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试论周恩来哲学思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伟大的马克思主义思想家和无产阶级革命家、政治家、军事家、外交家周恩来,在领导中国革命和建设的过程中,把马克思主义普遍真理同中国的具体实际紧密结合起来,勤于总结革命经验,在政治、军事、外交等方面都有丰富的理论建树.他将长期革命生涯中积累的感知和理念从世界观方法论的高度加以概括提炼,形成独具特色的哲学思想.因此,从理论与实践结合上阐明周恩来哲学思想,对于发展马克思主义,丰富毛泽东思想,具有重大的现实意义.  相似文献   
《木摇马上的赢家》写于20世纪20年代工业文明高度发达时期,故文章所表现的主题正是人的善良与美好的本性在工业社会被扭曲的客观现实及其可怕后果.作者采用现实主义的创作手法,创造了典型环境下的典型性格,并佐以一定的浪漫主义表现手法和技巧,通过对悲剧产生的自然环境、木摇马的“信息”的描写以及标题中反语的运用,来完成对主题的体现.  相似文献   
诗借鉴绘画的表现功能,但同时又实现对绘画的超越。诗人是以超人的敏感捕捉对自然的异样感受,以画家的眼睛观察自然瞬息万变的色彩,以音乐家的耳朵倾听自然静谧的声响,以哲人的静观体悟宇宙生命的律动,这些汇成一种超越视觉的全息诗性经验,把诗推向不可画的境地。  相似文献   
"非物质文化遗产"概念的提出,有助于消除人们对活态文化的偏见,也促使我们更全面地审视中国传统风俗画的内容。中国传统风俗画中记录的古代大量社会风俗、民族传统和民间知识,成为当今非物质文化遗产的重要补充,传统风俗画也由此获得了很高的史料价值。  相似文献   
学习中国画要从传统开始是一个不争的学术事实,然而,不同的学者对中国画传统的内涵却存在着截然不同的解读。正确的诠释传统是学习中国画的客观前提,传统是个宽泛而生生不息,有待完善和不断发展着的领域,而决非一成不变的巢臼。学习传统不能仅仅囿于传统的形式构件,而是要把握传统的精神内核,领悟以“创新”为特质的传统精神,创新当跟随时代,并应时代需要革新绘画材料和技法。  相似文献   
首届"上海朱家角国际水彩画双年展"是国际上第一个水彩画专题双年展,是2010年上海世博会主要文化交流活动之一,笔者的作品《修补.状态》有幸入选来自全球19个国家和地区的258幅作品之中。中国水彩画从对西方的学习、吸收,发展到创作出符合我们民族、我们心境的佳作;中国水彩画家正以深厚的文化底蕴、哲学观念,逐步地探寻着水彩画的新方向,为世界水彩艺术添砖加瓦。  相似文献   
"书画同源"作为中国传统书画理论中的一个重要命题和观点,古今都对其"源"进行了许多阐述,而对由"源"引发出的两个"支流"(书法和国画)之间的内在联系和共性特征相对涉及较少。文章围绕二者的共性方面进行了全面的分析和论述,目的是引导我们要善于从一些传统的重要命题去进行新的思考和再探讨。  相似文献   
现代装饰画与传统装饰画的区别,主要体现在他不再是时间意义上的现代,而是意义上的创新,出现了与美相悖的装饰画作品内容,其名称的界定变得模糊了,并且形式和内容倾向于理论化,造型倾向于抽象化。  相似文献   
This paper explores the meaning of the American dream and testifies that two American characters,Jay Gatsby and Forrest Gump are the personification of the American dream in different times.In their stories,the two American people are different from people around them in that they have undying affection for their beloved and that they never give up their dreams no matter how difficult the situation is.The paper combines the social background and the two characters’ own experience,to analyze the two romantic dreamers in the cruel reality and reveal that people of dreams can achieve greatness.  相似文献   
Students in undergraduate premedical anatomy courses may experience suboptimal and superficial learning experiences due to large class sizes, passive lecture styles, and difficult-to-master concepts. This study introduces an innovative, hands-on activity for human musculoskeletal system education with the aim of improving students’ level of engagement and knowledge retention. In this study, a collaborative learning intervention using the REFLECT (augmented reality for learning clinical anatomy) system is presented. The system uses the augmented reality magic mirror paradigm to superimpose anatomical visualizations over the user’s body in a large display, creating the impression that she sees the relevant anatomic illustrations inside her own body. The efficacy of this proposed system was evaluated in a large-scale controlled study, using a team-based muscle painting activity among undergraduate premedical students (n = 288) at the Johns Hopkins University. The baseline knowledge and post-intervention knowledge of the students were measured before and after the painting activity according to their assigned groups in the study. The results from knowledge tests and additional collected data demonstrate that the proposed interactive system enhanced learning of the musculoskeletal system with improved knowledge retention (F(10,133) = 3.14, < 0.001), increased time on task (F(1,275) = 5.70, < 0.01), and a high level of engagement (F(9,273) = 8.28, < 0.0001). The proposed REFLECT system will be of benefit as a complementary anatomy learning tool for students.  相似文献   
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