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自20世纪40年代以来,美国总统选举提名阶段的改革大大增强了媒体在竞选中的影响力,吸引了国外学界对新闻报道,尤其是"赛马式"报道的广泛关注和深思。通过分析《纽约时报》关于1988年民主党预选的91篇新闻报道,一方面指出该领域研究重视探究报道模式、揭示其对竞选结果的不利影响;另一方面也指出其忽视或过分简单化其形成原因的缺陷。从竞选者的自我表达方式﹑媒体的特质以及竞选活动特点三方面的相互促进与制约来阐释"赛马式"报道的形成机制。  相似文献   
陈望道《修辞学发凡》十分注重文字图示符号的功能并使用了一定量的图示,这些图示在篇章中形成一种图文并茂的互文。作为元符号的图示主要包括静态结构图和动态关系图,作为对象符号的图示主要是实物效果图。“静态结构”、“实物效果”及“动态关系”在相应篇章上呈现出一定的互补分布态势并总体上形成体系。《修辞学发凡》中的图示具有方法论意义。  相似文献   
民运会的开幕式和闭幕式的基本属性是一场表演,是一场以民族为主题的表演。少数民族服饰作为最具表征性的民族文化符号之一,在开幕式和闭幕式上被选择和改写,一方面是基于舞台服饰的特殊要求,另一方面,也通过服饰进行了民族叙事,实现了民族想象、建构仪式和融合民族的多重意义。  相似文献   
Attempting to push early modern presentism to the radical, logical conclusion of a more personal historicism, this essay draws on a number of interpretive practices and theoretical insights – Stephen Greenblatt’s self-reflectivity, Toni Morrison’s ‘rememory’, Marianne Hirsch’s ‘postmemory’, bell hooks’s ‘passion of experience’, and Linda Charnes’s alternative historicism – to establish the ethical and interpretive significance of my own painful situatedness as an African American man in Renaissance/Early Modern studies. Specifically, I illustrate that significance in a reading of Richard Mulcaster’s Positions Concerning the Bringing Up of Children, a sixteenth-century educational treatise that responds, as I argue, to early modern educational access and social mobility with an insidiously complex, exclusionary admissions policy.  相似文献   

Fifty years after the Browndecision, and in the context of persistent racial and economic segregation and inequality in schooling, it is still important to examine Brown's legacy. In this focus on school choice, the rhetoric and the ways in which the legacy of Brownhas been emphatically invoked in charter school and voucher debates is studied. Four ways in which Brownis currently raised in school choice debates are identified. Through an examination of these four narratives, the ways in which the school choice debate provides a current, active space for the rethinking of the civil rights movement and its symbols, goals, and legacies are examined.  相似文献   
托马斯·沃尔夫(1900—1938)是20世纪二三十年代活跃在美国文坛的著名小说家。他的作品选材切近生活,风格朴实奔放、抒情色彩浓郁,以暗示和象征的手法感染读者。虽然他的很多作品以情感旋律作为内在的结构,具有很强的抒情性,但他毕竟是一位现实主义小说家,现实主义的创作手法在其小说中随处可见。短篇小说《虎种》以纯真与邪恶的完美统一反映了20世纪初美国的种族问题,揭示了美国黑人在种族歧视的压力之下,走上毁灭道路的过程。作者用洗练的笔法,写出了美国社会在繁荣外表下隐藏的社会危机,以及作者对世界、人类本身的思考。  相似文献   
当代贵州文学作为一种区域性文学,在对外传播活动中存在“贵州符号”识别体系缺失、“纯文学”传播理念被大众消费意识疏离和“沉默的螺旋”效应引发自我否定三方面的问题。因此,采取积极的应对策略势在必行:建立贵州文学符号识别体系,倡导多元文学共同传播的理念,培养贵州本土优秀的评论队伍形成反“沉默的螺旋”效应。这对促进当代贵州文学发展并扩大其影响力具有实际的可行性。  相似文献   
文革美术符号成为"政治波普"后在当代艺术中也有如同折射光芒般的耀眼体现。当代"政治波普"将文革美术符号进行提炼再与西方商业品牌标志符号组合在一起,仍然保留"红光亮","三突出"与"高大全"的构图法则,对文革美术符号本身的改动较少,基本还原和保留图形的原有风貌,形成了更为广泛和多义的图式所指,同时被艺术家赋予了新的意义和文化针对性。使艺术在弘扬精神力量和文化底蕴方面与本民族文化相结合,为本土文化发展不断注入新鲜的活力。  相似文献   

This essay examines the pedagogical practice of referencing my experiences as a transnational Korean American woman in the classroom and considers how it opens up space for domestic and international students of East, Southeast, and South Asian backgrounds to reflect on their different identities, histories, and cultures. In particular, it focuses on how this practice enables Asian students to share their experiences of and insights about racial difference, racism, and whiteness in Australia and other parts of the world. Building on the concept of Asian “inter-referencing” from Chua Beng Huat (2015), I coin the term “embodied inter-referencing” to describe the strategic ways I use autobiographical narrative to create an inclusive, interactive, and mutually respectful learning space. I centre here on how some Asian students respond to this strategy by telling their own stories and in the process, create transnational, diasporic, and inter-Asian affective communities inside and outside the classroom.  相似文献   
Martin to Brown     
The rise of the modern Black Lives Matter movement can be traced back to two key events, the 2012 death of Trayvon Martin and the 2014 death of Michael Brown. Research routinely showed that mainstream media’s narrative choices marginalize and delegitimize protesters and their causes, a pattern known as the protest paradigm. This study provides a longitudinal examination of how the same mainstream media system varied in their coverage of similar events and the degree to which journalists challenged the predicted paradigms conceptualized in other academic work. A content analysis of national newspaper coverage revealed that news before the judicial rulings focused on protesters’ tactics (violence versus peaceful) and changed to the realm of ideas (grievances and demands) after the assailants were considered not guilty of wrongdoing. No progression was found in legitimizing coverage of protests between the two cases.  相似文献   
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