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This article explores what happens behind the closed doors and in the ‘black box’ of high-stakes educational testing. Our specific concern is licensure exams that are often gatekeepers into teacher education programs and the profession. Leveraging the spatial turn across critical social theory and other disciplines, we conceptualize the test space of these exams in order to account for the powerful reach that test companies have into teacher education and the ‘ideal’ restrictive space that test takers navigate. Against this conceptual background, we share findings from a larger qualitative study to illustrate how test takers ‘practice’ test space into something more manageable and familiar by leveraging various affordances presented to them. Overall, our study accounts for the spatial dimension of high-stakes educational tests and initiates productive ways to begin thinking about the structure and agency of these spaces.  相似文献   
上世纪80年代以来,随着西方后现代教育思潮的不断冲击,我国在建构课程理论时吸取了很多国外课程理论精华,其中新型课程观的形成受到了西方后现代课程观的影响。而幼儿园课程作为整个课程的组成部分之一,其课程观、知识观、课程基本要素的价值取向也受到了后现代课程观的影响。同时,后现代课程观在影响之余,给我国的幼儿园课程带来了挑战:课程多元化带来挑战,课程价值取向的转变对教师教学及师幼关系形成挑战。  相似文献   
艾丽斯·默多克是一位将传统的现实主义思想与后现代叙事手法进行调和的现代英国女作家。为了反映当代社会道德存在的现状和问题,在现实主义叙事传统的基础上,她采用了后现代主义的叙事思想来探索人的主体性和真理、善和美之间的矛盾与关联。从她的人论入手,可详细读解她的作品中四个主要后现代叙事特征,包括语言与真理的悖论、语言与游戏的关系和反佛罗伊德的倾向,对理解和领会她的作品丰富的社会道德含义有一定帮助。  相似文献   
当世界文化特别是西方文化走入后现代语境时,突出的表现为媒介的膨爆、价值的流动和碎片化的思维。在全球化的影响下,这种现象正在高速地侵扰着全世界的文明。如何在后现代文化中使人类重新找回自身的确证,使人类的精神在工业文明的异化中重新回归自然成了文章思考的重点。文章从“心灵的困顿”、“多元上帝的产生”、“最后的解放”三个方面试图找寻世纪的回声。  相似文献   
后现代心理学是在后现代主义思潮的冲击和现代心理学陷入困境中萌生和发展起来的,一种探讨处于后现代境遇中人的心理与行为机制的当代西方心理学研究的新趋势、新维度和新范式。  相似文献   
成人、教育在后现代视阈下有全新的解释,进而形成后现代对成人教育的理论界说,但此新理念并非无源之水、无本之木,后现代成人教育理念有其自身的理论发展源流,并在此基础上,有其自身独特的成人教育的教育图景。后现代成人教育理念、图景对我们发展成人教育、终身教育有深刻的启示意义。  相似文献   
协商课程是一种实践性浓郁的后现代课程理论,它在实施过程中强调协商学习而反对促动学习,库克与布莫分别提出了自己的协商学习模式。批判教育学是协商课程的重要思想渊源。协商课程的后现代本质体现在:倡导动态的课程本质观,反对技术理性的价值取向,反对二元对立的课程思维方式,彰显学生的课程主体角色。  相似文献   
关于数学教育的若干基本矛盾和关系问题   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
数学教育的基本矛盾是数学与教育的对立统一,具体表现为社会发展与科学技术进步对高素质数学人才的强烈需求与相对滞后的数学教育观念与现状之间的矛盾;数学教育的多种目标和多重功能之间的关系与矛盾;数学素质教育的理念与应试教育的现实的矛盾;数学教育中传统文化与现代化的矛盾.解决好这些矛盾和关系决定着数学教育改革的成败.  相似文献   
The Essence of Education: Whitehead and the Spiritual Dimension   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jack G. Priestley 《Interchange》2000,31(2-3):117-133
Whitehead's contention that the essence of education is that it be religious has been widely overlooked by many of his adherents who have found it a difficult, or even embarrassing, concept with which to deal. But what did Whitehead mean by religious? In Britain there is currently a deep interest in what is being termed the, "spiritual dimension of education" which is itself to be seen in the context of the postmodern rejection of positivistic modes of thought which have dominated educational discourse in recent decades. This article examines Whitehead's own concept of religion both in his explicit academic work and in his assessment of what we might term, indirect education. It goes on to suggest links with other key thinkers, in particular William James, Soren Kierkegaard, and Ludwig Wittgenstein.  相似文献   
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