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Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many academic institutions had to rapidly transition education to a remote online environment. While a hurdle for most educators, this transition posed an even greater challenge for anatomy educators, many of whom were forced to depart from the traditional cadaver-based laboratory to a virtual format. Recent publications have discussed the rapid transition to online formats necessitated by Covid-19 and the accompanying difficulties, but none have identified specific factors that influenced the difficulty of this transition. Anatomy educators were surveyed to examine how this transition was accomplished and perceived. Of the 165 educators who responded, the majority utilized cadaver-based laboratory instruction. Educators felt that transitioning the laboratory portion of their courses was significantly more difficult and required more time than converting lecture materials. Factors that impacted the difficulty of the transition included a number of pedagogical aspects of the pre-Covid-19 curricula, including the delivery format of prior content, availability of pre-existing electronic materials, and the laboratory technique previously used. Additionally, the length of time an educator had been teaching prior to Covid-19 impacted their perception of difficulty, with newer and more senior educators finding this much more challenging than mid-tenure educators. Ease of transition may be related to previous exposure to curricular reform, experience with multiple anatomy pedagogies, and educator adaptability. While not surprising that converting a cadaver-based laboratory to an online format was challenging, knowledge of the alignment of this difficulty with prior educator pedagogy can help guide future innovations to anatomy education.  相似文献   
Students with autism may struggle to develop the academic skills necessary for success in school and beyond. Understanding and improving academic skills performance requires appropriate measurement approaches. One such option that has been minimally studied with students with autism is curriculum-based measurement (CBM). Coinciding with the need to study different approaches to academic skills measurement for students with autism was the global pandemic which forced a shift to remote service delivery with little warning. While some autistic students struggled with this shift, others thrived, raising questions about how to further support students with autism in virtual formats. The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility of using remotely administered CBM for autistic students by studying both the practicality and acceptability of this approach. Five students with autism (Grades 2–5) participated in this pilot study, completing reading, math, and writing CBMs at three time points. Student behavior and assessor fidelity were collected to examine practicality; assessor ratings of usability provided insight regarding the acceptability of the approach. Results indicated that remotely administered CBM is feasible for some students with autism: all participants completed the study tasks with minimal behavioral difficulties, and assessor ratings of acceptability were high.  相似文献   
在城市景观园林设计中,由于绿化斑块聚集,区域复杂,难以实现对遥感信息光谱特征的有效提取,制约城市景观设计科学规划。提出一种基于绿化斑块合并技术的景观格局光谱绿化廊道分区处理技术,首先进行城市绿化景观格局模型构建,分析城市绿化景观生态风景园林设计的现状,设计绿化斑块合并技术,提出绿色景观格局分析的绿化廊道光谱特征提取算法。实现对城市绿化景观格局的光谱绿化廊道的分区处理方法改进。研究结果表明,该方法能有效对城市景观中的绿化廊道进行特征提取和廊道分区,廊道分区的峰值信噪比提高,为城市景观和风景园林建设提供准确的数据依据。  相似文献   
西北地区属于我国城镇化发展的后发地区且受生态环境制约程度较高,存在城镇化水平偏低、城乡差距较大、小城镇半城镇化水平虚高以及异地城镇化现象明显等问题。在国家积极推进新型城镇化建设的背景下,以陕西省为例,运用定性与定量相结合的方法,对西北地区城镇化发展的地方性内涵与路径进行了探讨,进而提出西北地区新型城镇化以人为本、协调发展、产城融合、统筹城乡、生态优先、传承文化的内涵本质,提出消化“存量”与扩张“增量”并举、构建开放型新型城镇体系、以城市群为主体形态、因地制宜推进区域差异化发展、强化特色产业支撑及结合移民搬迁推进城乡一体化等路径,以期为西北地区城镇化路径研究提供新思路。  相似文献   
偏远地区残疾青少年冬季运动项目由于自身的局限性,往往被社会各界力量所忽视。针对影响社区偏远地区残疾青少年冬季运动项目开展的各种因素进行分析。研究结果表明:影响偏远地区残疾青少年冬季项目开展的因素有偏远地区残疾青少年的文化程度、偏远地区残疾青少年的心理障碍、偏远地区残疾青少年的竞技状况、社会各界的支持与相应政策的扶持,同时还受到客观因素的制约,即家庭环境和社会环境的制约。根据影响因素制定行之有效的策略,从而推动偏远地区残疾青少年冬季项目的发展。  相似文献   
基于AERONET太湖站2005年9月—2010年9月的太阳分光光度计实测数据,分析太湖上空单次散射反照率(SSA)随时间变化特征以及频率分布特征. 结果表明,SSA的月均最大值、最小值分别为8月的0.95±0.03和12月的0.87±0.03. 季节均值的最大值为夏季的0.94±0.03,最小值为冬季的0.88±0.04;SSA的年均值为0.90. 从频率分布来看,SSA的最高频率分布区间为0.9~0.92. 分析表明,太湖上空存在中度吸收型的气溶胶.  相似文献   
神经网络作为相对理想的可以业务化运行的水色遥感建模方法,在训练过程中需要巨量的数据集;而实测数据无法满足要求,需要利用水体辐射传输软件Hydrolight模拟数据集.利用数值统计方法对太湖7期野外实测数据进行分析,确定利用Hydrolight模拟太湖遥感反射率时,需要输入的藻类颗粒物、非藻类颗粒物和有色可溶性有机物的比吸收系数、比散射系数等参数;利用这些参数模拟遥感反射比,并与实测光谱数据进行比较,发现二者相关性普遍在0.95以上,证明确定的太湖区域化参数符合模拟需要,具有较强的实用价值.  相似文献   
基于校园网的多媒体教室集中监管系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了克服多媒体教室管理维护中存在的维护工作量大、不便于教师使用等不足,借鉴已有多媒体中控平台和基于网络的教室监控系统的理论思想,提出了一种基于校园网络、使用S3C2440和嵌入式Linux的集中式监管方案,运用系统设计方法逐步给出了总体设计、硬件设计、软件流程图和网络结构的具体方案,最后用模拟实验和仿真数据证实了系统有较好的资源利用率。  相似文献   
周敏  夏金星 《职教通讯》2012,(16):38-41,45
为了探索利用现代远程教育手段将高等教育资源输入广大农村,2004年教育部启动了"一村一名大学生计划",专门为农村第一线培养"用得上、留得住"的实用型人才和基层管理人才。经过八年的实践,这项计划为农村基层培养了一大批优秀干部,有效地促进了农村经济的发展,推进了新农村建设的步伐,但也出现了不少亟待解决的问题。对此,提出四点建议:健全基层选拔制度;强化教学过程的落实,保证培养质量;调整师资结构,平衡专业发展;加强学生的自主学习和学习责任感。  相似文献   
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