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浅析《最后一片叶子》的文体特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从叙述视角、修辞手法和会话三个方面对欧.亨利的著名短篇小说《最后一片叶子》进行文体分析,以期对作品的主题思想和美学价值有更深刻的了解。  相似文献   
“最后,我说一句”是语篇结尾常用的标记形式。它用在语篇结尾可以名符其实地引出一句结尾的话,但虚化“说一句”而引出多个句子或多个段落的用法也很常见。对于这种虚化用法,从修辞角度,通过与“最后,我说两句”的虚化用法对比,分析“最后,我说一句”成为元话语标记的过程。由此理解:修辞效果的实现是元话语标记形成的根本原因。  相似文献   
仿拟是一种常见的修辞格,在英语广告语中使用广泛,从而使广告形象生动、立意深刻,给消费者以过目不忘之感,使其产生购买欲望,最终达到促销和劝购的功能.文章阐述了广告、广告语和仿拟的定义,继而以仿拟在英语广告语中的运用形式——仿词、仿语和仿句——为框架,列举分析仿拟在英语广告语中应用的成功体例.  相似文献   
《综合教程》教材内容丰富、涉及面广,许多课文摘自英美原文,学生学习起来得到文化知识陶冶的同时,也会遇到不同程度的困难——修辞格。本文以《综合教程》(何兆熊主编)第三册为例,对该教材中出现的修辞格进行赏析,使学生感受语言的美,提高他们的语言素养及语言综合应用能力。  相似文献   
潮汕方言歌谣,是指流行于广东省潮州市、汕头市、揭阳市及海丰中部一带以潮汕方言为载体的一种民间口头文学。在845首潮汕歌谣的封闭研究对象中,使用最广泛的辞格依次是重叠、起兴、顶针、比喻、对比、铺排、比拟和夸张。起兴、比喻和比拟三种辞格共使用785处,使歌谣平添语音上的声律美、情感上的内敛美和形象上的表现力;运用对比、铺排、顶真的歌谣近500首,使歌谣语势连贯,语气连绵,结构严密,整齐匀称,达到语言均衡的美感;600多首歌谣运用了重叠,使歌谣凸显了强化语意和主题、增强音律和乐感;夸张辞格的巧妙使用,增强了歌谣表现生活的张力和感染力。  相似文献   
The paper reflects on the ways market research in Britain helped produce understandings of and information about the ‘mass housewife’ in the 1950s and 1960s. The paper does this through a case study of the market research used and generated by the London subsidiary office of J. Walter Thompson advertising. The paper focuses on key client accounts, as well as the agency's non-product specific research, as a way of exploring how it sought to understand the ordinary housewife and her consumption habits. In exploring JWT London's approach to the ‘mass market’ housewife, the paper draws on recent sociological arguments about advertising and market research that have conceptualized these commercial practices as technologies or socio-technical devices for ‘making-up’ the consumer. However, the paper also seeks to revise certain aspects of this sociological approach. It does this by proposing a more differentiated sense of the various marketing and market research paradigms that were used by advertising agencies in order to contest the claim that post-war market research was subject to growing sophistication under the influence of the psychological sciences. Secondly, the paper seeks to bring a more international and specifically trans-Atlantic dimension to the understanding of post-war market research. US-derived techniques formed a visible presence within post-war British market research and constituted a key point of reference for British-based practitioners. This influence was neither totalizing nor did it go unchallenged, but even as they rejected elements of ‘American’ approaches to the consumer, British practitioners still had to reckon with their intellectual authority and commercial force in this period.  相似文献   
基于韩礼德的衔接理论,试图通过对《晚报浏览》节目中的新闻加以研究,从中找出新闻之间的衔接策略,以便对新闻语篇作出更加客观和科学的分析。  相似文献   
本文分析了新闻报道标题在修辞和语言方面的特点,提出标题赏析有助于培养学生的语言能力。  相似文献   
现代汉语中有一部分副词,如“都”“也”“还”等,它们在作状语充当修饰,限制成分时,除了对谓词在时间,范围,程度,方式,情态,语气等方面有修饰,限制作用,它们还有一个指向问题,其中,程度副词“最”的语义指向尤为复杂,在“最”制约其它成分的同时,它还受语言环境等其它因素的制约,从而影响“最”的制约作用。  相似文献   
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