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朱光潜诗学思想在其学术生涯早期的20世纪20年代至40年代即已形成并臻于成熟。“陶渊明”作为其诗学的原点,既是其诗学历程的出发点,也是其诗学精神的归宿,赋予了朱光潜动人的生命诗学色彩。  相似文献   
在宋初诗坛上,晁迥可谓"一身兼三派":诗拟"白体",名列"西昆",而实开"理学体"门户。其"拟白"诗主要表现为形式上对白体的模拟,这种模拟甚至到了句句求似的地步。56诗中拟乐天诗11首,拟乐天诗句8句。  相似文献   
埃米莉的诗歌在意境的营造上多是依从自我的性格,表现出一种忧郁而淡远,或沉郁又狂暴的风格。其类型主要有触情生情、缘情写景、寓情于景和有情无景等,其中无不饱含着她对不幸生活的体验和人生的思考,浸润着她的人生追求和审美情趣。  相似文献   
人生艺术化是生存的审美命题,是诗意的审美人生。它抛弃了主客二分的思维方式,摆脱了非理性的宗教意识,因而在审美的状态中获得了人生的本真意义及自我的超越。人生艺术化的生存方式体现了生存主体的自我澄明,其以主体间性为哲学基础,通向人与自然、世界相统一的天地境界。  相似文献   
BackgroundSince the outbreak of the conflict in Syria, many people, including children and adolescents, have fled their homes into neighboring countries. Little research exists on the psychosocial adjustment of refugee children and adolescents resettled in Lebanon and Jordan.ObjectiveThis study investigated the prevalence and predictors of PTSD and emotion dysregulation in Syrian refugee children and adolescents who resettled in Lebanon and Jordan. It was hypothesized that a combination of pre-trauma variables (age and gender), trauma-specific variables (traumatic events and time spent in host country, and host country), and post-trauma variables (coping strategies, family relationships, and school environment) would be associated with PTSD and emotion dysregulation.Participants and SettingParticipants were 1000 Syrian refugee children and adolescents aged 7–18 years attending formal and non-formal schools representing various governorates in Lebanon and Jordan.MethodsThe trauma exposure scale, DSM-IV criteria for the assessment of PTSD, the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale Short Form, Kidcope, Family relationship scales, and school environment scale were administered in an interview format with children and adolescents at school by two trained psychologists. Multivariate binary logistic regression was used to predict PTSD whereas hierarchical multiple regression was used to predict emotion dysregulation.ResultsResults indicated that 45.6% of the refugees have developed PTSD with excessive risk for comorbidity with emotion dysregulation. Emotion dysregulation was reported by older refugee children and adolescents. The prevalence of PTSD was higher in refugee children and adolescents who had resettled in Lebanon than for those who had resettled in Jordan. Refugee children and adolescents who were exposed to higher levels of war atrocities evidenced the greatest prevalence of PTSD and emotion dysregulation. PTSD symptomatology and emotion dysregulation in children and adolescents varied according to coping styles, family relationships, and school environment. Both decreased significantly with the passage of time spent in host country.ConclusionsThe results may be used to formulate cognitive–behavioral coping interventions that can lead to optimal developmental outcomes in the posttrauma environment.  相似文献   
毕飞宇的小说创作经历了一个叙事维度的变迁,从最初热衷于历史语义的追问到关注当下生活,再到突破生活层面,探究个人心灵世界。这一轨迹显示出作者朝向人本的回归,同时也反映了一个作家价值观以及美学趣味的波折和律动。  相似文献   
象征是黄咏梅小说修辞的整体构思方式。黄咏梅的小说在现实层面上表现了对现实社会的关怀;在超现实层面上,传达了对人生、对命运的悲悯情怀。这种悲悯,是从小说中所有的情节叙述、环境描写以及人物刻画中升华出来的,高度意象化的思维方式,成就了黄咏梅小说修辞特有的诗意象征。  相似文献   
《文苑英华》选诗以教化为目的,其选录的庾信诗歌明显的特点是以唱和形式为主,艳诗入选,而咏怀类不录。这种选诗后面透露出北宋初期倡导"颂"主题、"忠"观念以及追求恬然安逸心态的诗教意识,从不同角度渲染出北宋王朝的太平气象,体现出宋初诗教对诗"美刺"功能中"美"的注重。  相似文献   
李艳 《鸡西大学学报》2011,11(9):141-142
庞培作为一名诗人,在他转向散文写作时仍然保持着诗人的身份。他将诗歌中的思想精神、结构形式带入到散文创作中,为散文注入了新的活力。他的散文宁静、悠远、沉郁,不论内容还是形式都具有一种天然的诗性。  相似文献   
欧阳修的雅词中描写了一些贵族女性形象,她们端庄凝重、不怒不怨,和其它词中的女性形象有着迥然的区别。欧阳修描绘此类女性如此成功的原因与欧阳修高雅的审美追求、名家影响、中国文人传统"男子作闺音"的心态以及词的诗化、雅化的过程有着密切的关系。  相似文献   
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