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我国知识教学深陷"惰性知识"的困境,学生获得的知识仅能满足应试的需要,却难以在复杂的生活情境中灵活地迁移与运用。素养是运用知识、技能与态度解决不可预测情境的高级能力。回应素养时代的变革挑战,要求知识教学从"惰性知识"转向"有活力的知识"。实现"有活力的知识"与素养的生成,有必要理解知识教学的情境逻辑、重建知识教学的实践意义以及实现知识教学的个人维度。  相似文献   
通过对美国南方文化和我国湘西文化的探索,福克纳与沈从文形成了对各自地域文化的独特看法。本文以分析心理学原型批判理论为工具,分析了福克纳和沈从文代表作中的典型意象,阐述了福克纳和沈从文二人的地域文化观,进而研究了形成二人地域文化观的时代因素及其必然性。研究结果表明。福克纳和沈从文二人试图从农业文明中寻求对都市的文化救赎,二人的地域文化观则是特定历史阶段的产物。  相似文献   
试论对外汉语教学中的跨文化交际观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对外汉语教学是一种特殊的跨文化交际活动。师生双方应树立什么样的跨文化交际观,以及如何培养学生正确的跨文化交际观,是取得良好教学效果、培养学生语言能力和语言交际能力非常重要的方面,也是在跨文化交际中避免文化冲突的非常重要的方面。  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine high school students’ learning strategies in relation to their epistemic views and conceptions of learning in the discipline of biology through a structural equation modelling technique. A total of 247 high school students (168 males) participating in this study completed 3 questionnaires, the Epistemic Views of Biology (EVB), the Conceptions of Learning Biology (COLB), and the Strategies of Learning Biology (SLB). The results supported the hypothesised model proposed in this study, and a new factor of ‘Increase one’s Knowledge and Understanding,’ reflecting the feature of high school students’ biology learning, and serving an important role in biology learning, was identified in this study. In addition, students’ epistemic views were associated with their conceptions of learning, which consequently correlated to their learning strategies. More specifically, the EVB of ‘Uncertainty’ negatively related to lower COLB, which consequently positively related to Surface Strategies, whereas the EVB of ‘Justification’ was positively correlated to higher COLB as ‘Increase one’s Knowledge and Understanding,’ which in turn was correlated to Deep Strategies. According to the research findings, theoretical and practical suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   
Current policy guidance stresses the need for early identification of obstacles to learning and appropriate intervention. New standards for learning (Early Years Foundation Stage) place personal, social and emotional development (PSED) as central to learning and development. This paper reports a survey and follow-up interviews with early years practitioners on early identification and intervention of young children with difficulties in PSED. As previous research with primary and secondary colleagues has shown, practitioners find low-level disturbance occurring most frequently. Although aggressive behaviour (hurting others, kicking, hitting and biting) is a concern, not attending or listening and immature social skills (lack of sharing and turn-taking, and inability to relate to other children) is a bigger challenge. Practitioners report a range of strategies for formally teaching relevant skills but point to the greater challenge of supporting recent immigrants where different cultural and social norms need to be understood.  相似文献   
大学毕业生“就业难”是当前人力资源市场存在的一个普遍性问题。大学毕业生“就业难”的本质原因是大学毕业生就业的市场机制尚未真正形成并发挥有效作用,不平等就业是促进大学毕业生就业的首要障碍。促进大学毕业生就业应在尊重市场机制的基础上,围绕供给、需求、匹配三个关键环节,着重解决如下问题:大学毕业生应当树立为祖国的富强建功立业的远大志向,确立正确的劳动观和择业观,政府应当深化大学毕业生就业制度改革,继续扩大用工需求,推进以提升大学毕业生就业能力为核心任务的高等教育改甍,增强大学毕业生就业服备的匹配性。  相似文献   
《明儒学案》不为李贽立学案,不是出于门户之见,而是由黄宗羲的学术史观所决定的。黄宗羲主张打破学术门户,在明末清初阳明心学成为众矢之的的学术背景下,亟辩儒释界限,力主心学非禅学,反对人们将王门后学的禅学流弊加在阳明头上,并细致区分了王学末流的学术归属,认为有儒学中夹杂禅学,但仍为儒学者;有失却儒学本质,归于禅学者。李贽是极端“狂禅”,且落发为僧,其学术已失儒学本质,被黄宗羲划归禅学,从而在总结明代儒学发展的《明儒学案》中悄然隐去了李贽。  相似文献   
设Г是三级三角矩阵代数,modГ表示Г上的有限生成模范畴,Г^ζ是与modГ等价的范畴.讨论了Г^ζ的Jaeabson根,Г^ζ的单对象及投射对象的形式及Г的整体雏数等同调性质.  相似文献   
哲学是课程论的重要基础,一定的哲学思想必然会投射到课程论的各种主张当中,形成自己的课程观.科学发展观是我们这个时代精神的精华.它有着自己科学的思维方式,这些思维方式反射到课程论中,就形成了科学发展课程观.  相似文献   
通过对山西省4所高校英语专业研究生学术研究能力的现状进行调查,发现研究生普遍存在学术研究意识淡薄、研究方法欠缺和研究能力薄弱等问题,并从学术研究能力培养的角度,提出要提高学生的学术研究能力,必须强化其研究意识,使其掌握足够的研究方法,把握前沿动态,进而实现学术创新.  相似文献   
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