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随着传媒技术与信息技术的发展,人类进入了后现代的网络传播时代。后现代主义为网络文化传播提供了理论支持,同时也使网络人际传播打上了后现代化的印迹。后现代主义在网络社会中处处能够找到鲜活的生存场景。网络人际传播的后现代化具有:网络在不断消解权威话语,人们开始追求网上"不受限制的自我",人们"宁信机,不信人",人际关系冷漠以及人们逐渐成为了"数字化的人"等特征。  相似文献   
后现代思潮与心理学   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
后现代思潮是20世纪中期西方发达国家开始转入“后工业社会”出现的一种文化思潮。本文主要论述后现代思潮对“现代心理学”的反思,以及对今后心理学发展的意义  相似文献   
The French Lieutenant‘s Woman, written by John Fowles, is one of the most successful postmodern novels in contemporary English literature. This article is attempted to focus on its special narrative art and make a deeper penetration into its theme. In the novel, the master storyteller uses old writing tricks along with his own new ones originally and effectively. By criticizing and reshaping the conventions of earlier fiction, Fowles creates a new old story and a postmodern Victorian woman, which no Victorian writers can ever bring out.  相似文献   
众多学者充分论述了课程文化的定义、课程的文化传承功能、批判的课程文化观、课程的多元文化观、课程文化的后现代观以及课程的文化要素等诸多方面,其中,国外的研究主要集中在对课程文化的批判研究,我国对课程文化研究则多从“实然”的角度进行了研究,着重于相应的理论阐释,缺少探讨文化的意识形态性。而课程文化研究是“实然”与“应然”的统一,需要研究课程文化本身蕴含的生产主体、消费主体、评判标准等价值属性,挖掘其背后的文化权力逻辑。  相似文献   
后现代主义是对现代主义所产生的负面过程或结果的反思,它为人们重新审视三维教学目标提供了新的视角。新课程三维教学目标一方面在后现代主义的比照下其目标分类、科学理性取向等品质凸显出来,另一方面在后现代理论的涤荡下,三维教学目标又呈现出了:批判逻辑实证主义,构建概念模糊性教学目标;否定"理性人",塑造"游戏人"和"文化人";消解中心和边缘的界限,倡导多元情感价值观;反对结果至上,重视过程生成性等一些后现代特点。  相似文献   
后现代主义与后现代心理学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理学以实证主义为逻辑起点走向了其作为现代自然科学的道路,但百余年的发展并未真正解决心理学的根本性问题。作为后现代主义化的重要组成部分的后现代心理学,后现代主义对当代心理学的主要贡献表现在对现代科学公共知识的进一步约束和完善上。我们对心理学现代性进行反思并在此基础上思考心理学后现代建构的有关问题。  相似文献   
后现代主义因其对主流观念的激烈批判而在许多方面与当代女性主义有融合的趋向。后现代女性主义科学观从后现代主义那里汲取丰富的理论资源,对传统科学展开了彻底的批判。后现代女性主义科学观对当代女性主义及女性主义科学观的发展都具有极其重大的意义。  相似文献   
不再追问本质:图书馆学理论的后现代走向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
图书馆学研究对象、图书馆学理论体系等学说,其实都是人们主观建构的产物,并不具有客观性。追问图书馆本质的努力,其实是制造图书馆学的“元叙事”。 放弃对“元叙事”的制造,不再追问虚幻的图书馆“本质”,摆脱对逻辑实证主义方法论的盲信,摈弃理性主义一元论的束缚,尊重价值观之间的客观差异性,从而走向多元价值观之间的民主对话和博弈选择,这是图书馆学理论应然的后现代走向。  相似文献   
Modern liberal rationales continue to inform a majority of teaching and learning in English art classrooms. In a postmodern Western society increasingly informed by neoliberal globalisation this approach begins to look either like an anachronism or an act of outmoded pedagogic resistance. What is certain is that the modern liberal tradition is increasingly irrelevant to a young generation of learners, but while alternative paradigms have subsequently been suggested none have come to replace the stubbornly established rationales of modernism and liberalism. This article suggests novel futures for the justification and relevance of art education that move beyond those currently prevalent. Preferable futures are suggested that synthesise postmodern practice with liberal ideals in a paradox requiring creative consideration. While the difficulties of drawing upon such contradictory rationales are noted, a case is made that if such a purpose might be accepted and imbedded in art educational futures, then there may result a more relevant and sustainable future for art education in England.  相似文献   
The sixth-form college sector is often marginalised in policy and academic discourse, where the much larger school and further education sectors dominate. This paper sets out to describe the sector’s key features, assess its position within the wider education system and consider its future in an increasingly competitive education market. The research involved discussions with senior managers and teachers, as well as analysis of policy documentation from within and without the sector.  相似文献   
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