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C++语言的函数多态性在程序设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试从C++语言的函数静态多态性和动态多态性两方面,探讨多态性在C++程序设计中的运用。  相似文献   
4种栽培大麦染色体组型和C-带带型的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对栽培大麦4个品种的染色体组型和C-分带带型进行了分析和研究,结果表明:不同大麦品种的染色体C带的分布在数目和强弱存在明显差异,不同大麦品种同一序号的染色体表现不同程度的C-带带型的多态性.  相似文献   
蜜蜂(Apis)线粒体DNA(mtDNA)研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述蜜蜂线粒体DNA(mtDNA)的结构及其多态性在进化、分类、群体遗传结构和非洲化蜜蜂研究上的应用,蜜蜂mtDNA是一个裸露的闭合双链环状分子,长度在16,300-17,000bp之间,其中AT含量约占85%,线粒体基因组含有13个编码蛋白质的基因,22个tRNA左因,2个编码rRNA亚基基因和两个非编码区域,部分基因有重叠现象,根据mtRNA限制位点的多态性,可推断出四个蜜蜂的系统分化图为:Florea(dorsata (cerena,mellifera);而西方蜜蜂在进行过程中形成三大分支:西欧型(M)、东欧型(C)、非洲型(A)、mtDNA多态性也是研究蜜蜂群体遗传结构和非洲化形成、扩散机制的有力工具。  相似文献   
随着人类基因组计划的完成,后基因组计划的全面展开,以基因工程为主导的生物技术在体育运动问题领域的应用得到广泛关注.目前,人们普遍认为ACE(血管紧张素转化酶)水平和心血管的形态、功能密切相关.ACE基因的多态性是人耐力素质优劣的决定性因素之一,其作为一个有价值的遗传标志,有望成为科学选材的理想指标.  相似文献   
BackgroundTransmembrane protein 95 (TMEM95) plays a role in male fertility. Previous studies showed that genes with a significant impact on reproductive traits can also affect the growth traits of livestock. Thus, we speculated that the genetic variation of TMEM95 gene may have effects on growth traits of cattle.ResultsTwo SNPs were genotyped. The rs136174626 and rs41904693 were in the intron 4 and 3′-untranslated region, respectively. The linkage disequilibrium analysis illustrated that these two loci were not linked. The rs136174626 was associated with six growth traits of Nanyang cattle, four traits of Luxi cattle, and three traits of Ji’an cattle. For rs41904693 locus, the GG individuals had greater body height and abdominal girth in Ji’ an cattle than TT and TG individuals. In Jinnan cattle, GG and TT individuals had greater body height, height at hip cross, body length, and heart girth than TG individuals. The potential splice site prediction results suggest that the rs136174626 may influence the splicing efficiency of TMEM95, and the miRNA binding site prediction results showed that the rs41904693 may influence the expression of TMEM95 by affecting the binding efficiency of Bta-miR-1584 and TMEM95 3′-UTR.ConclusionsThe findings of the study suggested that the two SNPs in TMEM95 could be a reliable basis for molecular breeding in cattle.How to cite: Guo X, Zhang S, Yang H, et al. Bovine TMEM95 gene: Polymorphisms detecting in five Chinese indigenous cattle breeds and their association with growth traits. Electron J Biotechnol 2021;51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejbt.2021.03.004  相似文献   
This paper presents a quick, easy to implement and versatile way of using stochastic simulations to investigate the power and design of using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays for genome-wide association studies in farm animals. It illustrates the methodology by discussing a small example where 6 experimental designs are considered to analyse the same resource consisting of 6006 animals with pedigree and phenotypic records: (1) genotyping the 30 most widely used sires in the population and all of their progeny (515 animals in total), (2) genotyping the 100 most widely used sires in the population and all of their progeny (1102 animals in total), genotyping respectively (3) 515 and (4) 1102 animals selected randomly or genotyping respectively (5) 515 and (6) 1102 animals from the tails of the phenotypic distribution. Given the resource at hand, designs where the extreme animals are genotyped perform the best, followed by designs selecting animals at random. Designs where sires and their progeny are genotyped perform the worst, as even genotyping the 100 most widely used sires and their progeny is not as powerful of genotyping 515 extreme animals.  相似文献   
目的:调查D16S539、D7S820及D13S317三个STR基因座在张家口地区汉族人群的等位基因分布,获得相关群体遗传学参数.方法:用SilverⅢ Multipiex试剂盒复合扩增,聚丙烯凝胶电泳分型,银染显带.结果:108例汉族群体在3个基因座上均各检出7个等位基因,多态性分别为0.7314、0.7371、0.7635;个人识别率依次为0.8912、0.8948、0.9223,累计0.9986.结论:3个STR基因座在本地有较高的遗传多态性,在法医学及人类遗传学方面有较好的应用价值.  相似文献   
目的:探讨ACE基因I/D多态性与HiHiLo训练敏感性的关联性。方法:选取71名中国北方平原地区汉族男子进行4周高住高练低训(HiHiLo),方案为每日在低氧环境(O2浓度为14.5%~14.8%,大约相当于海拔3000m)中休息10h,每周进行3次75%.VO2max低氧训练(O2浓度为15.4%,大约相当于海拔2500 m),其余时间在常氧下训练;测试其HiHiLo前后的.VO2max及训练期间的血象指标;PCR分析受试者的ACE基因I/D多态性。结果:训练前各组基础值经方差检验无显著性差异;训练后,.VO2max、.VO2max/W、RBC、HB和HCT在整体及Ⅲ、D组都极显著性提高(P0.01),但GG组除HCT显著提高外(P0.05),其他各指标虽有上升,但都没有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:HiHiLo能够提高有氧能力;携带ACE基因II和ID型的人有对低氧训练更敏感的趋势。  相似文献   
目的:回顾目前在理解运动员能力遗传决定论方面的进展,并描述一些新的、重要的、可能成为精英运动员的差异标记的基础的DNA多态性。方法:通过文献综述和归纳分析法对过去几十年运动基因组学的研究进展作了简单的回顾。结果:运用全基因组关联研究(GWAS),在过去几年确定了41种标志物,这表明GWASs是一种有前景、富有成效的研究运动相关表型的方法。结论:未来的研究,包括多中心GWAS和大群运动员的全基因组测序的验证和复制研究,将有助于发现大量能部分解释运动能力和相关表型的遗传力的遗传变异(突变和DNA多态性)。  相似文献   
目的:通过HEPC基因SNP/A2032G多态性与有氧耐力训练后左心室功能指标训练敏感性的关联性分析,从HEPC基因中筛选预测有氧耐力训练效果的分子标记,为制定个性化有氧耐力训练方案提供科学依据。方法:对102名中国北方平原地区健康男子进行为期18周的有氧耐力训练,使用超声心动仪测定其训练前后安静状态和递增负荷运动下的左心室功能指标,应用PCR-RFLP技术解析受试者SNP/A2032G多态性。采用association studies with training response phenotypes方法分析SNP/A2032G多态性与训练前后左心室功能指标的关联性。结果:经18周有氧耐力训练后,AG型150W/SV、150W/SVI和150W/EF的训练敏感性最高。其中,AG型群体的150W/SV、150W/SVI增加量显著高于GG型,且存在高于AA型的趋势;AG型群体的150W/EF增加量显著高于GG和AA型。结论:HEPC基因SNP/A2032G的AG型可作为预测有氧耐力训练后心室功能指标训练敏感性的分子标记。  相似文献   
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