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美籍思想家弗洛姆透过繁华表面洞察到现代西方工业社会下人性的全面异化、人格的严重扭曲、人与自身日渐分离的现实状况,从而提出其人本主义伦理学,旨在建立健全的社会、健全的人,解除对人的压抑,使人创造性的潜能得以充分发挥,实现人的全面发展,达到真正意义上的人与自身的统一.  相似文献   
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This study examines Black student and parental perceptions of exclusionary practices of Black school principals. I ask why students and parents viewed two Black principals as contributing to abusive and exclusionary school environments that marginalized Black students. After a two-year ethnographic study, it was revealed that exclusionary behaviors toward Black students—which was viewed as “abuse” by students and parents—was a reproduction of the district's racism, and thus adds new considerations for discussions around the value of racially-like (i.e., all Black) educators and students. Parents perceived these two Black principals as dealing more harshly and rigidly with the Black students and their families; moreover, analysis of the interview data revealed that the principals rejected the cultural and social capital, and proclivities of Black students, and blamed Black students for their lower achievement and unique behaviors. I draw significant attention to the larger contexts of White supremacy and racism as I examine how Black principals negotiate their own roles, how they understand their own treatment of urban Black students, and how they are (knowing or unknowingly) reproducing oppressive practices of White supremacy on Black students in school.  相似文献   

The authors utilize a modernity-coloniality framework to highlight practices of whiteness and white dominance within the academy and the field of communication studies in particular. The article grounds its framework in personal experience and theories in the flesh to build comradery with feminist of color scholarly forebears and to share with those who struggle to create spaces of change within the academy today and in the future. The authors advocate for an active consciousness of “included exclusion” as the first step toward decolonization. Decolonizing discursive and embodied knowledges creates avenues for social justice and change within the academy and beyond.  相似文献   
通过深入考察王朔笔下的女性形象,我们不难发现其小说内部蕴涵着丰富的神话原型,由此可见,一向以反传统的文化姿态出现的王朔不可能割断传统,在王朔的潜意识深处还遗留着男权的思想,残留着女色祸水的观点,因此可以说王朔的小说是在本土化的情境之中向旧传统的皈依。他的陈旧腐朽的意识以及小说所表达出来的创作视野表现出了他的文化精神的滞后性。  相似文献   
关于雅典民主政治衰落原因之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民主政治在古雅典持续了两百多年,历经了发展与辉煌,终于在伯罗奔尼撒战争后走向衰落,其中,前四世纪雅典经济的低谷俳徊使民主政治赖以存在的物质基础遭破坏;公民集体意识的丧失动摇了民主政治的思想根基;雅典党争和希腊城邦间的争斗则是民主政治的腐蚀剂.  相似文献   

This essay adopts a critical rhetorical perspective attuned to affect to investigate white nationalist rhetoric on Stormfront, a popular white nationalist message board. My analysis illuminates how Stormfront attempts to appeal to mainstream white audiences by resisting normative expectations and affects articulated with white supremacy and (re)constructing white nationalism as a formation of white racial consciousness articulated with communal belonging, common sense, and pride. On Stormfront, affect is mobilized discursively to challenge colorblindness, construct rhetorical distance between white nationalism and white supremacy, and strategically negotiate white (dis)comfort with direct discourse on race to compel affective investments in white nationalism.  相似文献   
自20世纪50年代诞生第一位世界冠军以来,乒乓球运动就逐渐成为我国的优势体育项目,尽管国际乒联一直在修改规则,海外兵团不断壮大,在奥运会、世锦赛等重大比赛中,中国队几乎总能包揽金牌。分析了中国乒乓球霸主地位形成对乒乓球运动发展的一些影响,并提出了一些建议与对策。  相似文献   
从汉代以来,内迁的羌人不但受到汉人的歧视,而且还受到来自其他内迁少数民族的歧视。从资源竞争、文化冲突和羌人自身的凝聚力三个方面来对此历史现象进行考察分析,可以发现此现象实则是由于中国历史上汉语的话语霸权地位对内迁的少数民族文化产生的压迫式的影响所造成的。  相似文献   
宋艳辉  朱李  邱均平 《情报杂志》2022,41(2):190-197
[研究目的]以“唯SCI”“SCI至上”为导向的科研评价体系使大量的科研成果外流,对我国科研创新发展产生极其不良的影响。在“破五唯”(唯论文、唯帽子、唯职称、唯学历、唯奖项)背景下,旨为我国构建更加高效的科研评价体系提出正确的思路,使之回归到科学的发展轨道上来。[研究方法]首先回顾并梳理了我国科研评价制度的演变历程及其变迁机制,并从SCI论文的资助效益、流向现状、被引用次数三个维度分析了目前唯“SCI至上”的科研评价导向造成科研成果流失、国内学术期刊质量无法提升、国外知识垄断加剧等不良影响。其次,在上述基础上,可视化分析了“科学网”上科研评价的专家评论信息,进一步提出了3个方面的科研创新思路:打破“以刊评文”“奖励驱动”的现状,引入多元化的评价指标,完善科研评价制度。[研究结论]认为科研评价的重点应聚焦在科学研究的“本质”,回归科研评价的“初心”,以促进知识创新为主要目的,实施评价多元化,探索建立科学合理的科研评价体系。  相似文献   
本认为,法治行政意识是法治意识在行政领域的体现,是法治精神渗透于行政主、客体的观念和行为中而形成的社会意识。它由公共意识、法制和法律至上意识、正义意识三大要素组成。章从行政主、客体两个方面分析了这三大要素的内容,并进而指出国民法治行政意识中存在的种种不足。  相似文献   
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