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伦理思想研究中常从“品质”维度来诠释德性的价值,朱熹德性之学超越传统德性“品质”论,把德性价值指向为“和谐”。在德性生发上,朱熹认为“德性者,吾所受于天之正理”,德性表征为预定的“和谐”性;在德性内容上,朱熹以“生意”释“仁”德,德性内容具有和谐本质;在德性成就上,朱毒认为通过“理-分殊”和“格物穷理”可以达致“私欲净尽,天理流行”的和谐境界;在德性的践行上,朱毒以“明德者,…以具众理而应万事者也”和“仁者以天地万物为一体”说,指出“仁”德施及万物才能“万物并育而不相害”,和谐秩序才能建立,凸显了德性实践品性的和谐指向。  相似文献   

This article reports on issues of diversity in the context of widening participation in global higher education (HE). Mature students represent a third of the HE student population in Australia, Canada, UK and the USA. More research is needed to understand factors that can facilitate or hinder access to HE for this group. The aim of this study was to examine factors that a small group of mature students perceived influenced them as they made the decision to take up HE. Six undergraduate students at a British university who were on track to finish their studies took part in semi-structured interviews. All participants were white and from families with no previous experience of HE. Mean age was 42.7 years (range 35–51), and 50% were female. The interviews were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Through using phenomenological analysis to analyse perceptions of changing motivation and goals during the decision-making process to take up HE, a detailed understanding of the complexity of these change processes was obtained. The analysis offers evidence that mature students experience far-reaching personal and social changes related to their decision to enter HE and adds a novel understanding of these identity-changes. This new insight is of fundamental importance to the field because the novel understanding of mature students’ meaning-making could be used to tailor interventions to facilitate access to HE for mature students.  相似文献   
鲁迅小说中人名及称呼的文化透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国传统文化影响下的人名称呼中蕴藏着丰富的文化内涵,有着独特的审美价值。鲁迅对人名有着深切的人生体验,在他的笔名选择及对小说中人物的姓名选定上,体现了他的反封建思想;在对人们交往过程中称呼的描写上,也发掘了其中隐含的尊卑等级观念。  相似文献   
Robert Regnier 《Interchange》1995,26(4):383-415
The sacred circle offers a perspective for interpreting and theorizing about human development valuable in shaping the education of First Nations and non-First Nations students. For those of us in a western materialist culture who are interested in coming to understand what the sacred circle might offer, it is necessary to address assumptions in our own culture. This paper proceeds in four parts to facilitate such an understanding. Part One formulates the importance of a culturally self-critical approach to understanding education based in the sacred circle. Part Two presents the sacred circle as a pattern used to interpret meaning in First Nations education. Part Three examinesinterconnectedness through (a) whitehead's criticism of western scientific epistemology and his idea of education for balanced development, and (b) through the creator, mother earth and the Four Directions reflected in the sacred circle. Part Four interprets aholistic apprehension approach to education based in (a) Whitehead's notion's of intuition and imagination for balanced development from the sacred circle perspective, and (b) through the sacred circle in the vision quest ceremony.  相似文献   
在商品经济和市场机制日益发达的当今社会,公民个人信息成为一种可商品化的事物,非法买卖个人信息已成为一个新生行业.不法分子以此牟利生财,致使公民个人信息遭到严重侵害,影响了社会的安定.因此,界定公民个人信息、分析信息时代公民所面临的个人信息危机、厘清个人信息被侵害的原因,并在此基础上提出政府在公民个人信息保护方面担负的具体责任,有利于企业行业、公民、政府协同起来共同有效遏制公民个人信息的被侵害.  相似文献   
钱耕森先生创立的"和生学"是对中国传统"和生"论哲学思想的继承和发展.史伯提出的"和实生物"揭示了为中国传统哲学所广泛认同的、天地万物生成发展的根本机制和原理:和生.以多样性的辩证统一、动态平衡和相反相成为基本要义的"和生"机制和原理,既是自然的本质和规律,其实现也是古往今来人类共同的追求.对《中庸》之"中和"、《老子》之"冲和"、《易传》之"太和"3个经典文本中传统"和生"论的诠释,或许可以有益于对钱先生"和生学"的理解.  相似文献   
《呼啸山庄》是文学史上一部不朽的经典之作,本文作者通过分析小说中的“哥特式”特征,重新解读《呼啸山庄》这部小说,揭示出作家深远的寓意:对人与人之间和谐相处的强烈渴望.《呼啸山庄》中,矛盾尖锐对立,纷繁复杂,哥特式特征则强化了对这一问题思考的必要性.  相似文献   
对元极学理论中有关概念与计算机科学的相应概念作了类比,如性对应软件,命对应硬件,皇极运化对应递归算法,和的理论对应操作系统的管理职能等,揭示元极学与计算机科学有许多相通之处,特别是计算机建立的基础—二进制与太极层次之内在关联;可以通过开发人的潜能来促进科学技术的突破—发明创造。  相似文献   
丁恒 《科教文汇》2013,(30):159-159,161
在传统的教学关系中,师为上,生为下,教师处于教学关系中的主导地位,而学生往往处于被动服从的地位。随着民主意识的不断增强,学生越来越多地对教师的权威地位展开挑战,师生关系在一定情况下处于对立地位。在这种情况下,构建和谐的课堂关系,更有利于学生与教师的共同发展。笔者作为初中化学教师,在构建和谐化学课堂方面进行了一点尝试。  相似文献   
家庭是社会的重要组成部分,和谐社会的构建,离不开家庭这个社会的基本单位。因此,如何走中国特色的和谐婚姻家庭建设道路便成了现阶段值得我们认真探讨的重要问题之一。从构建和谐婚姻家庭的角度研究可知,离婚率的攀升、教育子女的方式不当、街坊邻里关系疏远及有缺陷的生活方式等都是影响婚姻家庭和谐的因素;促进经济发展、保护妇女儿童的合法权益、减少和预防家庭暴力、促进家庭邻里关系的和谐及加强对未成年人的教育等都是中国特色的和谐婚姻家庭的建设道路。  相似文献   
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