奠定了基础。从目前这里发现的遗址所处的地理位置可以看出原始人类对自然环境的适应和利用,也可以看出原始文化的产生与环境的密切关系。  相似文献   
特质心理学作为了解和认识人性较早的一种范式,随着"大五"研究的兴起,再一次成为人格心理学的研究热点。本文对特质论已经遭受或正在遭受的批评和质疑进行了综述,对特质研究中存在的一些基本理论问题作了一定的探讨,主要包括循环论证的嫌疑、特质与行为相关性的问题、词汇假设和因素分析法适用假设的合理性问题、特质研究所达到的科学水平、特殊规律研究法和一般规律研究法的冲突和权衡以及价值中立等问题。  相似文献   
“浑沌”一词的释义各种版本多是意向性的,玩味其释义的依据常人则更无可确知。加之典籍所用文字,仅有已经多次变化之语义缘故。本文从“军”声、“屯”声人手,从字族角度对“浑沌”一词自然语义作了一番试探,得出从“军”声字有“圜围”义,“屯”字本义即“难”,“难”义废。又“屯”或作“纯”,由“纯”义引申出“聚全”义。与《集韵.混韵》所释“浑沌”,“元气未判”相吻合。  相似文献   
We propose a process of contextualization based on seven empirically derived contextualization principles, aiming to provide opportunities for Indigenous Mexican adolescents to learn science in a way that supports them in fulfilling their right to an education aligned with their own culture and values. The contextualization principles we empirically derived account for Nahua students' cultural cognition, socialization, and cultural narratives, thus supporting Indigenous students in navigating the differences between their culture and the culture and language of school while learning complex science concepts such as natural selection. The process of curricular contextualization we propose is empirically driven, taking culture and socialization into account by using multiples sources (cognitive tasks to explore teleology, ethnographic observation of students' community and classroom, and interviews with students and community members) and builds on the scholarship in Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Indigenous Education. We used these principles to redesign a middle school biology unit on natural selection to make it more culturally relevant for Nahua students. The enactment of this unit resulted in students being engaged in science learning and achieving significant learning gains. The significance of this study lies in presenting evidence that learning science in culturally relevant ways supports the learning of challenging biology concepts. We provide evidence that Western science can be learned in ways that are more aligned with Indigenous students' Traditional Indigenous Knowledge, thus informing the implementation of educational policies aiming to improve the quality of secondary education for Indigenous adolescents. Our proposed contextualization principles can benefit students of all cultural identities who feel that their religion, language, or traditional knowledge are not aligned with school science, facilitating their access to culturally relevant science education.  相似文献   
《文心雕龙》在佛教影响下形成了以心的观念为基础的主观性的诗学。它以情的观念、性/性灵的观念、气的观念、趣的观念、味的观念、智术的观念改造了原来中国诗学,突出了主体性、心理化的特征,同时把文学作为一种精神现象学的对象。而不是哲学本体论的对象。在原中国诗学的体制下完成了新变。  相似文献   
人类进化与人体美   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人体是世间最美的自然存在物,也是人类第一个审美对象,人体所以是美的,因为它深深地积淀了生物进化与化进化的丰富内涵,本将从人类生物进化与化进化两个方面揭示人体美的奥秘,同时对人体美的本质作出新的理论解释。  相似文献   
本就题材而言,殊无新意;但在处理这些题材时,却往往有异乎寻常的手法,特别是,以定理之间的产联以及每个证明的动机都着力突出。此外,还随时指出一些流行教材的不足或失误之处。  相似文献   
一个班主任能否成功,主要取决于班主任对其学生是否具有影响力,班主任的影响力,就是班主任有效地影响和改变学生的心理和行为的能力,班主任的影响力,取决于许多因素,如品德,素质,知识,能力,地位,权力等。  相似文献   
随着天然气逐步进入家庭,如何提高城市天然气的使用效率成为当今一项重要的课题。本文针对家用、分户式采暖炉系统,设计了一种基于模糊控制的调节器,可根据室温模糊调节采暖炉的天然气进气阀门,以达到控制室内温度的目的。这种具有人工智能的采暖炉温控系统,可方便家庭的使用,并能节约能源。  相似文献   
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