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文学批评指按照一定的标准对作家作品和文学现象,包括文学运动、文学思潮和文学流派等所作的研究、分析、认识和评价。文学批评也需要批评,也需要专门的研究,对批评的批评或对批评的研究,不但有存在的理由,而且应该受到特别的重视。于是,批评成为了研究对象,国内的"文学批评学"也在不断的发展。另外,随着时代的发展变迁,现有的文学批评呈现出了专业批评、媒体批评、网络批评三局鼎立的局面,呈现出了新的特点,也出现了很多问题。我们的文学批评理想状态应该是开放性的社会历史批评,文学批评在未来的发展应该是多元的。  相似文献   
从思维取向上分析,导致教育科学困境的原因在于研究文化中科学精神品格的缺失。用新的科学精神深入剖析和反思当前教育研究的思维取向,尝试建构理想的教育科学理论,是教育研究日趋繁荣时代研究者个人应有的精神理想。  相似文献   
校长领导权力合法性危机是指校长领导权力失去正当性且未获得被领导者的认同、支持和服从,其实质上是一种认同危机,主要表现为公共性危机、程序性危机、价值性危机及有效性危机等。通过注重公共意志及公共利益价值取向的联结、遵循程序正义与实质正义原则的统一、实现以人为本与交往伦理的结合及处理好适当集权与合理分权的协调等范式,可以缓解校长领导权力的合法性危机,最终实现学校的有效发展。  相似文献   
学校管理团队主要是指以校长为领导者、由副校长以及学校各中层职能部门的干部构成的群体。建设一支高效的学校管理团队,校长应从以下几方面着手:营造氛围,鼓励团队成员敢想敢做;学会赞扬,帮助团队成员缓解压力;善于沟通,定期向团队成员传达学校未来发展的愿景;创造条件,帮助团队成员实现专业发展;以身示范,为团队成员树立榜样。  相似文献   
In Sweden, policy changes for provision of special support have been introduced, implying that teachers are obliged to provide and evaluate extra adaptations in regular classrooms prior to referring pupils to special support. The policy changes raise questions about school staffs’ views of support measures and of necessary professional competence for provision of the support measures. We conducted focus group interviews with 60 school staff representatives—headmasters, general education teachers, and special educators/school welfare teams—about their understandings of the new policy. The data were analyzed qualitatively, with the objective to explore school staffs’ approaches to the policy changes. Two main “ideal type approaches” were discerned, using Skrtic’s theories, viz. the bureaucracy approach and adhocracy approach. In the light of Skrtic’s theory, professionals’ reasoning about the new policy may reflect difficulties that are encountered in the process of implementing the policy in bureaucracy-steered schools.  相似文献   
蒲松龄在《聊斋志异》中塑造了众多的女性形象,这些女性美丽清纯、秀外慧中,才智超群、识见不凡,勤劳治家、百事和顺,情深意长、忠贞不渝,沉着机智、勇于抗争,寄寓着蒲氏对女性的期望,体现出作家的审美理想和非同寻常的识见,开拓了女性的审美意蕴。  相似文献   
欠发达地区高校硕士生创新能力主要受科研项目总数、科研经费的筹集以及科研氛围的培养等因素影响,文章根据欠发达地区高校发展的特点,如何加强硕士生管理、加强科研经费的运转和营造良好的创新文化氛围等提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   
This article reports on a study of which the purpose was to understand the role of principals in changing underperforming schools towards sustainable improvement in one circuit area of North-West, South Africa. School principals play a crucial role in guiding schools towards sustainable improvement by shaping a vision of academic success for all learners. Managing teaching is one of the core modules in South Africa’s new national qualification for school principals, and that being the case, principals should play a central role in effecting the educational transformation of all learners. The quality of principals’ leadership is the key factor driving the transformational turnaround and improvement required in schools. They perform a highly complex and dynamic role in enhancing and sustaining school improvement. It was the goal of this qualitative study to explore cultural, structural, and agential challenges faced by principals in their effort to provide for change and improvement in their schools. Six schools were purposefully selected to participate in the study and semi-structured interviews were used to gather data from the principals. The study established that paying attention to cultural, structural and agential factors in schools increases their ability to sustain learner improvement.  相似文献   
从主体间性看大学生理想信念教育创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大学生理想信念教育过程中,教育者和受教育者同为主体,彼此结成主体际关系,具有主体间性的特征。从当下国内外理想信念的教育与研究的现状出发,针对一些学生的个人理想与社会理想的分离,个人理想中的道德理想、职业理想和生活理想的分离,树立信念过程中知、情、意的分离这一倾向性问题,以主体间性的视角,采用认知模式和体谅模式,以2种模式下的6类教育方式分别作用于知性和体悟,使他们由分离走向融合。  相似文献   
儒家传统德育思想是前人留给我们的巨大精神财富,也是具有世界意义的文化宝藏。儒家传统德育思想内容丰富,涵盖了社会道德建设的各个方面。继承和发扬儒家传统德育思想是现代社会精神文明建设所面临的重要课题。本文通过对儒家传统德育思想内容的阐述来进一步说明儒家传统德育思想对当今社会的现实意义。  相似文献   
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