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随着我国经济建设的快速发展,水环境问题成为当下越来越关注的问题。城市面源污染具有初始冲刷效应,不同下垫面、功能区的污染特性不同。而现阶段我国对城市面源的研究和管理相对滞后,文章基于昆明市船房河流域污染特征的具体情况,利用城市下垫面监测、雨水/雨污合流排放口监测、地表径流监测的方法,科学的对生活用水量、废水和污染物排放量进行研究,有利于合理开发城镇水资源以及制定相关废水治理规划和政策。  相似文献   
The sustainable water system (SWS) was interpreted based on green residential zone associated codes issued by P.R. China and some other countries, and ecological principles. Its constitution, designing and engineering, and economic and environmental benefits were illustrated with a case of a campus construction project. The SWS incorporates divided nature drainage systems, grey water treatment and reuse technologies, rainwater decentralized collection and purification technologies, and water quality safeguard techniques for reclaimed water reused for landscaping. Application of the SWS is expected to gain remarkable economic and environmental benefits by reducing both the demand for municipal water supply and sewage discharge.  相似文献   
对校园雨水利用系统从社会效益和生态效益的角度以及高校自身的优势和特点进行了分析,并结合唐山地区雨水资源条件,阐述了大学校园雨水利用的可行性及其良好的发展前景。  相似文献   
The buildup of roof pollutants in an urban area of Shanghai, China was investigated by conducting 16 experiments between November 2007 and October 2008. Concentrations of Cu, Zn and Cd in runoff from three types of roof (concrete, aluminum and glass) exceeded USEPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. The solid/liquid partition of the selected metal elements was consistent for the three roof types: Al, Fe, Zn and Pb were present mainly in the particle-bound form, while the total loading of Cd was nearly 100% in the dissolved form. Atmospheric dry precipitation accounted for most of all pollutant loadings for all roof types, while roof material made only a minor contribution to the loadings. All pollutant accumulation rates except for COD showed a seasonal trend with peaks in spring (March-May) and winter (December-February) and troughs in summer (June-August) and autumn (September-November). Our results showed that a linear equation is the most reliable of commonly used buildup models to simulate the total phosphorus (TP) and total suspended solids (TSS) buildup processes on aluminum roofs and glass roofs. This study provided novel information about roof runoff in Shanghai, China, in terms of pollution status, pollution source and pollutant buildup processes, thereby aiding in rainwater utilization and non-point pollution control.  相似文献   
流域宏观尺度降雨-景观-径流变化的相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢高地  甄霖  陈操操  杨丽 《资源科学》2007,29(2):156-163
大流域宏观尺度上长时间序列的降雨变化、景观变化、径流变化及其相互作用是近年来研究全球变化的一个重要问题。本文研究泾河流域降雨-景观-径流变化的相互作用,结果表明:①泾河流域中上游主流域40多年来的降水具有微弱下降趋势,降雨倾向率为-4.9mm/10~-11.3mm/10年;泾河流域马莲河分流域,年降雨量表现为不变或微弱下降;②泾河流域1986年~2000年15年之间,景观结构变化不大,一直以草地景观和耕地景观为主。草地景观和农耕地景观二者始终占流域总面积的85%以上,林地景观始终占流域总面积的10%左右,其他景观类型一直占流域总面积的5%左右。在宏观景观格局的变化中,泾河流域中上游主流域,农耕地景观所占比例有所上升,而泾河流域马莲河分流域农耕地景观所占比例维持稳定;③泾河流域中上游主流域年径流量逐年较大幅度地减少,下降速度达到每10年减少1.78m3/s。在泾河流域马莲河分流域,年径流和径流模数在过去30年中基本维持稳定,整个泾河流域年径流量逐年下降;④相应年份内对应的径流和降雨相关性极为显著(P<0.01)。在泾河主流域中上游地区降水每减少10mm,径流可能相应减少70×108m3,在马莲河分流域地区每减少10mm,径流可能减少110×108m3。在泾河流域,若维持景观结构的稳定,则径流的变化趋势会与降雨的变化趋势保持一致。景观结构的微弱变化会改变径流对降雨响应的变化幅度。在景观组成中,耕地景观比例的增加会显著减少径流。  相似文献   
通过对校园内不同下垫面雨水径流进行水质监测分析,数据显示初期雨水径流污染物浓度较高,随着降雨持续,其浓度下降并趋于平稳。结果表明,校园屋面雨水径流水质较校园道路好,雨水径流中pH、电导率、BODs、溶解氧、总余氯、氨氮、TP、度及嗅和味等指标均符合”城市杂用水标准”要求,而SS、TN、浊度等指标含量较高,超过该标准要求。  相似文献   
随着城市化进程的发展,雨水利用的地位正在不断提高。水资源的矛盾、污染的产生、雨洪问题的突出,人们不得不重新思考雨水利用的问题。国外雨水利用技术已经有很大的进展,尤其是在一些缺水的国家。国内在雨水利用方面还处在初级阶段,很多问题亟待解决。从目前的调查看,雨水利用在台州尚少见。根据从国内外雨水利用的经验,结合台州市的实际情况,对台州雨水利用的必要性和可行性进行研究。  相似文献   
伴随城市化进程加快,硬化地表面积的增加,城市降雨径流过程已发生明显变化,导致洪涝问题突出。城市雨洪模拟是当前城市水文学研究热点和难点之一,也是城市洪涝防治、海绵城市建设评估的关键技术手段。本文选取北京市未来科技城为研究区,利用SWMM模型构建城市雨洪模型,模拟不同降雨条件下地表和管网径流过程;依据不同场次雨型设计年径流总量控制目标对应的降雨过程,并驱动已构建的雨洪模型,评估现状地块下年径流总量控制目标实现情况;据此,提出不同海绵措施的空间布局以实现年径流总量控制目标。结果表明:城市雨洪模型模拟精度较高,洪峰流量误差在8~26%之间,而峰现时间误差为-8%,-1%和0。现状地块条件未达到北京市年径流总量控制目标(80%);采用在道路、建筑和绿地分别增设透水铺装、绿色屋顶和下沉式绿地,并分别按20%,40%和40%的方案比例分配时研究区90%的地块均可达到年径流总量控制目标,还增加1.79万m3可利用水量。本文既可为海绵城市年径流总量控制目标的评估提供参考借鉴,也可为城市海绵措施布局优化等提供决策依据。  相似文献   
本文利用The Global Runoff Data Base (GRDB)和The Arctic Great Rivers Observatory (ArcticGRO)地表径流数据研究了1930年以来的俄罗斯环北极地区六大河流地表径流变化规律,并综述了气候变化和人类活动对地表径流的影响,为进一步科学理解气候变化和人类活动背景下的俄罗斯环北极地区的径流变化规律,进行水资源合理开发利用提供理论依据。结果表明:①北德维纳河、伯朝拉河、鄂毕河、叶尼塞河、勒拿河和科雷马河年径流量分别以每年1.53 m 3/s、7.27 m 3/s、15.37 m 3/s、19.59 m 3/s、38.41 m 3/s、21.15 m 3/s的速率呈增加趋势。径流的年内分布特征表现为春季和夏季的洪峰流量降低,冬季径流量增加,径流年内分配趋向更加均匀。②径流量的年际变化主要受气候变化影响,人类活动对大部分地区的年径流量影响不大,气候变化和人类活动两大因素共同驱动改变了径流的年内分布特征。研究结论对深入理解气候变化影响下的北极河流径流变化、探讨一带一路背景下的跨界水资源合作开发,以及制定北极变化的减缓和适应对策具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   
Australia is one of the world leaders in water management. The country meets the challenge of water shortage with established integrated water management in which rainwater is taken as a too precious resource to be just drained off. In Australia, rainwater is extensively harvested and polished to provide cheaper supply for potable and non-potable domestic uses, irrigation, landscaping, refilling aquifers and other uses. Implementing dual management over the quantity and quality of storm water and practicing water sensitive urban design (WSUD) in urban areas effectively control non-point-source pollution of waterways by pollutants carried with runoffs, reduce the discharge of rainwater and thus protect properties and lives from damage by floods. These achievements are attributed to constant reinforcement by govenments from federal to local levels in policy, financial, legal and educational aspects, and also to the lasting efforts of professional communities and water industry in developing requisite techniques, demonstrating the benefits and fostering public credence of rainwater reuse. The successful rainwater management practices in Australia suggest rainwater harvesting can be a complimentary means for the South-to-North Water Transfer Scheme to solve the water shortage in China's northern regions, and thus release to a degree the pressure on the Yangtze water resources. Best management practices of rainwater can be an effective controlling strategy for flooding and non-point-source water pollution of waterways. Such in-site source control initiatives have particular significance to protecting slow waterways of weak selfpurification ability, like the Three Gorges Reservior.  相似文献   
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