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The present study aimed to estimate the use of positive and negative parenting practices in Ukraine and explore relationships between parenting practices, intimate partner violence (IPV), alcohol use, and sociodemographics. Parents of children (N = 320) ages 9–16 from three Ukrainian regions answered questions from the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ), the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS-R), Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES), and the Alcohol Use Section of the Drinking and Drug History and Current Use Patterns questionnaire. Ukrainian parents who reported lower use of alcohol, balanced family functioning and lower intimate partner violence were more likely to use positive parenting and less likely to use negative parenting practices. Parents with lower education were more likely to use negative parenting practices. Furthermore, alcohol use, IPV, parent education and higher family income were significantly and indirectly related with positive and negative parenting scores. The model explained 61% of variance in the positive parenting, 67% in the negative parenting.  相似文献   
采用分层随机抽样法在济南、青岛两地的7所初级中学抽取学生897人进行问卷调查,考察儿童权利意识与家庭社会经济地位和父母教养方式的相关.研究结果如下:(1)父母教养方式对儿童的权利认知和权利行为倾向均具有显著影响.(2)在农村,中等社会经济地位儿童的权利认知和权利情感得分显著高于低社会经济地位儿童.(3)家庭社会经济地位对儿童的权利认知和权利情感具有极其显著的预测作用,家庭的社会经济地位越高,儿童的权利认知和权利情感得分越高;父母教养方式对儿童的权利行为倾向具有极其显著的预测作用,权威型教养方式下的儿童具有更强的权利行为倾向.  相似文献   
由于教育学没有创造出关于教育世界的新知识,因此教育学对于教育世界本无话可说。无话可说却非要说些什么,由此教育学的陈述体系表现出各种与严肃理论不相符的话语风格。这些话语风格包括:(1)说得对却说不准,具体表现为同义反复、含混用词和用“真正的X”来分辨真伪。这种只说对的、不说准的思维方式越来越不顾及教育学理论应该承担的理论功能,更不顾及教育学应有的理论品性。(2)重解释和宣传、轻逻辑论证,具体表现为夸大其辞、自相矛盾和口号体。教育学对所提出的教育主张、原则、方式方法在说理时缺少足够的逻辑论证,教育学文本中很容易充斥过度的解释、冗余的说明和武断的规定,这使得教育学表现出话语风格缺陷。(3)把“历史事实”说成“逻辑必然”、把“应然”说成“实然”。如果教育的世界真是这样,缘何有那么多针对教育的批判,缘何有那么多的教育改革呢?这样的教育学是一种“不讲实情、只讲善意”的教育学。(4)顾左右而言他--大谈理论基础和实践成果而不是自身。这不是科学范式的成功,而是科学范式的失败。(5)习惯性地将问题倒推。教育学所提出的教育原则等规范并不彻底,只是将问题倒推一次罢了。对于教育学自身的元研究也是如此。教育学陈述体系的缺陷只是表层现象,究其根本乃是学术内容的问题。  相似文献   
刘勰在前代批评家和选家们研究文体问题之成果的基础上大大向前推进了一步:他对当时几乎全部文体进行了发展简史、基本规范、名家名篇以及理论说明等四个方面的探讨,写出了二十篇分论;然后又在《定势》等篇中对文体与风格的关系、文体的稳定性与变异性等理论问题作出了更深入的研究,至今还能给我们许多有益的启示。  相似文献   
艺术家为同样内容的线条画作品绘制多种风格的副本是一件非常费时费力的事情。鉴此,提出一种将现有样本线条风格迁移到目标图中的方法。与已有的算法相比,该方法只需一根或数根样本线条就能够进行风格的迁移,并且在风格迁移过程中用户可以通过对参数的调整灵活地控制结果线条几何与其他视觉风格的夸张程度。最后给出若干实例证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
This essay highlights and explores a point of tension between theoretical writings on style and moral frames. Past political communication scholarship points to the importance of the feminine style in today's televisual era of politics. In this same political era, the conservative strict parent moral frame has dominated most policy debates. Surprisingly, this highly successful moral frame appears squarely at odds with the feminine style so closely connected with political success. This essay attempts to unravel this tension between styles and frames by examining discourse drawn from the 2007 debate over comprehensive immigration reform. To account for the success of conservative messages within this debate, this essay both (a) calls into question the nature of the relationship between the television medium and the feminine style and (b) expands our understanding of the discursive operation of deep moral frames by drawing a distinction between intra-familial and extra-familial policy discourse.  相似文献   
Despite the documented importance of parental engagement in early learning, little is known about how parents in the Middle East and North Africa understand child development. To inform the literature, a small-scale study involving four focus groups was conducted with parents of children aged six years and under living in Casablanca. The purpose of this study was to explore parents' understanding of and support for their children's early development. Results reveal that parents see a vital role for themselves in their children's upbringing as supporters and nurturers, but little role as teachers. Across different education and income levels, parents in this small-scale qualitative study believe that children's experiences in their first years of life do not affect their longer-term intellectual development or school success and see little value in early intellectual stimulation or formal preschool education. Our results suggest that parents need to understand their role as their child's first educators. Also, it is essential that parents are taught how to promote their children's early cognitive development without undermining their nurturing roles.  相似文献   
谢灵运的《拟邺中》以建安时代邺下诗人为模拟对象,成功地模拟了曹丕记忆中“欢愉之极”的生活。但是,在拟诗中的诸子放弃了各自的理想,安于享乐生活,且忽略了曹氏父子与邺下文士之间的矛盾和摩擦,这并不完全符合史实。邺下之游是存在于曹丕脑海中的完美记忆,而谢灵运却将它扩大为一个时代一个精英群体的集体性完美记忆。  相似文献   
While long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) reduces risk of repeat-births, use remains low among rural Latinx adolescent mothers. This qualitative study identified perspectives about factors that influence LARC use among this population. Participants were dyads of parenting Latinx adolescent daughters and their mothers (n?=?9 dyads) and nurses (n?=?17). Findings revealed themes specific to this vulnerable population including (a) distinct ways LARC characteristics fit into parenting teenagers’ lives, (b) supportive health care climate toward LARCs, and (c) factors that inhibit LARC uptake. The study has implications for sexuality education that seeks to reduce repeat-births among this population.  相似文献   
陶渊明诗歌语言清新自然,极少华丽辞藻,善于以平实的语言反映生活实际,抒发真情实感。内容题材和诗作艺术完美融汇,使其诗歌呈现出“平淡自然、意境深远、语言质朴、风格多样”的特点。  相似文献   
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