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通过对通货膨胀涵义、种类的阐述,以及对我国城镇居民可支配收入的分析,从通货膨胀使得已经不平衡的收入分配结构更加不平衡、恩格尔系数提高、投资和消费带来的巨大的不确定性三方面论述了通货膨胀对我国城镇居民生活的影响。  相似文献   
从修正标准货币效用模型(MIU)入手,从理论上说明,通胀对中等收入国家家庭福利会造成严重影响,进而提出理论假设:通胀所造成的家庭福利损失将严重影响中等收入国家宏观经济的发展,进而推动相关国家陷入"中等收入陷阱"。而后,又通过FGLS、差分GMM以及系统GMM方法对陷入"中等收入陷阱"的典型国家自进入中等收入以来的面板数据进行回归分析。分析结果表明:在控制了基础设施、债务水平、技术创新以及储蓄率的前提下,通胀对上述国家人均GDP增长率有显著的负向影响。因此,应该加强对通胀的调控,以确保我国顺利进入到高收入国家的行列。  相似文献   
新媒体时代,特定社会群体在社交媒体上塑造"人设"以获取关注度。"人设"由网红的设计、媒体的营销与受众的评价三部分组成。从语言学角度来看,"人设"作为一种稳固化、模式化建构的语用身份,成为明星、网红以及公众人物等在特定交际场合塑造特定身份的一种营销手段,其建构过程由人设主体的多模态隐喻建构、媒体语境的身份"品牌"产业化建构与受众主体的多元解读三个部分组成。而作为一种语用资源的"人设"的崩塌,除了表现出交际过程中语用身份建构的失败与语用不平衡,还展现了大数据时代一场以"流量"为核心的狂欢。  相似文献   
治理通货膨胀、保持物价水平稳定是中国货币政策的主要目标之一,而目前影响中国物价水平的原因十分复杂。研究表明,通胀预期因素、供给因素和货币供应量是中国通货膨胀的主要决定因素。资产价格和外部因素虽然在统计上不显著,但是房价和外汇储备的连续增长使得通胀水平有了上升的动力。为了防止通货膨胀水平的上升,政府应采取以下政策:PPI可以作为CPI的先行经济指标;利用政策积极引导通胀预期;积极推动人民币国际化改革;规范房地产供给制度,坚持制定并实施房地产调控政策。  相似文献   
流动性过剩是当前宏观经济出现通涨问题的主要原因之一,但这种过剩并非是总量的绝对过剩,而是结构性的相对过剩。目前我国经济发展较快,但不存在过热的问题。因而当前的宏观调控不能采用以往“熨平式”的全面紧缩策略,应当针对不同的市场性质,采取有松有紧,有疏有堵,以疏导为主的结构性调整策略,化害为利,将流动性过剩转化为解决当前诸多结构性问题的一种经济资源和比较优势。  相似文献   
盛莉 《教育学报》2006,2(3):55-58
“人格面具”是荣格心理学概念之一,它揭示了人们的表现行为和真实自我之间的不一致性,认为要全面发展人格的多个方面,防止面具人格的单一发展。“人格面具”进入社会关系并为某种从众的社会心理所推波助澜,引发了“虚假认同”道德问题。因而,道德教育作为一种对人的德性的培养必须要研究“人格面具”现象的心理学生发机制,增强受教育者的抗诱惑能力,及时发现和补救“虚假认同”的行为。  相似文献   
近几年来,我国出现的通货膨胀,已冲击着水运行业传统的固定资产补偿制度与直线折旧法,使得水运行业的简单再生产也难以维持。为了保证固定资产在价值形态上的完整性,避免固定资产被通货膨胀所吞噬,因此,必须改革原有的固定资产补偿制度,并研究实施定率减值折旧法和资产恢复现值折旧法的可能性。  相似文献   
This paper examines the experience of 25 large U.S. orchestras over a 21-year period for the presence or absence of the cost disease. Appropriate measures of input and output are discussed. Measures of productivity, compensation per worker, and unit labor costs are calculated and compared to similar measures for the manufacturing sector. The history of ticket prices and attendance is reviewed, and price and income elasticities of demand are estimated. The relationship between all these variables is explored, and some policy recommendations are offered.The author is grateful to Professor William Baumol and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments. She also wishes to thank Heather Dinwiddie and Dan Patterson of the American Symphony Orchestra League for making the orchestra data available. Support for this project was provided by a grant-in-aid of research from Indiana University Southeast.  相似文献   
中国加入 WTO使就业面临机遇和挑战。劳动力总供给远大于总需求是造成大面积失业的真正原因。适度的通货膨胀政策有利于增加就业机会 ,西部大开发战略将会给就业带来新的机遇 ,中国就业问题的解决还必须深化面向市场经济的社会保障体制和劳动就业等一系列政策的改革  相似文献   
Scientific production is steadily growing, exhibiting 4% annual growth in publications and 1.8% annual growth in the number of references per publication, together producing a 12-year doubling period in the total supply of references, i.e. links in the science citation network. This growth has far-reaching implications for how academic knowledge is connected, accessed and evaluated. Against this background, we analyzed a citation network comprised of 837 million references produced by 32.6 million publications over the period 1965–2012, allowing for a detailed analysis of the ‘attention economy’ in science. Our results show how growth relates to ‘citation inflation’, increased connectivity in the citation network resulting from decreased levels of uncitedness, and a narrowing range of attention – as both very classic and very recent literature are being cited increasingly less. The decreasing attention to recent literature published within the last 6 years suggests that science has become stifled by a publication deluge destabilizing the balance between production and consumption. To better understand these patterns together, we developed a generative model of the citation network, featuring exponential growth, the redirection of scientific attention via publications’ reference lists, and the crowding out of old literature by the new. We validate our model against several empirical benchmarks, and then use perturbation analysis to measure the impact of shifts in citing behavior on the synthetic system's properties, thereby providing insights into the functionality of the science citation network as an infrastructure supporting the memory of science.  相似文献   
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