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本研究采用内容分析法,对我国“七五”到“十一五”期间“全国教育科学规划课题”中的学前教育规划课题进行了分析,结果表明:在此期间,“全国教育科学规划课题”中共设立了114项学前教育课题,其绝对数量与相对数量都在逐年增加;研究课题的主要承担者是高等院校,并主要分布在沿海城市等发达地区或是具有重视学前教育传统的地区;研究涉及范围较广,但主要集中在五大领域、儿童与课程三类研究选题上;呈现出特色课题不断涌现、研究选题凸显时代背景、研究内容由宏观向具体易操作方向发展等特点。  相似文献   
目前,我国学前教育中的"小学化"现象日益凸显。这一现象主要由于家长不科学的幼教观念、学前教育资源不足、师资准入机制不健全和缺乏有效监管机制等因素造成。"小学化"的学前教育影响幼儿身心发展,造成幼儿亚健康心理问题,压抑幼儿个性。解决学前教育"小学化"问题,需要我们尊重幼儿成长规律,消除应试教育对学前教育的影响,扩大学前教育规模,建设优质示范幼儿园,发挥五年一贯制师范教育培养学前教育师资的作用,加强教育行政部门对学前教育的监管和指导。  相似文献   
ObjectiveFamilies where parents had childhood history of victimization may likely to abuse their children; hence contributing as an important predictor of child emotional maltreatment (CEM). This study aimed to determine the relationship of intergenerational abuse with CEM among 11–17 years old children residing in peri-urban and urban communities of Karachi, Pakistan.MethodStructured interviews were conducted with 800 children and parents-pair using validated questionnaire “International Child Abuse Screening Tool for Child (ICAST-C)” comprised of 4 domains. Domain of child emotional maltreatment was considered as outcome (CEM-score). The relationship between Parental history of childhood victimization and CEM-Score was measured using linear regression.ResultsThe average CEM-score was came to be 19+5.2 among children whom parental history of childhood victimization was present (P < 0.001). The estimated mean CEM-score increased by 5.59 units (95% CI= {2.61, 8.51}) among children whom parents had a history of childhood victimization (Intergenerational abuse) with severe physical familial abuse.ConclusionThe current study provided evidence on intergenerational transmission of maltreatment suggesting early prevention to break the cycle of child maltreatment through generations. Preventive measures can be taken, once a parental history of childhood victimization has been identified, by providing appropriate services to those families who belong to lower socioeconomic status, where mothers are young, presence of siblings’ rivalry/ bullying and/or violence among family members. However, these factors do not explain a complete causality of the intergenerational transmission therefore additional factors, for instance parenting styles must be taken into consideration.  相似文献   
幼儿教师职业倦怠的缓解与职业幸福感的提升   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
职业倦怠与职业幸福感是职业人对其职业所产生的两种性质截然相反的心理体验,两者存在相互排斥的关系,即缓解职业倦怠有助于提升职业幸福感,而提升职业幸福感自然有助于缓解职业倦怠.教师目前普遍存在着较为严重的职业倦怠现象,幼儿教师因其工作压力更大与待遇更低而出现了更为严重的职业倦怠,大量优秀幼儿教师流失.为缓解幼儿教师的职业倦怠,提升其职业幸福感,政府和幼儿园应努力提高幼儿教师的待遇与收入水平,实行以人为本的园所管理,并积极创建和谐的人际关系与友善的园所文化.  相似文献   
中国特殊儿童义务教育发展中的问题调查报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文采用问卷调查与访谈的方法,对135名特殊学校校长的感受、看法进行调查分析,揭示出我国特殊儿童义务教育发展问题在于:(1)特殊学校的经费、资源匮乏;(2)特殊学校的管理缺乏科学性、规范性;(3)地方对特殊教育缺乏重视、对特殊学校的管理方式较为专制;(4)特殊学校的课程改革缺乏科学引领;(5)特殊教育师资数量不足、专业化程度不高;(6)大部分特殊学校生源不足、特殊学校缺乏专业师资、校际间缺乏沟通交流。结论:产生这些问题的根本原因在于法律的不完善、政策落实的不到位、地方政府管理者的观念落后。  相似文献   
在幼儿园的教学课程中,绘本故事讲述是一门较为重要的课程,它是通过幼儿教师利用绘本教学的方式来对幼儿进行教育教学,这不仅符合幼儿的心理需求,还能够让幼儿在生动活泼的教学情境中提升自己的艺术修养,培养幼儿较高的审美情趣与能力。但是,我国现阶段的幼教专业学生的故事讲述能力相当缺乏,因此,本文将探讨提升这些幼教专业学生绘本故事讲述能力的有效路径,从而让这些学生能够达到幼儿教师的岗位要求,增强他们的职业竞争力。  相似文献   
国学热兴起,《弟子规》是最被国学教育者看好的古代蒙学教材,然而提倡国学不能只看到短期功利,却忽视长远目标,而应该把生命视为一个整体,考虑其长期发展。纲纪奠基于伦常,德行肇始于端方,童蒙养正之功为后来成器之胎藏。这正是在学前阶段以《弟子规》启蒙的长远意义。  相似文献   
本研究通过对90名4-6岁儿童自主阅读图画书后的故事复述语料进行分析,探讨汉语学前儿童的图画故事书阅读理解能力发展.研究发现汉语学前儿童对图画故事书中图画形象、事件行动和角色状态的理解水平随年龄增长而显著提高;儿童对图画故事书的理解遵循由图画形象到事件行动再到角色状态的发展顺序;有利于学前儿童阅读理解的是容易引起儿童关注的图画形象、由不同图画形象之间的关系直接表现的事件行动、由图画形象的大小、色彩等可直接观察到的信息表现的角色状态;儿童图画书阅读理解的难点分别为不容易引起注意的图画形象、未由不同图画形象之间的关系直接表现,需要联系前后页图画信息进行理解的事件行动、与未关注和理解的图画形象相关的事件行动和角色状态,以及角色的内部心理状态等.  相似文献   
Predictors of quality and child outcomes in family child care settings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Few studies have examined correlates of quality ratings in family child care arrangements. This study analyzes data from a multi-state sample of family child care providers actively seeking professional development for two purposes. First, we examine predictors of observed quality ratings focusing on characteristics of child care providers, the most proximal influences of quality in family child care. Second, we explore associations between three targets of professional development (providers’ attitudes, beliefs, and practices) and the pre-academic and social–emotional skills of preschool-aged children. Provider characteristics indicative of personal and professional resources and stress, as well as providers’ professional attitudes and beliefs, are predictive of observed quality measures. Observed quality and providers’ child-centered beliefs and perceptions of job demands are related to children's developmental outcomes. Implications for future research, policies, and practices are discussed.  相似文献   
刘美琴 《科教文汇》2020,(14):39-40
幼儿教师专业能力提升是幼儿教育内涵发展的根本,科学、实效的教师培训是教师专业成长的重要途径。本文通过调查研究培训现状,发现培训中存在的问题,了解教师的培训需求,从而为培训提供科学的数据依据,进一步完善了培训体系,探索出台幼儿教师培训课程标准。  相似文献   
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