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在《儒林外史》的题名中,"儒林"来自于正史《儒林传》,最早以之为题名的小说是北宋田况的《儒林公议》;而"外史"本是周朝史官,后演变为修史之史臣。在《儒林外史》之前还有《武王伐纣外史封神演义》和《女仙外史》两部小说,其意义也各有变化。对《儒林外史》题名渊源的考证,既可以从一个特殊角度认识去古代小说与历史的关系,又可以清楚把握作者的命意和创作心态。  相似文献   
标题是文学作品的"灵魂",它通过寥寥数字高度概括了作品的内涵和精神。能否准确地翻译文学作品标题直接影响着作品在译入语读者中的推广和传播。本文以海明威的短篇小说为例,简要地探讨了文学作品标题翻译的常见方法。  相似文献   
徐璐 《海外英语》2014,(4):132-134,152
Film is an art manifestation which originated from daily life.Besides it is also a mental product conveyed with various kinds of cultural,political,ideological elements.Film title,as the name card to a film,is short in form but rich in meaning,has its own linguistic,cultural,aesthetic and commercial features.Film title translation is a unique field of translation practice but far less explored.In this essay,the author tries to explain the features and functions of film title with cases and provides a scan of film title translation study at home in order to assist translators to find the major difficulties in film title translation and to improve the overall quality of film title translation in the market.  相似文献   
《论语》各篇虽看似散乱,实则各具集中篇旨。《为政》篇的主旨在于为政,集中论述了孔子的政治思想。第一、二章点明为政之主旨,即是通过无邪之心施政,而达于无为的为政境界。第三章,指出孔子政治观之依归在于礼。第四章,回顾自己学于礼、立于礼、行于礼、教于礼,最后达于无礼之处而有礼的儒家无为境界之经历。其余诸章,分论孔子政治观之孝治根本以及为政中的君臣之道。  相似文献   
当前,一些非主流媒体一味追求新奇刺激,漠视人文关怀,导致社会责任的缺失。这尤其表现在新闻标题和图片中。冷漠与低俗、歧视与偏见等是泯灭人文关怀的重要因素,传播者人文精神的缺失是人文关怀缺失的根源。要抵制人文关怀的缺失,必须坚持贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众,做到真正代表最广大人民群众的根本利益,当好党和人民的"喉舌"。  相似文献   
《聊斋志异》以“阿”为词头的亲属称谓词有自身的特色。文章探讨了这些词语的来源.以及在小说中的作用.提出此类称谓词语是蒲松龄对宋代以前的典籍词汇的融汇与创新。  相似文献   

Many Chinese professional football clubs change their names more frequently compared with professional football clubs outside of China. By analyzing the historical data of football development history, the title of the sponsorship of professional football clubs in China, as well as the change of property rights, and adopting the method of documentation and browsing method of portals and internet platforms such as the official website of Chinese Football Association, Baibu baike, and Netease CSL data live system, the titles of sponsorship of professional football clubs in China are changed frequently with significant club clustering. Many clubs even have fixed titles but have changed them along with the change in sponsors. The change in a football club title shall be triggered by factors such as the change of economic factors, the change in institutional factors and the combined action of economic factors and institutional factors together. However, the fundamental reason for the frequent change of clubs’ titles shall be the undefined property structures of most clubs, as well as the issues of club brand values and property right confirmation.  相似文献   
薛调 《现代情报》2017,37(10):72
以"清博指数"微信总榜中的17所高校图书馆为研究样本,利用统计方法和定性研究方法对头条文章从推送频率、标题字数、标题特征和标题内容4个方面进行了分析,构建了头条文章标题内容的主题模型。提出了树立头条意识、提高读者认知,确定合理的推送频率及推送方式,选择恰当的标题特征,甄选契合读者需求的标题内容四点增强高校图书馆微信公众号信息传播效果的建议。  相似文献   
清承明制,设立科道官员执行重要的监察职能。科道官在澄清吏治方面发挥了作用,甚至对最高统治者亦犯颜直谏,此外在国计民生、时弊等诸多方面有充分的发言权。科道官的设置,使封建官僚体系具备了一定的自我调节、自我完善能力,对政治大有裨益。但是,科道官群体的素质并非等齐划一,少数不忠、不法科道的分子存在也必将为其带来负面影响。  相似文献   
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