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艾略特以"非个性化"理论为中心的象征主义诗学有其特定的历史背景和原因,这些背景包括他个人的宗教家庭出身和后天所受的哲学教育,当时的社会文化思潮以及英美诗歌传统的影响等。考察这种影响和原因将有助于我们对艾略特的诗学理论作更全面、准确的理解和把握。  相似文献   
语言学派对翻译理论作出的重大贡献是提出了著名的对等理论。文化学派从社会文化的背景之下研究翻译理论,翻译研究出现了文化转向。从对等理论到文化转向,翻译理论已经取得了很大发展。文章考察了翻译研究中这一过程如何发生,讨论了三种主要的文化因素——意识形态、赞助人和诗学观是如何对文学翻译产生操控作用的。  相似文献   
从周作人早期文学创作与汪曾祺的文学创作出发,勾勒并比较周、汪对知识分子身份的认同,及其在诗意消解中文学创作的意义。“五四”新文化运动代表之一的周作人,在上世纪二十年代末却主张“闭户读书”,撤出启蒙“广场”回归“民间岗位”,从事翻译和小品文写作。汪曾祺则被誉为“中国最后一个士大夫”,其世俗化的乡土小说洋溢着浓郁的人文气息,被称为不合时宜的“亮色”、知识分子桃花源、从大俗到大雅。在时代“共名”面前,他们的创作呈现主体退却的姿态,周作人、汪曾祺即使选择归隐,但其作品也始终脱离不了对“人”的关怀,这种超越历史、超越现实的关怀也是许多当代知识分子向往和追寻的精神高地。  相似文献   
作风问题一直以来是中国共产党廉政建设的关注重点,新的形势下,作风问题集中体现在“四风”问题上,而这些作风问题在高校中也不同程度地存在着。通过随机抽样方法调查福建省某高校党员干部的“四风”问题,总结归纳其主要表现,从理想信念、相关制度、监督力度、社会观念等四个方面分析高校“四风”问题产生的原因,并在此基础上提出加强高校党员干部的约束力度、推进高校办公事务公开化和民主化、健全高校党员干部监督体制、延伸监督范围等具有针对性的可行对策。  相似文献   
Based on a qualitative study involving 124 professional and managerial class families in Catalonia (Spain), this paper describes the aims and objectives these families have for the education of their children. During the fieldwork, when asked what they were aiming for in the education of their children, almost all of the parents replied ‘for them to be happy’. But what kind of happiness are they talking about? What kind of education might lead to happiness? Drawing principally on the work of Kellerhals and Montandon and their ‘contractual model of education’ and Bauman’s concepts of ‘secondary security’ and ‘homo eligens’, although also taking into account the related contributions of Lareau, Vincent and Ball, Stefansen and Aarseth, and Kusserow, the paper aims to demonstrate the strong connection these families make between happiness and ‘absolute’ autonomy, understood as two sides of the same coin and seen, by the participants, as the guiding principle that should shape the way they bring their children up.  相似文献   
《孔雀东南飞》的悲剧性可以在亚里士多德的《诗学》中得到同质性因素对等适应的阐释,我们可以提取亚里士多德在《诗学》中讨论的性格、情节与悲剧的作用这些具有真理普适性的理论来看待《孔雀东南飞》的悲剧审美内涵。  相似文献   
Computational thinking (CT) is vital for success in numerous domains. However, the nature, definition, and scope of CT are ill-defined, and research on how best to develop CT is very limited. This study focused on how thinking styles and STEM attitudes have effects on computational thinking. Using a proportionate stratified random sampling procedure, 1195 students from two universities were surveyed. A structural equation modeling analysis showed that students' thinking styles and STEM attitudes directly predicted their computational thinking skills and that thinking styles mediated the relationship between STEM attitudes and computational thinking skills. Thinking styles and STEM attitudes are strong predictors of CT skills. Based on the results, we recommended that the conceptualization of CT be broadened to reflect its trans-disciplinary nature within the context of STEM education. This study adds to the limited theoretical understanding of CT and CT-predictors in higher education, which has been studied much less than in K-12 education.  相似文献   
20世纪80年代初,张洁发表的小说《爱,是不能忘记的》,曾引起很大争议,对立双方主要从婚姻道德角度进行褒贬。1990年代,此小说又被评论界从女权主义角度重新阐释。到了21世纪,人们又开始呼唤其中所表达的理想爱情。该文通过对其过往研究的总结分析,认为它既不限于道德探讨,也不单纯是女性意识的觉醒,而是人类情感困境的诗意表达,具有生命本体论的意义。  相似文献   
生态批评是当今世界上一个历久弥新的话题,它就是要历史的揭示文化是如何影响地球生态的,而彝族诗人吉狄马加的《我,雪豹……——献给乔治.夏勒》就深刻的体现了他浓厚的生态意识,具有超越时代的历史意义。文章试图从生态批评的角度来解读这首诗歌,让诗人强烈的世界意识和生态伦理意识直观的呈现在读者面前,同时也让诗中对生态意识的思考和生态理想得到进一步升华。  相似文献   
Sport pedagogy researchers have contributed much to the literature on physical education teaching by describing the participation styles of children, youth and young adults in various settings. The purpose of this study was to describe the participation styles of children enrolled in two consecutive week-long summer adventure camps. Primary participants were 31 elementary and middle school students. Secondary participants were the two adventure educators (AEs) responsible for carrying out all the instruction at the camps. Data were collected using a variety of qualitative techniques and analysed using standard interpretive methods. Nine participation styles were identified indicating that the children in the camps had differing experiences of adventure education and varying degrees of success. Some of the participation styles had similar characteristics to those discovered previously in middle school physical education. Despite these similarities and unlike the middle school setting, there was no indication that a hierarchy of participation styles existed and, consequently, there was no sign of any bullying. Reasons for this difference may well have been the heavy focus on affective objectives within adventure education, much lower student–teacher ratios, higher levels of supervision and management, and greater instructional intent and skill.  相似文献   
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