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文章以阐释孔子“和而不同”思想之渊源为切入,剖析了儒家学说在促进实现人与人、人与社会、人与自然和谐发展以及社会政治共识与多元文化建构方面的人文理想,而古代社会系统对不同族群、不同文化、不同观念的相互吸收与融合,也正是建构相互宽容、相互依存、安定有序、共同发展的当代和谐社会的基本要求。  相似文献   
针对500万词级《现代蒙古语文数据库》中出现的同形异音词,我们选取其中出现频率较高的140个词,根据它们在100万词级《现代蒙古语文数据库》中与其他词语的搭配情况,给出了读音识别条件。对122个文件进行计算机处理的结果,自动识别的正确率达到99.01%。  相似文献   
席勒在探讨美与人性的异型同构时,不仅考虑到了美与人性在结构上的静态对应和相同,而且也看到了美与人性在结构上的动态对应和相同。从动态上看,美与人性的异型同构实质上就是美的范畴和体系与人的自我生成的异型同构:广义的美动态地展开就是美的范畴体系,包括优美、崇高、悲剧性、喜剧性、丑等,而人性的动态展开就是人的自我生成的过程。  相似文献   
在计算补码的传统方法基础上,提出了一种快速准确的速算方法,并对其原理进行分析,给出了相应的例子说明,最后给出了该速算方法实现补码直接转换成原码的应用。  相似文献   
The explosion of availability of information on the Internet requires that libraries evolve into value-added information providers, rather than mere curators of collections. Modern libraries need to stay relevant to a diverse, technologically savvy patron base and to facilitate and add value to the research community, while facing significant resource constraints. To face these challenges, libraries need to embrace digital technologies and library management systems (LMS) in order to work smart and achieve more with less. While LMS systems have been around for decades, libraries can explore the new frontier by embracing open source solutions, like open source software (OSS) library systems, which are free to acquire. They need to collaborate with computer experts and become technologically savvy to harness the full power of OSS solutions to meet the specific needs of the library and patron base. This article provides an overview of the availability, benefits, and drawbacks of various LMS systems and OSS variants, drawing from experiences in the present Indian context.  相似文献   
“三农”问题是我国现阶段亟待解决的重要问题,这一问题的解决需要大量的资金投入。在支农资金十分有限的情况下,应该扩大支农资金的来源渠道和提高支农资金的使用效率。  相似文献   
从对社交指示语的翻译入手 ,论述了翻译的忠实性原则在实际的翻译过程中的限度 ,旨在说明翻译理论不应只探讨翻译的原则问题 ,还应该纳入语用学、逻辑学、语体学、美学等学科的研究成果 ,探讨语言系统之间的翻译限度等问题  相似文献   
翻译离不开文化的传递,翻译的主要任务是在的文(target text)中再现原文(source text)的思想内容,促进文化交流。文章从分析东西方文化意义完全不同的两组对应词“龙”和“dragon”与“东风”和“west wind”入手,阐明了翻译中的直译是值得推崇的文化传递途径,其能保留原语文化,使读者感到新鲜生动;能丰富译语文化,扩大读者的知识视野:能促进文化交流,丰富和提高民族文化。  相似文献   
Academic libraries continually adjust services to adapt to the ever-changing landscape in higher education. In response to the broken textbook market, libraries are becoming actively involved in the open educational resources (OER) movement. Although there is not a formal program in place, librarians at Utah State University explored a collaborative approach to integrate OER in faculty members' courses. One goal of the effort was to work closely with faculty to consider course objectives and learning outcomes when evaluating and incorporating OER. This article identifies a streamlined process for targeting courses most suited for OER adoption and outlines a process of collaborating with teaching faculty to integrate relevant OER. The paper includes a detailed workflow that other libraries can easily adapt to make OER part of their faculty outreach toolkit.  相似文献   
李煜的<虞美人>和李清照的<武陵春>历来受人推崇,被认为是写愁词的千古绝调. 从此中可略窥其抒愁风格之一斑.真是作之凄然,读之怆然.就两人前后际遇的迥异,两首词内容和表现手法的分析,男女词人的不同情感表现来探讨二人的言愁,其愁各有千秋,深广、凄绝两由之.但基调和意蕴均一样荡人心魂,具异曲同工之妙.  相似文献   
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