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《觉醒》中的阿黛尔和雷西不仅是对主人公埃德娜的烘托和反衬,更是埃德娜观照自我的一面镜子。她们以不同的方式,从不同的角度伴随了埃德娜的整个觉醒之旅。从她们的身上,埃德娜认识到自身潜在的女性气质,释放了压抑已久的对情感和欲望的追求,并且以艺术为媒介探索自我的生成。但同时这两位女性的自我是缺失的、不完整的。其中阿黛尔所代表的“母性枷锁”注定了埃德娜的觉醒和抗争以悲剧告终。而埃德娜回归大海的结局则是肖班对女性存在与自我实现这对无法调和的矛盾的一个乌托邦式的解答。  相似文献   
丁玲创作的前后截然分期历来造成文学史乃至评论者的截然不同的评价,在不同历史时期,由于社会话语环境的不同,对其前后创作也产生了完全相反的审美判断,不论这种评价如何,都有一个共同点:即认为丁玲创作呈现出鲜明的分水岭的特征。文章从丁玲前后期创作的题材关注到丁玲对女性命运的探索以及她固有的创作笔致,分析了丁玲强烈的女性情结和对于时代、革命的忠诚意识,在这二者的结合中呈现出丁玲创作的独有文学詈观。  相似文献   
从女权主义的角度阐述女主人公达洛卫夫人如何从探求自我的过程中逐步解构男权社会的迂腐道德准则与观念,达到女性主体意识的孕育、苏醒和成长的过程。  相似文献   
《儒林外史》是我国一部批判现实的杰出讽刺小说,它通过众多的儒林人物形象与事件的刻画和描写,揭露了封建科举制的腐朽与颓败,同时对美好事物给予了颂扬。要了解作品的精神实质,必要从作家的思想根源与“狂、戚、谐、隐”四个方面,即从其起因、发生、发展过程去深究审美思想和审美追求的内涵。去探索其孤愤、悲威的内心世界。  相似文献   
浅谈建构性学习的内在特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统学习侧重关注学习者学习的外在特性, 建构性学习侧重关注学习者学习的内在特性,表现在4 个方面:①发于内——自我需求,从关注外在刺激到关注内部需要;②变于内——自主建构,从关注外部输入到关注内部生成;③束于内——自己监控,从关注外部管理到关注学习者的自我引导式学习;④成于内——自我提升,从关注外在知识技能的记忆到关注内在品性形成。  相似文献   
论竞技体育的文化功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育是一种文化,而竞技体育则是体育文化的精髓。竞技体育人才要想超越人的本能的羁绊,攀登世界竞技体育的高峰,在竞技体育人才培养上必须变革竞技体育人才培养的思维方式、情感方式、意志修炼方式,优化人格,完善性格,丰满个性,才能进一步增强竞技体育的文化功能。  相似文献   
托妮.莫里森的作品主要取材于美国黑人的历史和现实生活,她尤其关注处于边缘地位的黑人女性的心理体验。文章选取莫里森作品中最为典型的三位黑人女性,从女性主义批评的视角,揭示莫里森关注的"丑女人"的真正含义:那些被认为是"丑女人"的黑人女性其实就是最美的女人,因为她们是黑人自我的代表者、引导者和传播者。  相似文献   
New nature writing has been gaining popularity in the English-speaking world. Using participant observation of a book group, this article finds that reading such ecological writing can facilitate reader shifts in perceptions and the valuing of non-human organisms and the more-than-human world. Shifts are enabled when readers experience reading as an imagined conversation with knowledgeable, friendly author/narrators. Readers construct representations of author/narrators using textual and extra-textual information. Evaluative, narrative and aesthetic feelings, alongside inferences about author/narrators’ abilities to provide accurate natural history information, evoke intellectual pleasure in readers which can transform difficult emotions. By modelling a self that values nature and brings together science and poetic language, author/narrators of ecological writing offer an alternative vision of the self that challenges problematic dualisms in society. Such a sense of self was adopted and developed upon within book group discussions, highlighting the importance of aesthetic, emotional and relational contexts for using ecological literature in environmental education.  相似文献   
生态审美是一种秉持间性姿态的审美活动,自我间性是生态审美的一个不可或缺的重要维度。自我间性审美尺度要求我们从生态整体利益出发,在知行圆融、身心和乐、全面发展等方面型塑符合生态道德的理想人格,从而促进人类社会朝着人与自然和谐一体的生态美境界发展。  相似文献   

This article examines the status and meanings of heterosexual love in post-war Britain. It is situated within the burgeoning field of the history of emotion and draws upon recent work on interiority and modern selfhood. It argues that love became a central plank in the quest for self-actualization in this period. It explains why love triumphed over pragmatism in the remaking of British matrimony and how this impacted upon the institution of marriage itself. The article posits the immediate post-war years as a time of significant discursive change and emotional instability: expectations rose and critical introspection deepened. The ways in which love was fashioned in the 1940s and 1950s were central to the dramatic social and cultural changes that occurred in the decades that followed.  相似文献   
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