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The aim of the study is to discursively identify student teachers’ perceptions of the teaching profession early in their education and their motives for this career choice. Students wrote a letter sharing thoughts on why they want to become a teacher, how they regard the teaching profession and if someone inspired them in their career choice. The empirical data consists of 259 student texts from three Swedish teacher education programmes. The study employed a qualitative method denoting different categorizations compared to previous studies, emphasising the idea of multiple motives for career choice and the link to student teachers’ evolving pedagogical identity. Major differences can be distinguished among the programmes, emphasising different main motives and shifting incipient pedagogic identities. The results indicate the value of organising teacher education programmes drawing on multiple motives, which is expected to contribute positively to completion of teacher education and teacher retention in future profession.  相似文献   
研究通过对我校心理学专业四个年级学生职业期望的调查,结果:(1)低年级学生相较于毕业生对所学专业满意度更高,对自身的求职前景也比较乐观.(2)从学生对求职前景的定位上看,心理专业学生期望毕业后直接就业人数占主流.(3)对薪水、就业地区、单位稳定性和环境优越性的期望较高.  相似文献   
The leakages in secondary level education brought forward the necessity to restructure the educational system so as to address the social and individual needs and meet the requirements of Turkey; therefore, a "reformation" study became an obligation. The formal education in Turkey starts at the age of 6, when the individual is shaped within the system. Determination of the characteristics of an ideal future citizen of a country should be apprehended at all levels of education and individuals should attain these appreciated characteristics. The reformed science education programs in Turkey aim to guide the individuals to be scientifically and technologically literate. Through enabling an individual, who is in a technological media, to attain the required knowledge, skills and attitudes, the individual should have the "science and technology literacy and creative thinking" skills. Individuals should recognize the technological environment they live in as well as the dimensions and facilities of technology, and should be aware of the fact that they could make use of these opportunities. In the light of this aim, this study involves the teaching of "separating mixtures" to 9th grade students in relation with science, technology, society and environment and the examination of its possible effects on students' achievement as well as their career choices. The Chemistry Achievement Test and the Career Choice Questionnaire were administered as pre- and post-test to serve as data collection tools. The study concluded that chemistry education in relation with science, technology, society and environment would lead students to choosing different fields for their future careers by changing their perspectives towards science. A significant increase in students' chemistry achievement levels was also observed.  相似文献   
朋辈辅导具有易接受性、及时性和便利性、交叉性的特点,在大学生职业生涯规划中具有重要作用。其实施的基本路径有:心理委员和志愿者,学生社团,团体辅导,网络新媒体。  相似文献   
清季十年官吏制度发生了重大变化,其主要原因是经济和社会发展使旧的官吏制度不能适应社会需求;20世纪初国内的政治改革气氛以及诸多社会问题又为官吏制度改革提供了一个必要前提;外部环境也为改革提供了正反两方面的刺激作用;中西文化交流又为官吏制度变革提供了一个思想文化前提。  相似文献   
苏喜珍 《鸡西大学学报》2013,(10):142-145,149
《左传》这一部以鲁国历史为主的编年体的史书为我们全面地展现了春秋时代的社会面貌。而就《左传》的性质来说,它就是一本史书,具有档案的性质,就是一部后人研究先秦社会的史料,也就是春秋时期记录的档案。早期的史官与档案工作者的关系密不可分,很多史官往往兼职档案工作。那么早期史官除了记录资料之外还有哪些职能?试就《左传》所记载的史官们的职能略作探讨。  相似文献   
【目的】 探讨科技期刊微信公众平台纳入微信小程序这一元素的合理性、必要性与基本思路,为提升科技期刊传播力和移动端服务能力提供思路与建议。【方法】 综合运用场景理论分析、媒介特征分析、案例类比分析等方法进行思考和论证。【结果】 微信小程序在开辟工具服务领域、强化行为驱动的用户间交流、增强内容呈现效果、识别活跃用户等方面具有较大的潜力,可有助于拓展科技期刊微信公众平台的既有功能。科学识别场景、保证功能单一化、关注社交性应用、多界面联动等思路,对于小程序的实际开发具有指导意义。【结论】 科技期刊有必要运用场景理论,在科学分析媒介特征与传播机制的基础上,关注并尝试开发微信小程序,以进一步提升自身的移动端服务水平。  相似文献   
【目的】 总结中国地学类核心期刊运用微信公众平台的现状及特点,提出地学类核心期刊的发展需求,为提升期刊学术影响力提供参考依据。【方法】 对微信公众平台在刊载文章发布、文章阅读体验、特色消息发布方面的开发现状进行分析。【结果】 多数期刊微信公众平台能够按时将当期文章目次及摘要等基本信息快速推送给读者,为读者提供较为丰富的阅读体验,同时推出专题文章、高被引文章、与期刊专业特色相符的科技消息等富有专业特色的内容;3种期刊的微信公众平台没有发布任何内容,形同虚设。4种期刊实现了摘要式浅阅读与全文深阅读的顺利过渡;18种期刊微信公众平台的阅读体验度较低。13种期刊发布了出版计划、写作技巧、学术发展动态等专业特色消息,但多数期刊对微信公众平台只是进行简单维护,较少推送信息。【结论】 中国地学类核心期刊对于微信公众平台的应用仍处在搭建与简单应用的初级层次,在办刊模式转变、多期刊协同、平台宣传力度等方面有极大的发展空间。  相似文献   
肖传亮  丁雯 《科技管理研究》2012,32(12):137-141
知识员工职业发展相对于非知识员工而言,更具复杂性,其意义也更加重大。现实表明知识员工的大部分,其职业生涯规划需要规划专业工作者或已经成功探索者予以帮助和指导。由于需要帮助和指导的原因的多元性,加上知识员工职业生涯规划所涉及的因素较复杂,故要帮助和指导知识员工正确地进行规划和实现规划,就必须探索和选择合理的路径,并要根据员工个体情况,进行多种路径的交叉、整合运用。  相似文献   
何明洁 《软科学》2012,26(8):109-112
将横向实地调查资料和纵向流动史案例结合考量,开拓认同感研究的新途径。将新生代农民工的认同感分为自我认同、职业认同和社会认同三种类型,发现职业认同是沟通自我认同和社会认同的桥梁。若新生代农民工能尽早建立职业发展规划,顺利生成职业认同,则有助于其个体成长,完成社会成人。而目前新生代农民工普遍缺乏职业认同,使其自我认同与社会认同不能同步发展,阻碍了他们适应并融入城市的进程。  相似文献   
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