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Many medical schools practice commemorative ceremonies to honor body donors. Attitudes of medical education stakeholders toward these ceremonies have not yet been fully investigated. The aim of this study was to explore anatomy students' attitudes toward commemorations at a multicultural institution which has not introduced these ceremonies yet. A survey was carried out on different groups of anatomy students that were exposed and not yet exposed to human remains. The survey was used to record basic demographic data from the respondents, ask if they would support the establishment of an anatomy commemoration and in which format. A total of 756 anatomy students participated in the survey (response rate 69.8%). The majority (76.3%) were in favor of introducing a commemoration for donors. The associations of students' gender, attitude toward body donation, and level of exposure to human remains with attitudes toward commemoration for donors were identified (P < 0.05), whereas ethnicity and religion seemed to have no influence on attitudes (P > 0.05). Most students believed that anatomy staff and students should organize the commemoration. There was a preference for the commemoration to be secular with revealed identities of donors, and not recorded for social media. The support for the establishment of commemorations transcended cultural and religious differences and confirmed students' respectful attitude toward donors. Anatomy commemorations seem to have potential not only to engage students with one another, and donor families, but also to pave the way for students to become life-long ethical and empathetic learners and practitioners.  相似文献   
第三次收入分配是一种个人收入的转移,是在道德力量的作用下,通过个人自愿捐赠而进行的分配。第三次收入分配作为第一次分配和第二次分配的重要补充,具有社会资源重新配置以及转移支付的功能,对于实现我国收入分配的社会公平以及和谐社会构建意义重大。目前,我国已经具备了发展第三次收入分配的道德、经济、心理、制度等基础,应针对我国第三次分配存在的诸多问题,多途径地推动第三次收入分配的发展。  相似文献   
韦应物的《滁州西涧》和苏舜钦的《淮中晚泊犊头》都是山水诗中的代表作,而且二者在取景上极为相似。但由于两位诗人的生活背景和创作心态不同使得这两首诗歌给人完全不同的情感体验。试从这两首诗歌的观察视角、感官选择、意境风格以及结构安排等方面对比这两首山水诗中的经典之作。  相似文献   
howed true positive (TP) and true negative (77V) results from 80.5% (265 from 329) and 83.0% (415 from 500) of samples, respectively. The average computation time was 453 ms per image.  相似文献   
The debate surrounding the use of cadavers in teaching anatomy has focused almost exclusively on the pedagogic role of cadaver dissection in medical education. The aim of this study was to explore the wider aspects of a body bequest program for teaching and research into gross anatomy in a University setting. A retrospective audit was undertaken on body donation and the use of cadaver specimens for teaching and research at our institution between 1876 and 2009. The body bequest program, first established in 1943, now receives more than 40 donations per year. In addition to the medical course, nine other University degrees and courses currently use cadaver specimens for gross anatomy; four of these are research degrees and the remainder undergraduate degrees and courses. The use of cadaver specimens by non‐University groups has also increased, particularly during the past decade, such that there are now 16 different groups using cadaver specimens for instructional courses; most of these are professional medical courses. The use of cadavers for both research and teaching may encourage a more evidence‐based approach to clinical anatomy. This unique audit, spanning more than a century of anatomy education within a single University Medical School, highlights the utility of a robust body bequest program and the wide range of students and health professionals who interact with this precious resource. Anat Sci Educ 2:234–237, 2009 © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
中外高校社会捐赠:比较、分析及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对中外高校社会捐赠现实状况的比较,确证了国内、国外高校之间显著悬殊的差异性。在此基础上对差距产生的原因进行了从宏观社会文化到高校内部微观环境等多层面的追问与分析。由此提出:社会因素、捐赠主体、高校自身三者的相互联动才是形成中国高校社会捐赠良性发展局面的保障。同时强调改善外部社会环境和自身发展理念是中国高校未来拓展资金来源、增加社会捐赠幅度的重要保证。  相似文献   
本文通过对三白草科 saururaceae 裸蒴属 Gymnotheca Decne.  营养器官的解剖和观察,发现该属和三白草属Saururus L.、蕺草属 Houttuynia Thunb. 有明显的区别,而同胡椒科Piperaceae 的齐头绒属 Zippelia Bi.则有许多相似的特征。因此我们认为该属和齐头绒属同为三白草科和胡椒科的中间过渡类型。  相似文献   
Many anatomy programs that incorporate dissection of donated human bodies hold memorial ceremonies of gratitude towards body donors. The content of these ceremonies may include learners' reflections on mortality, respect, altruism, and personal growth told through various humanities modalities. The task of planning is usually student‐ and faculty‐led with participation from other health care students. Objective information on current memorial ceremonies for body donors in anatomy programs in the United States appears to be lacking. The number of programs in the United States that currently plan these memorial ceremonies and information on trends in programs undertaking such ceremonies remain unknown. Gross anatomy program directors throughout the United States were contacted and asked to respond to a voluntary questionnaire on memorial ceremonies held at their institution. The results (response rate 68.2%) indicated that a majority of human anatomy programs (95.5%) hold memorial ceremonies. These ceremonies are, for the most part, student‐driven and nondenominational or secular in nature. Participants heavily rely upon speech, music, poetry, and written essays, with a small inclusion of other humanities modalities, such as dance or visual art, to explore a variety of themes during these ceremonies. Anat Sci Educ 7: 219–223. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
近年由于捕捞,海水浴场及旅游业的开发,被海蜇蜇伤者日渐增多。海蜇蜇伤后毒素可以引起皮肤瘙痒、皮疹、红斑、肌肉痉挛、呼吸困难等症状,严重者可出现过敏中毒性休克、多脏器功能衰竭,甚至死亡。海蜇蜇伤后早期用海水或肥皂水冲洗蜇伤部位、口服抗过敏药。毒素吸收后很快引起过敏、中毒性休克、DIC以及多器官功能障碍者,给予大剂量激素冲击治疗(常用量的30~50倍以上)对病情的转归至关重要。  相似文献   
试论九隆神话中"沉木"的象征意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
九隆神话是我国西南地区很著名的神话之一,在神话中,有“沉木化龙”一说,其中的“沉木”这一文化象征符号透露出了树神图腾崇拜、男根崇拜、以鳄代龙巫术的象征意义。  相似文献   
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