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An integrative model of attitudes toward immigrants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The research tests an integrative model of attitudes toward immigrants. Underpinned by Integrated Threat Theory and the Instrumental Model of Group Conflict and incorporating aspects of the contact and multicultural hypotheses, the model proposes direct paths linking five latent variables: multicultural ideology, contact with immigrants, intergroup anxiety, perceived threat and attitudes toward immigrants. Data generated from a random telephone survey of 500 New Zealand households demonstrated a very good fit for the model. The latent personal (multicultural ideology) and situational (contact with immigrants) variables represented exogenous factors and were related to each other. More frequent intercultural contact led to decreased intergroup anxiety, which, in turn, predicted diminished perceptions of threat and more positive attitudes toward immigrants. At the same time, a second path from multicultural ideology led to decreased perceptions of threat and, in turn, to more positive attitudes toward immigrants. The advantages of an integrative approach to attitudes toward immigrants are discussed, and recommendations are made for future research.  相似文献   
在古今中外的许多艺术家中,不乏对宗教参悟颇深并与自己的创作结合为一体的名家、大师,他们或以自己的艺术方式参禅悟道,弘扬教义,或以之来实现文"道"结合,创造出许多颇具宗教色彩、让常人不解或难解的艺术作品。从废名的《海》和郭沫若的《夕暮》两诗来看,其中虽蕴含着深奥的禅机,但却包含着文学艺术的别一番境界,虽以常人难解或不解的"偈语"或云山雾海般的构意为表达方式,却又是将"出世"思想与"入世"精神完美统一于一体的艺术结晶。  相似文献   
This paper presents the main results of a comparative study carried out by a French‐Japanese research team. Its focus is the daily life of under‐ones in day care centres in two cultural contexts—France and Japan. Based on three kinds of data—official texts, videotaped observations and caregivers' discourses—the study highlights the links between traditional and professional norms and values which shape practices in the two countries. It thus contributes both to the current debate on new paradigms in early education and to the improvement of professional practices.  相似文献   
章通过对十六大报告关于做好宗教工作重要论述的深入分析,提出了新世纪新阶段做好宗教工作的思路:1.必须始终保持党的先进性,引导信教群众跟党走;2.要吸取宗教化中的积极因素,促进先进化的发展;3.始终代表最广大人民群众的根本利益,做好基层信教群众工作;4.与时俱进,不断开拓宗教工作的新局面。  相似文献   
《灯草和尚传》在哲学层面上所鼓吹的道教享乐观构成了作品的内核,表现为创作动机和作品主旨;在意绪层面上以佛教果报作为宣扬道教享乐观的手段,并由此构成作品的外在框架,表现为作品结构;在情节层面上,以巫术作为故事叙述的关节和网络,从而使作品具有了浓厚的巫教和巫术色彩。  相似文献   
学术界对湘西宗教的关注较早,在20世纪40-50年代,石启贵、凌纯声等苗族学者系统地整理了湘西宗教的相关资料。经过"文革"时期的沉寂,20世纪80年代涌现出一大批研究成果,主要集中在对宗教仪式环节中的符号分析、对宗教仪式变迁及其功能的考察、对宗教现象的艺术学研究等方面。尽管成果颇丰,还存在不足,在研究对象上多局限于宗教仪式、宗教现象等方面,忽略了宗教文化外化的物质实体——坛庙宫观寺院等宗教建筑;在研究方法上以田野调查、符号分析、历史考证等抽象描述为主,很少使用科学的量化分析研究。因此,有待加强运用量化分析的方法对坛庙宫观寺院等宗教建筑进行研究。  相似文献   
陈彬 《宜宾学院学报》2014,(11):106-115
星火村至今仍存在着如"庆菩萨"仪式、树神崇拜、"寄子石"现象、"打箭碑"、丧礼中的唱挽歌与做道场习俗、祭祖风俗等民间信仰现象。这些现象若借用韦伯的"理念型"方法可梳理并归纳成风俗习惯型、集体压力型、个体自愿型三种类型,这些理念型方法都是对现实的信仰实践所作的一种抽象提炼,活态的信仰实践与这里界定的"理念型"存在一定的差距,并且各种"理念型"之间的差异也被不同程度地凸显出来。这种社会学类型的划分可以告诉我们,虽然都可以被称作"民间信仰"的文化事实,但它们实际上具备不同的信仰特征,具有各异的信仰结构,并包含不同的社会学意涵,因而我们的研究必须要仔细区分,谨慎分析,慎下结论。  相似文献   
在新疆高校抵御和防范宗教渗透可以保障青年学生健康成长,维护学校和谐稳定,有助于实现新疆社会稳定和长治久安。新疆高校抵御和防范宗教渗透需要建立长效机制,要加强教育管理机制,完善协调沟通机制,健全监控预警机制。  相似文献   
近五年国内对佛教音乐的研究重点主要集中在:佛教音乐的概念和功用、佛教音乐的发展、汉传佛教音乐研究、藏传佛教音乐研究、南传佛教音乐研究、佛教音乐的对比研究、佛教音乐旅游资源的科学开发与创新利用研究和从时间、空间不同的两个维度对佛教音乐进行研究等方面。  相似文献   
The quality of mathematics teaching in Lesotho primary education remains one of the vexing problems in the education system. The study investigated how teachers viewed the impact of instruction on enhancing their knowledge of teaching. Data for the study were elicited from the second-year students enrolled for a Bachelor of Education in the 2009/10 academic year at the National University of Lesotho. Questionnaires and interviews were used for data collection. The findings show that before instruction, the teachers operated with limited knowledge of teaching. At the end of the course the teachers’ knowledge of teaching was enhanced. Significant change was apportioned to engaging in reflection and teaching for relational understanding. Implications of the findings for the course, teacher education and professional development are also discussed.  相似文献   
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