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林可夫是现代写作学学科建设的放手。他以发展的观点解释写作活动,为现代写作学作了基本定位;他构建的以智能—技能为中心的写作能力训练体系成为现代写作学建设的标志性理论;他对写作规律的揭示既是对以往写作界探求的总结,更为今后进一步深入揭示写作规律开拓了道路。林可夫对现代写作学的理论建设所做的独树一帜的贡献为学术界所公认,研究林可夫的贡献,实际上就是研究现代写作学发展的历史进程和成就。  相似文献   
以后现代主义视野观照,传统的体育教学观念亟待相应的转变:教学目的,由单纯注重技术技能的显性知识传授向关注学生体育素养的综合培养转换;教学内容,由确定的、单一教学内容向非确定的、多样化教学内容转换;教学过程,由传统的教师示范、学生模仿的单向传递过程向师生对话、过程体验的融合过程转换;教学评价,由单一注重量的达标向多元化的综合评价体系转换。  相似文献   
文中将投射模、内射模进行推广,引入A-投射模,A-内射模的概念,并且分别研究了它们的一些性质,由此构造出一种环,称为A-半单环,充分体现模对环的刻画.  相似文献   
贵州丰富的少数民族文化资源为文化产业的发展业打下了坚实的基础。但是,贵州少数民族文化产业发展相对滞缓。如何采取有效措施,选择可行路径,充分发挥民族文化资源在贵州经济社会发展中的作用,变文化资源优势为经济优势、产业优势,同时实现文化的可持续发展,已成为当务之急。  相似文献   
Educational leaders have a comprehensive responsibility for how preschools and schools work with children in need of special educational support. The aim of this research is to study how educational leaders (a) explain why children have problems in schools, (b) consider how preschools/schools should help children in need of special support and (c) the role they believe that Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) should have in such work. Educational leaders (N = 45) working in preschools and regular compulsory schools in a Swedish municipality responded (100%) to a questionnaire. According to the results of this study, this group seems to view difficulties in schools as being caused primarily by individual shortcomings. Educational leaders often advocate solutions that are closely linked to the work of special educators. The educational leaders believe SENCOs should work with supervising staff and focus on documentation and evaluations. Preschool leaders attribute children's need of special support to teachers more often than their colleagues in compulsory schools.  相似文献   

Information technology has numerous social and political implications. This paper is primarily concerned with beginning to outline some of the more important issues for teacher educators. An understanding of these implications is required before we, as teacher educators or as teachers in schools, can begin to address the issues in our work around information technology in colleges or in the classroom. This article outlines the issues rather than exploring how to present them in colleges.

There are important debates occurring around information technology, the nature of intelligence, and education, which have profound implications for society. This article argues that the kind of work done in schools on computers, and generally on information technology, supports implicitly the more traditional ideas in education. In order to take a more balanced position, and to give students a chance to realise how their futures may be affected, it is argued that the social implications of information technology must be addressed centrally in colleges of education.  相似文献   
以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民和胡锦涛为代表的中国共产党人把马列主义的群众观、农民观与其所处时代背景以及具体实践结合起来,先后形成了重"民力"和重"民利"的农民观。分析中国化的马克思主义农民观,可以为当今认识和解决"三农"问题提供有益的启示。  相似文献   
In this collaborative self-study, two first-year assistant professors examine their views of teaching and learning from two cultural perspectives. Drawing from multiple data sources, including reflective analyses of teaching, monthly peer-support meetings, and the Students Opinion Information Survey, the study explores the differences in views of teaching and learning between Chinese and American cultures and how these differences affected our teaching practices. By exchanging views of teaching and learning, two first-year professors gained a more profound understanding of their own cultures and identified the strengths in each culture in order to provide better instruction to their students.  相似文献   
明代前后七子执盟诗坛,倡扬“文必秦汉、诗必盛唐”,盛唐诗作为学诗的不二法门被推到了独尊的地位,宋诗则落入被斥逐的恶诗行列。而身处西南边隅,博学多识的杨慎则能在“人人有诗、代代有诗”观念的统摄下.更为冷静具体地关照宋诗的价值厦其在中国诗歌发展史上的地位,从而形成其独特的宋诗观。所论虽然时有偏颇,却显示了突破陈规的勇气和高格独标的卓识,这在当时是非常可贵的。  相似文献   
德性伦理学是思考与实践一种朝向人真实地需要的完善与充实的生活的伦理学。实践原理是一种内在观点的德性伦理学的最基本的原理。它的第一个含义是,生活可以是实践的,表明生活的实践的可能性。实践原理的第二个含义是,生活实践可以是德性的,表明德性地生活的可能性。一个人如果没有在他的生活中发展第一种可能性,就会受到人们指责。但是,当他通过生活充分展示出第二种可能性,他才受到称赞。伦理学可以或明确或隐含地以生活的实践的可能性和德性地生活的可能性作为它的基础。德性伦理学比其他实质性的伦理学更明确地诉诸这个可能性前提。  相似文献   
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