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In der Entscheidung Morgan und Bucher hat der Europäische Gerichtshof zwei Regelungen des deutschen Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetzes zur Ausbildungsförderung für Auslandsstudien als gegen die Freizügigkeit der Unionsbürger nach Art 18 EGV verstoßend und somit gemeinschaftsrechtswidrig angesehen. Das Urteil unterstreicht die Bedeutung, die der Gerichtshof der Freizügigkeit und der Gleichbehandlung von Unionsbürgern im Bildungsbereich zuerkennt. Dies wird von Österreich auch bei Klärung der Hochschulzugangsproblematik zu berücksichtigen sein. Das durch eine Novelle zum österreichischen Studienförderungsgesetz eingeführte Mobilitätsstipendium ist entsprechend den vom Europäischen Gerichtshof in Morgan und Bucher entwickelten Grundsätzen am Gemeinschaftsrecht zu messen.  相似文献   
对数学本质的认识要从实际数学活动过程和数学的持续有效性出发,除了拉卡托斯的启发式过程,对“前启发式过程”以及从应用中发现、创造数学的过程的研究是结合实际数学活动过程认识数学本质的重心.具体的技术分析不仅要基于数学史,更要全面地考察数学的“横断面”.数学的持续有效性也是揭示数学本质的源泉之一.  相似文献   
This article sets out to examine the effectiveness of five different post-16 study pathways and the impact that spending time away from education has on gaining employment associated with an undergraduate degree. It also explores advice and guidance for students looking at post-16 study options, higher education and employment. An initial online survey was used, followed by case studies to form a mixed-method approach. The findings suggest that a vocational pathway better prepares students for making decisions around employment and study in comparison to the more traditional A Level pathway. They also highlight that a period of one to four years after finishing post-16 study and starting undergraduate degree study is the most effective for students to gain employment associated with their undergraduate degree. Finally, it was found that most participants did not have positive experiences with advice and guidance regardless of their pathway.  相似文献   
我党提出要深入研究和探讨马克思的价值理论,是强调谱写新的理论篇章,是强调要用发展着的马克思主义指导当前的改革开放;十六大报告强调尊重劳动、知识、人才和创造,旨在调动一切积极因素,绝不是对劳动创造价值这一根本观点的否定;社会财富的源泉不等于就是价值的源泉,在价值源泉问题上劳动具有排他性,但在价值形成和价值分配问题上则不然;马克思《资本论》的学术价值以及它对全世界工人阶级解放事业的伟大作用,不容贬低和诋毁;地球上所有的财富和一切商品的价值,从古至今只能靠劳动来创造,非劳动主体创造使用价值和非一般人类劳动成为价值源泉的说教,纯属天方夜谭。  相似文献   
高等教育与行业脱节严重阻碍着国家战略发展规划。随着工程教育改革的推进,作为对人才培养起承上启下关键作用的单片机课程建设亟待革新。本文以MSP430系列单片机为切入点,对基于16位单片机的应用实践课程进行研究探讨,坚持以人为本,以学生为教学主体的原则,有针对性地组织教学内容、革新教学方式方法和教学考核等几大主要环节进行探索,调动学生的主观能动性,使学生真正成为学习的主体,通过分析教学效果,发现此次课程教改起到了一定的积极促进作用。  相似文献   
Aspects of post‐16 education, particularly with reference to vocational education and training, have acquired a degree of common presentation in the policy making of many national and international organizations in recent years. This paper compares similarities and differences in the rhetoric and reality of policy implementation in Brazil and the UK in post‐16 education, particularly Technical and Vocational Education and Training. It finds an increasing alignment between these two very different countries at the levels of both discourse and practice. It argues that this reflects the dominance of international and regional agencies on whom both countries draw in developing policy, and the subsequent dissemination of those agencies' particular assumptions about the relationship between education, skills and economic performance.  相似文献   
"三个代表"重要思想以高度浓缩的形式体现着唯物主义历史观和科学社会主义的基本原理,蕴含着马克思主义关于共产主义社会经济、政治和文化基本特征的规定,包含着毛泽东、邓小平的一系列重要思想,因而是马克思主义本质的体现,与马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论一脉相承。同时,"三个代表"重要思想又是对新的历史条件、新的历史任务和党的建设面临的新问题的新概括,它本身就是一个理论整体,体现了卓越的理论创造性,并以一系列新思想、新观点和新论断发展了马克思主义。"三个代表"重要思想本身就是发展着的马克思主义,是党在新世纪的新的理论武装。  相似文献   
江泽民同志关于“马克思主义具有与时俱进的理论品质”这一崭新的哲学命题,是对马克思主义基本特征的科学概括。坚持解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进是党的十六大报告的精髓。我们学习贯彻十六大精神,必须紧紧把握这一精髓。  相似文献   
全面建设小康社会是跨入新世纪后全国各族人民的奋斗目标。全面建设小康社会的内涵可以从时间、空间和质量三个层面上来界定。其建设重点应该体现在农村、农民工作中,体现在西部大开发的战略中,体现在扶贫开发、城镇化建设和可持续发展的过程中。为此,须明确今后主要工作的思路。  相似文献   
This study examines the organizational characteristics of 51 higher education institutions in relationship to student performance and growth. The study first finds that organizational measures of mission, size, wealth, complexity, and selectivity are statistically represented by the 2-year versus 4-year college mission. Findings indicate that 2-year and 4-year campuses indeed do exert significantly different influences on undergraduate GPA and self-reported intellectual growth. Next, the study uses both OLS regression and HLM to examine these influences. High school percentile rank and college classroom experiences are better predictors of Cum GPA at 4-year institutions, while student effort is a better predictor of GPA at 2-year institutions. Whereas the most important predictors of Cum GPA include precollege measures such as high school percentile rank and SAT score, the most influential predictors of student intellectual growth are campus experiences including classroom vitality, peer support, student effort, commitment, and involvement. Controlling for all other variables, students at 2-year institutions receive higher grades, and students at 4-year campuses experience more growth.  相似文献   
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