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《先知》是纪伯伦的代表作,这部著作包含着丰富而深刻的生态伦理思想。《先知》中纪伯伦以诗一样的语言对人与自然的关系、人对万物的态度做了论述,对现代人应有的生活态度有着积极的启示。  相似文献   
乔霞 《鸡西大学学报》2011,11(6):119-120
通过黄巾起义发家的曹操,在不断地战争中有了统一天下的愿望。由于曹操的谋略、品行和军事才能,在其周围聚集了一批文臣武将,在他们的协助下,曹操的队伍不断地发展壮大,形成了独立的政权。建安元年,曹操建都许昌,以许昌为基点展开了统一天下的一系列军事征伐。曹魏政权对许昌也进行了一定的开发,一方面促进了许昌经济的发展,另一方面也为曹魏统一北方奠定了基础。  相似文献   
作为一种行之有效的管理工具,知识管理在全球化和信息技术急速发展的前提下应运而生,作为一种理论,知识管理理论也为进行深入全面的行政组织变革和创新提供了新的有效的思路。基于知识管理理论视角,我国行政组织在学习能力、人力资源管理、知识管理体系、信息化水平等方面存在一定的问题,传统行政文化、科层制弊端、资金投入不足及失衡、公务员整体素质等的影响和制约构成了问题产生的原因,因此,建立扁平化的行政组织、创建学习型行政组织、加强我国行政组织电子政务建设、完善我国行政组织知识管理体系等即成为我国行政组织变革和创新的可行路径。  相似文献   
储光羲擅长五言古诗的创作,其五古诗歌中具有明显的仿古倾向。因为诗坛的复古潮流,东南诗人群体的整体创作趣尚,储光羲听从性格、思想等内在特质的召唤,形成了对五言古诗的特殊偏好。  相似文献   
语言倭化僭越了教师对学生进行批评教育的合理限度而演变成一种教师言语道德的失范行为.教师语言倭化现象的产生有其师源性、生源性和制度性等原因.遏制教师语言倭化现象,从教师方面应采取师德师风建设,建立师生平等的对话交流机制;学生方面应采取加强学生权利意识教育,提高学生自我保护能力;制度层面应采取完善教育法规和学校管理制度,建立教师师德监督机制等措施.  相似文献   
审视近年来不断披露的冤假错案,不难发现任何一起冤假错案的形成都不是偶然的,而是各种因素合力作用的结果,尤其是应当对冤假错案的发生起着重要防范作用的审判环节,却因未能将程序公正的价值根植于法官内心,导致疑罪从无、非法证据排除、审判依法独立等原则在具体的审判实践中无法实现,是一批冤假错案发生的主要根源。需要坚持疑罪从无、非法证据排除、依法独立行使审判权三大原则,以求将冤假错案的发生率控制在最低的限度内。  相似文献   
明朝中晚期,徽州底层社会动荡不安。在对失序的社会进行整合的过程中,官府通过革新诉讼制度,将国家权力再次渗透到基层社会;富于士大夫精神的行政长官励精图治,抚恤受灾百姓,推行乡约,神道设教,以儒家纲常伦理价值规范社会秩序,以民间信仰约束百姓行为;乡绅牺牲自我,提倡克己复礼,整齐风俗,凝聚地方人心,维持地方秩序。儒家传统价值在时代的变局中发挥了重要的稳定作用。  相似文献   
近年来,大学生中的享乐主义现象越来越多,存在的享乐主义问题也越来越严重,它成为制约大学生提高自身思想素质的一大障碍。因此,深入了解享乐主义在大学生中的具体表现和严重危害,并从理论和实践方面积极探讨消除享乐主义的有效对策,这为高校营造有利于克服享乐主义的育人环境意义重大。  相似文献   
Evidence from Australia lends support to the “Asian high achieving syndrome” in Chinese-Australian students and “self-deprivation syndrome” in Anglo-Australian students. Applying ethnographic case studies approach for doctoral thesis the author collected data on a longitudinal basis from homes and school of these students. All of these students attended the same school located in a predominantly middle class suburb of Perth Metropolitan area in Western Australia. Chinese-Australian families had settled in Perth from Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong, whereas Anglo-Australian families had been residing in Perth for three generations. Impetus to revisit these students (now young adults with their own families) 10 years later came from an urge to test the validity of the prediction the author had made in the concluding chapter of his doctoral thesis. The author had claimed that “if Anglo-Australian parents keep on dwelling in the era of 1950s and 1960s and do not change their laid-back attitude about education, their children could eventually be under-privileged in their own country”. Ten years later, the author undertook a follow-up study on these young adults from six of the eight original families in order to find out their occupational destinations and future aspirations. Data for the follow-up study were collected from these young adults and their parents. These research cases were interviewed twice, each time approximately for two hours and their parents were interviewed once for two to three hours. The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of the follow-up study which reveals a remarkable relationship between the attitude towards schooling and academic performance with their subsequent occupational destination.  相似文献   
In this study, work ethic was examined as a predictor of academic motivation and performance. A total of 440 undergraduate students completed measures of work ethic and academic motivation, and reported their cumulative grade point average. Results indicated that several dimensions of work ethic were related to academic motivation and academic performance. Differences between correlations were examined, and work ethic dimensions were more strongly related to hypothesised dimensions of motivation than other dimensions of motivation. In addition, structural equation modelling was used to examine the mediating effect of academic motivation. These findings provide additional evidence for the importance of work ethic in academic settings, as well as important construct-related validity evidence for work ethic. Implications of these study findings, limitations and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   
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