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How do academic library users search for scholarly information? While there are many possible ways, research from several scholarly fields offers a useful perspective; studies from social psychology, economics, and library and information science suggest that users will often favor “low-effort” information-seeking approaches. Though many academic librarians undoubtedly advocate efficient information-seeking strategies, we argue that development of a more systematic and coordinated low-effort approach would be beneficial. Accordingly, this article offers an organized “toolkit” of low-effort information-seeking strategies suitable for self-use by library patrons or inclusion in library instruction programs.  相似文献   
In this action research study, we describe how doctoral candidates conceptualize innovations for their dissertations and outline how we are using the results to improve the doctoral dissertation experience for our new cohort. Over the course of one academic year (2010/11) we documented our students’ process of conceptualizing their innovations as they moved from general ideas to concrete plans, which they would carry out the following year during their dissertation research. We found four major factors influencing the conceptualization of the innovation: the leader–scholar community, prior cycles of action research, interactions with stakeholders, and the student’s work context. As the next cycle in this action research study, we shared the results with our local community and are currently implementing recommended changes based on the study for the next cohort of students.  相似文献   
文学交游是文人之间以创作为目的的文学活动。汉末建安年间,曹氏父子皆雅好文学,那些因战乱流亡于各地的文人先后聚集到邺城,形成了中国文学史上意义重大的邺下文人集团.邺前文人集团和前邺下文人集团时期以曹操为领导核心,三曹与文人的文学交游呈现出功利性向非功利性、主情过渡的特征;后邺下文人集团时期以丕、植兄弟为文人集团更直接的领导,曹氏兄弟与邺下文人举行过重大的文学活动如南皮之游、西园盛会等,在这些文学交游活动中,他们借物咏叹、即兴赋诗、抒发情怀、互相切磋技艺,三曹与文人的文学交游也以主情、非功利性为主要特征。  相似文献   
1927年至1930年,左翼文坛出现了一批"革命加恋爱"创作模式的小说。这种模式的背后隐含着爱情小说常见的三种模式,本文试图从深厚的历史文化传统、特定的时代环境背景及作家独特创作心理三方面探讨"革命加恋爱"创作模式的独特意蕴。  相似文献   
从搜集整理的近百件孟臣壶标本资料入手,列表介绍,对孟臣壶的诗文款识特征进行归纳和整理,并分析其艺术特点及广泛出现的原因,以此表现孟臣壶富有浓郁文人气息的诗文款识艺术。  相似文献   
白发是中国古代诗文中一个非常重要的意象,作为生命的象征,中国人的文化传统和思维方式赋予了它多重的含义:悲悼生命的短暂、怅然于生命的无所依归,继而去探讨生命的终极目的和意义,从忧惧到迷惘再到消解,实现了对生命悖论的心理解脱。  相似文献   
士是中国古代的一种重要社会角色。唐前士人的社会角色经历了曲折的变化。唐代士人社会角色的变迁是与唐代社会政治的变迁紧密相连的。儒士、文人和官僚的三位一体,构成了唐代文人的基本面貌。从社会身分的角度看,活跃在唐代社会政治文化生活中的几种社会角色,基本上可说是郎官、翰林学士、谏官、幕僚、州官等等。这几类人中,除了翰林学士是新产生的一种社会角色外,其他几类基本上是在原有的官僚体制格局中略作调整;但郎官、幕僚和州郡官之流在社会政治和文化活动中尤为活跃,所起的作用也更加明显。科举和入幕,特别是科举,成为士人改变自己的社会地位和转换社会角色的两大基本途径。大多数士人都走过这条坎坷不平之路。而科举和入幕的共存,集中体现了唐代士人社会角色变迁的时代特征。  相似文献   
地方学者信息服务平台建设模式-以海南学者服务网为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于资源建设和信息服务方面的集成化、主动“推”式服务方面的成就,以海南学者服务网为例,对地方学者信息服务平台的结构模式和功能模式进行比较详细的分析,试图探索建立一个沟通地方学者与资源建设、推行个性化信息集成服务与社会化知识服务的信息平台。  相似文献   
文学的最终家园是美学。郁达夫的旧体诗,以思想和情感为文学的立场,纯然情绪的自然呼吸,逸出了为宣传的文学的理智怪圈,而发酵为呕心血、耗生命的梦境。达夫的旧诗,可以说近绍龚自珍、黄仲则、苏曼殊,口吻、神情、风调、气质,均有逼肖之处。其诗情绪的调子,是自伤自怜,敏感绝望之中,又含有敢于自决、书剑飘零的袅袅悲慨,以及于醇酒妇人的人生消遣中寻绎出来的无尽感喟。达夫旧体诗的奇味,可以说是受了他革命理想、才子人格、士夫遗裔(名士作派)的三重挟制,梦萦近事,却又心痛无寄,慷慨使气中每多踟蹰伤感。耿介正直而备受排挤,屡遭挫折而绝顶热肠,身世的牢愁结合哀时抚事的忧愤,造成他的忧郁总有一种桀骜的悲慨。达夫的诗县风华典丽而兼以郁怒清深的。  相似文献   
The new web-based academic communication platforms do not only enable researchers to better advertise their academic outputs, making them more visible than ever before, but they also provide a wide supply of metrics to help authors better understand the impact their work is making. This study has three objectives: a) to analyse the uptake of some of the most popular platforms (Google Scholar Citations, ResearcherID, ResearchGate, Mendeley and Twitter) by a specific scientific community (bibliometrics, scientometrics, informetrics, webometrics, and altmetrics); b) to compare the metrics available from each platform; and c) to determine the meaning of all these new metrics. To do this, the data available in these platforms about a sample of 811 authors (researchers in bibliometrics for whom a public profile Google Scholar Citations was found) were extracted. A total of 31 metrics were analysed. The results show that a high number of the analysed researchers only had a profile in Google Scholar Citations (159), or only in Google Scholar Citations and ResearchGate (142). Lastly, we find two kinds of metrics of online impact. First, metrics related to connectivity (followers), and second, all metrics associated to academic impact. This second group can further be divided into usage metrics (reads, views), and citation metrics. The results suggest that Google Scholar Citations is the source that provides more comprehensive citation-related data, whereas Twitter stands out in connectivity-related metrics.  相似文献   
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