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In the last few decades, in the wake of three major crises in political faith and the overall instability that followed the end of the Cultural Revolution, the post-Mao Chinese government has sought to improve the lives of its citizens and to restore political legitimacy through rapid economic growth that has focused almost exclusively on GDP. This strong focus has brought about rapid, widespread economic growth to China, and has, by classical market standards, been a success. At the same time, issues of social development and human well-being have received less attention. Before the Hu-Wen leadership's formal accession to power, the Jiang-Zhu administration sought to adopt neo-liberal ideas and practices to reform the delivery of social services and the implementation and funding of social policy. In this context, major fields of social policy such as health, education, and housing have been going through the processes of marketisation and privatisation, which have placed much of the financial burden of meeting these social welfare needs on China's citizens. After several decades of privatisation and marketisation in the educational system, the Chinese government has been the subject of repeated criticism for failing to tackle what is popularly known as the ‘new three mountains phenomenon’, namely, the rising cost of health, education, and housing in recent years. Against the wider policy context described above, this article examines the social and political consequences of the privatisation and marketisation of education. It also discusses the major policies and strategies recently adopted by the Chinese government to restore the role of the State in the education system in order to address the negative consequences of the privatisation of education. Finally, it critically examines the main implications of major reforms undertaken in higher education in Mainland China.  相似文献   
中国足球改革的路径选择   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
足球改革是对我国计划经济体制下政府办体育模式的一种创新,目的是提高我国足球运动的水平,满足政府对其社会效益的需求,实现足球产业产业的目标。我国的足球改革已经实行了9年,但与日本和韩国相比我们的水平并没有明显的提高,反而在足球改革中出现了很多问题,像假球和黑哨等,引发了人们对这种改革模式的怀疑,本文运用了新制度经济学的理论解释了我国为什么采取这种改革方式,分析了采取这种方式所产生的弊端的原因,并就进一步的制度创新进行了探讨。  相似文献   
我国加入世贸组织以后,应用写作必将发生变化,对应用文作者、应用文写作中思想方法及书写手段等都提出了新要求。  相似文献   
通过对2001年和2006年女子国际竞技体操规则的对比研究,分析新规则的主要变化特点,结果表明:1)新规则带来体操评分系统的重大突破;2)新规则对难度要求越来越高;3)对运动员完成动作质量提出了更高的要求,动作出现失误,扣分力度增大;4)使评分更加客观公正。  相似文献   
高等教育目前正在或将要发生一些变化,包括教育提供者的数量激增,企业化行为的增加,重心从教转向学,教师日益独立于院校等,这些都需要反思一个根本性的问题,即高等教育的目的是什么。  相似文献   
“问题性教学法”应用于体育理论教学实践,通过创设问题情境并与学生的认识兴趣和情绪状态有机结合,调动了学生的学习积极性与主动性,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   
对有学者提出体育健身价值目标应该向德育、智育、美育等方面转化是体育终身化的行反思,提出进行体育践行才是终身体育化的关键.  相似文献   
藏传佛教萨迦派密教命题"成境为心",不仅是一个佛教命题,也是一个与我国古典美学思想有亲密关系的命题。它源于唯识宗,本质上是一种人心内证的修持过程,旨在强调"境"的生成是由于"心",万物皆存于"心",除"心"之外再无实有外境,人应修一颗明空双运的心以达到生死涅槃的无别之见。探索一条从藏传佛教心性学说到审美心理理论的思想道路,既有其优势,也有其不可避免的缺陷。它反映了一种以主体为本源、夸大了主体作用、完全忽略了客体作用的审美心理。这种审美心理在美学理论研究中具有非常重要的地位。  相似文献   
根据2008年金融危机以来,国内传统煤炭企业所经历的"过山车"式的经济形势变化和"冰火两重天"的生存发展体验,分析研究业态特征,剖析发掘深层问题,总结行业应对危机的规律,提出宏观经济"新常态"条件下,国内传统煤炭企业"向哪里去",以及改革发展的对策措施。  相似文献   
目前大学英语写作中学生无话可说、缺乏想象力和创造力的现象普遍存在。而有效激发学生英语写作的兴趣,解决创造性思维缺乏的问题,关键在于写作前为学生提供一系列能触发想象力与写作话题相关的问题和线索。主要依据语言输入假说和建构主义理论,探讨写作教学中课前语言最佳输入、课堂输入模式的多样化,提出创建优秀作文库和实行"10+30+5"多形式课堂输入的模式。  相似文献   
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