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Access to education is a right for all students. This right is typically realised through the provision of disability support and reasonable adjustments to enable tertiary students with disabilities to participate on an equal footing with their peers. This paper presents perspectives of disability service staff and students about implementing and using reasonable adjustments. Data were collected at 2 tertiary institutions in Australia through interviews with 25 students with disabilities and 7 disability service staff. Data were thematically analysed. The complexity of and variability in the processes of negotiating and implementing disability support were identified as an overarching theme in the data. These processes involved engaging multiple parties. The task of negotiating reasonable adjustments is used to illustrate some of the complexities inherent in supporting students with disabilities. These findings challenge existing assumptions that support is easily accessible and simply provided. They highlight the complexity of using reasonable adjustments, and the tendency for this to be seen as a student responsibility. Finally, the findings imply that disability services need to reorient from a focus on care and concern towards a rights orientation and foster students’ skills in self-advocacy to better enable them to negotiate without disadvantage.  相似文献   
马克斯.韦伯认为,西方独特的“理性化”和“新教伦理”促成了西方近代的兴起,并以社会构成论和历史趋势论对此判断进行论述,同时对兴起后的资本主义社会发展趋势和对于个人的意义性问题做出了是“牢笼”的诊断。他的理论资源在西方发展道路的普适性上支撑了西方主流学术话语,对西方马克思主义文化批判理论的形成产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
Introduction: The number of students with disabilities accessing Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), including professional courses, has increased substantially within the Republic of Ireland over the past 10 years [AHEAD (Association of Higher Education, Access, and Disability) 2012. “Survey on the Participation Rates of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education for the Academic Year 2011/2012.” http://www.ahead.ie/userfiles/file/PR_2012.pdf]. In one HEI in the Republic of Ireland, it was noticed that there was a large increase in students with disabilities, from 67 in 2006 to 259 in 2013 on professional courses. The aim of this study was to identify the issues and concerns of practice educators (PEs) in both supporting students with disabilities and exploring the concerns for students with disabilities on professional courses. Methods: A survey design was employed to meet the aims of this study and ethical permission was granted from the Faculty of Health Science Ethics Committee. Results: Respondents included 68 PEs and 63 students with disabilities. PEs were found to be concerned with students reaching the required standard of proficiency on placement, and how to support students in this. Students on the other hand identified stigma and disclosure of a disability as a concern. Conclusion: This study highlighted a difference in perceptive between PEs and students with disabilities in relation to disclosure and support needs for their disabilities.  相似文献   
教学工作是高校工作的中心,人才培养质量是学校的生命线。随着社会科技的进步和高等教育的深入发展,如何提高高校教育教学质量是教育工作者关注的问题和焦点。高校的教学形式主要是课堂教学,因此课堂质量评价是保证高校教学质量的一个重要环节。教师课堂质量评价是质量监控体系的有机组成部分,对激发教师和学生的积极性,保证教学的正常运行,促进教育教学改革有着积极的作用,但目前也存在着评价目的不明确、评价方式单一化、评价标准不合理、反馈渠道不畅、评价结果不公平等问题,本文从教师课堂教学评价的现状入手进行分析,并从评价制度的完善、评价方式的改进、评价结果的计算和反馈渠道的拓宽几个方面提出解决的策略。  相似文献   
自由心证指导着事实裁判者对证据的取舍及对其证明力大小的判断,是事实认定的前提;排除合理怀疑作为刑事案件的证明标准,被认为是非涉案人在参审过程中对案件事实认识所能达到的最高程度。传统的证据排除规则能够将不具备相关性与可采性的证据予以排除,但是在最后陪审团评议过程中,陪审员可以根据个人阅历、经验理性对形式上符合法律规定证据材料的证明力进行"自由"评价,合理怀疑规则也就成为了证据的排除规则。  相似文献   
堤坝工程质量隐患的类型、位置及严重程度都是极其复杂的。为了有效彻底地达到除险加固的目的,选择合理的加固方法进行针对性地除险加固,并检验加固效果。  相似文献   
张爱玲因其个人独特的经历,小说思维中融入了电影思维的某些元素,用丰富的意象和影视技法构筑了一个游离于现实和想象之间的全新时空,本文将引用福柯的“异托邦”概念来试析张爱玲小说中的电影化想象。  相似文献   
举证责任的分担是刑事证据的核心内容之一,也是将刑事实体贯彻到实践中的保障。根据无罪推定原则,在刑事诉讼领域一般由控方承担举证责任,被告方是否要承担举证责任仍存争议。但是,在诉讼历史的发展中我们不难发现,由控方承担举证责任对被告方来说并不是绝对有利的,而且在司法实践中由被告方承担举讧责任的情形逐渐增加,其优越性逐渐突显出来。笔者试图从正当防卫这一典型辩护理由着手,寻求被告方举证的合理性,探讨其所应达到的证明程度,完善正当防卫的证明内容,促使公民更好地维护自己在刑事案件中的权利。  相似文献   
美国作为世界上情报监听立法最早的国家,已形成较为成熟的法律制度体系。根据美国不同时期情报监听立法的特点,将其划分为早期(任意侦查阶段)、起源(确立“物理入侵”标准)、发展(确立“合理隐私期待”原则)、成熟(法律体系趋于完备)、突变(反恐形势下扩大执法机构的情报监听权力)5个阶段,并对5个阶段的标志性立法及其主要内容与特点作出梳理。  相似文献   
依据篮球技术运用的实效性原则,对三种篮球变方向运球突破组合技术的运作方法进行了论述,并对运球突破组合技术中运用时机、合理动作、合理运用、合理组合等几个关键环节做了分析与讨论。  相似文献   
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