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This study explores academic libraries’ potential uses of the mobile application Yik Yak, with particular focus on patrons’ anonymous feedback about library services and spaces. Over a 232-day period, the authors observed the Yik Yak feed for their university and recorded all yaks related to the library. A content analysis of the 249 library-related yaks found six distinct purposes that these library-related yaks served, from the perspective of the patron, which are of interest to the library: asking questions about library services; reporting problems with library spaces; reprimanding violations of and encouraging adherence to library policies; sharing compliments about library services; demons-trating need for improved library services; and discussing and offering feedback about library programs. This study reveals several opportunities for academic libraries to engage with Yik Yak in order to serve their patrons better, including providing virtual reference services, monitoring problems within the building, developing proactive approaches to policy enforce-ment, gathering honest and continuous feedback about the library's strengths, and identifying opportunities to improve and expand services. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   
遵循山水林田湖草是生命共同体的发展理念,建设自然资源要素综合观测体系,系统获取长期、连续、多尺度、多要素的自然资源观测数据,为自然资源“两统一”管理和生态保护修复提供科学支撑,是新时代生态文明建设的重要举措。本文在阐明自然资源监测体系现状及存在问题的基础上,依据地球系统科学的理论基础,针对调查、监测、观测等不同探测方法的功能和技术路径,以系统化的视角论述了现代自然资源监测特点,对天空地一体化监测体系技术路径进行说明,并从宏观管理层面分析天空地一体化监测体系在自然资源统一管理中的具体应用,以期为自然资源统一管理工作提供必要支撑。  相似文献   
移动应用程序APP是移动互联网时代企业创造价值的重要渠道。尽管APP市场具有巨大的商业价值,但也出现了不少绩效较低的现象:互联网创业夭折、成交转化率低下、APP卸载率较高等等。研究APP的绩效问题有助于发现影响APP绩效的关键因素,帮助企业找到提高APP绩效的新方法。本文从服务主导逻辑出发,识别出了影响APP绩效的两大关键策略--用户赋能和服务创新,论述了这两大策略对APP收入绩效的影响机理。本文使用自然观察法跟踪和分析中国(N=200)和美国(N=206)两个样本中的APP个体,发现两个样本产生出来的结果较为一致:APP若选择赋予用户更多的权力,让用户主导平台的价值创造活动,那么它的收入绩效往往比较好;企业如果较为注重服务创新,持续地为APP开发出新特征或新服务,APP的收入绩效一般较好。本研究也可以给APP企业带来实践上的启示:首先,企业应分析APP的定位和作用;其次,企业应重视用户在价值创造中的重要作用,还要意识到用户不仅仅是APP的接受者和使用者,还是生产者和价值创造者;再次,企业应按照APP的定位,再决定是否将价值创造的主导权赋予广大用户;最后,企业应当重视APP的服务创新,持续地推出新功能和新特征,为用户提供更加便捷、易用的服务。  相似文献   

The use of peers in the evaluation of teaching is part of a larger trend in postsecondary education toward a more systematic assessment of classroom performance. Many scholars believe that certain aspects of teaching can be assessed only by classroom observation. This study examines the use that peer reviewers make of teaching products, especially peer observation reports, during the promotion and tenure review process. Results indicate that peer observation reports are seen as an important component in evaluating teaching effectiveness, though perhaps not the best indicator of effective teaching. Despite flaws in peer observation instruments, the results from classroom observation are seen as valid and are used in deliberations about faculty teaching performance.  相似文献   
师心论通过圆融处理物我关系,形成了物我双观、两忘与合一,成为盛唐诗歌基本的观照方式。而在此基础上所形成的“搜求于心”,成为中晚唐诗歌创新的出口,推动了险怪诗风的发展。晚唐“心师造化”基础上发展出来的活法为诗,成为宋调中的唐音论,被作为宋诗救弊的参照。  相似文献   
甲午战败后,清政府开始大规模地选派官绅赴日考察教育,这对中国教育制度和思想的转变产生了深远的影响。对这一问题,学界进行了较深入的研究,并取得突出的成果。从考察过程、考察笔记和考察者教育思想等方面对清末赴日教育考察研究作一简要综述,有助于为进一步开展研究工作提供有益参考。  相似文献   
海底观测网的研究进展与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海底观测网是人类观测海洋的新型平台,可实现海洋由海底到海面的全天候、原位、长期、连续、实时、高分辨率和高精度观测,对海洋科学发展起到重要的支撑作用。美国、加拿大、日本以及欧洲各国凭借在海洋领域的先发优势,纷纷投入巨资构建海底观测网并成功运行。在现代传感器、水下机器人、海底光纤电缆、物联网、大数据等新型技术的推动下,海底观测网呈现综合性立体观测、数据深度发掘、多种观测计划综合交叉融合的发展趋势。  相似文献   
This article presents the results of an evaluation of local teacher support strategies for implementing inquiry-based science education (IBSE) in French primary schools. The research objective was to determine which aspects of the French model of IBSE are implemented in class, and the efficiency of each teacher support strategy. Data were recovered through class observations. Findings confirm the need for long and continuous forms of teacher support, and expose the advantages and disadvantages of support delivered by pedagogues and support delivered by university science students. Writing in science class, which isa fundamental aspect of the French IBSE programme, is far from being implemented according to advocated practices.  相似文献   
Peer Observation of Teaching has raised a lot of interest as a device for quality enhancement of teaching. While much research has focused on its models, implementation schemes and feedback to the observed, little attention has been paid to what the observer actually sees and can learn from the observation. A multidisciplinary peer observation of teaching program is described, and its data is used to identify the pedagogical aspects to which lecturers pay more attention to when observing classes. The discussion addresses the valuable learning opportunities for observers provided by this program, as well as its usefulness in disseminating, sharing and clarifying quality teaching practices. The need for further research concerning teacher-student relationships and students’ engagement is also suggested.  相似文献   
外语教师课堂观察活动的现状调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章通过问卷调查的形式对陕西省部分中学、大学英语教师的课堂观察(听课、评课)现状进行了调查,分析了存在的问题及其原因并报告了调查结果。  相似文献   
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