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The purpose of the research study was to find out if the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) could improve the planning, performing and evaluating process within a sequence of six gymnastics lessons, and whether this would then improve the children's technique. The research consisted of a questionnaire given to the 30 children in the class at the end of the six consecutive lessons, an interview with the class teacher prior to the implementation of ICT and again afterwards, and observations. The findings showed that ICT improved the plan, perform and evaluate stages, within gymnastics, and consequently, the children's technique improved.  相似文献   
针对街舞课的特点,在查阅了有关街舞、健美操教学文献资料的基础上,采用调查研究、教学实验等方法,在师范大学公共体育五年的街舞教学实践当中解决了如何能够在有限的36学时中,既高质量地完成较多的传授知识技能的任务,又培养了学生的快速学习模仿能力、审美能力、创编训练、勇于展现自我等多方面能力的难题。该研究为高校公共体育新课改,选项课的开设提供了很好的尝试。  相似文献   
如果说当前提高行政机关执法水平的关键在于提高行政机关履行作为义务的能力,那么人民法院行政审判的重点也应关注司法权对不履行作为义务行为的审查。本文旨在行政审判实践对不履行法定职责审查认识的基础上,结合现阶段不作为理论研究之共识,提出不履行特定作为义务之行政行为的内涵、特征和构成要件,以促进行政诉讼法的完善。  相似文献   
《孙子兵法》蕴含的人本管理精神   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
胡滨 《滨州学院学报》2007,23(5):168-171
《孙子兵法》中蕴含丰富的管理思想。联系管理学理论发展的4个阶段中对《孙子兵法》的理解和运用,《孙子兵法》中的人本管理精神可以概括为"悟道施仁"与"知人善任"。  相似文献   
群体腐败是个体腐败的变种,它以集体渎职、集体浪费、集体行贿、集体截流等多种形式表现出来。现阶段,公共权力部门的决策权与其收入的反差、行政升迁动机和社会心理压力以及法不责众的社会现实是诱发群众腐败产生的主要原因。因此,为有效地遏制群体腐败,必须提供组织、制度、法制三方面的保障。  相似文献   
杜夫海纳作为现象学美学代表人物为现代美学体系的构建了一条与近代哲学美学不同的思路.他的审美经验现象学,超越了近代美学主客二分的思维方式,提出以知觉为联系主体和对象的中介,而艺术品的表演召唤欣赏者介入审美经验,欣赏者则依靠鉴赏完成对艺术品的接纳.这样一来,艺术品的命运通过审美经验和欣赏者紧紧地联系在一起.  相似文献   
以篮球竞赛规则的发展历程和结构为切入点探究篮球竞赛规则演变的规律,为完善我国篮球理论体系,提高我国篮球联赛水平提供参考。篮球竞赛规则是篮球运动的法规,决定了其区别于其他运动的基本特征,确保篮球运动健康发展,保障篮球比赛公平、公正、有序地进行。篮球规则在一百多年的演变过程中不断融合了竞技性、表演艺术性和商业性的因子。现代篮球规则演变的方向将主要是围绕着如何提高篮球运动技战术水平,提高其观赏性,推动其商业化发展这些主旋律来进行。  相似文献   
The thesis mainly discusses the character of the heroine in Charlotte Brontes famous novel "Jane Eyre". There are three major parts-introduction,analysis which is the main body of the thesis,and conclusion.Jane Eyre,the heroine,is a new woman image who requires independence equality and freedom.The thesis just analyzes Janes these rebellious characters through four peroods of her experiences.First,in her childhood,she has shown her rebellious spirit.As an orphan,Jane suffers a lot of misery.Not only her aunt treats her cruelly,her cousins despise her,but also do servants have a prejudice against her.In Janes immature heart, she is unwilling to bear ill treatment.She rebels them bravely.Second,when she studies at Lowood,her rebellious spirit is exposed furtherly.Her view doest stay in Mrs Reeds,instead turns to the whole society.She makes hypocrisy of so-called charity to be discovered completely.At the same time,she declares her independent,equal rebellious thought to her friend-Helldn who endures oppression willingly.Third,she,as a governess in Thornfield Hall falls in love with Rochester-her master.During this period,her thought grows into maturity.Thought she loves him passionately,she never loses her dignity and independence for him.When she knows his mad wife still lives,she makes up her mind to leave him.For she doesnt want to become his mistress.Fourth,her refusal of St Johns proposal of marriage depicts Janes character.She knows John does not love her at all and his purpose of marriage is only to perform his great task missionary.Jane does want to become a sacrifice.She breaks traditional morality,then she goes back to Rochester.  相似文献   
基层林业站作为林业行业最基层的执法管理机构,在森林资源保护管理中的地位十分突出。加强基层林业站建设,建立完善的基层林业站执法监督机制,促使其严格按照国家有关法律法规保护和发展森林资源,对于全面推进林业行业依法行政具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
近年来,微信由于其通讯的优点,很快被大学生接受。本文挖掘微信公众平台的教学价值,使其为《网店装修美工》课程教学提供环境支撑,构建了基于微信公众平台的翻转课堂教学模型,设计了教学过程,提出了翻转课堂有效实施的条件。  相似文献   
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