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中英两种语言都有其独特的亲属称谓体系。本文通过对父系与母系、姻亲和血亲、长幼关系以及泛化的中英亲属称谓差异的比较,探询其背后的文化因素,发现家庭类型、宗法观念、继嗣制、宗教信仰、价值取向、社会性质和政治生活等是造成两者差异的主要原因。通过探究,使我们更好地了解中西方文化,从而减少跨文化交际中所产生的困惑和误解,使跨文化交际顺利进行。  相似文献   
当前,我国高校的本科和硕士教学中存在偏重于西方经济学而弱化政治经济学学习的问题。学生在学习西方经济学与政治经济学时,易于接受西方经济学的基本观点及论证方法,而感觉政治经济学难懂难学,对政治经济学表现出热情不足、不够重视,与西方经济学形成鲜明对比。从客观方面讲,原因主要是,市场经济体制在全球范围内已成为主流,我国正处于建设特色社会主义市场经济体制过程中,政治经济学和西方经济学课程存在本质差异。从主观方面讲,主要有学生对待马克思主义政治经济学的学习态度、教师的政治经济学素养和执教方法等原因。  相似文献   
中国文明是从内部因素和理性的推理来求证世界,西方文明是从外部因素和实践的求证来理解世界。因此,决定了它们各自传承延展的思想文化内容和特征不同,导致了生长在不同地域与社会关系、文化氛围中的中西方人对生命和人性的本质理解之描述也就必然出现差异,进而决定了文学艺术与影视艺术在追求与表现上的差异性。  相似文献   
人与人之间的沟通障碍和"人的异化"是《小镇畸人》表现的主题,也是20世纪现代文学的重要主题。《小镇畸人》里的"畸人"们生活在美国从农业社会向工业社会巨大转变的时期,在这样的背景下,人们丧失了集体身份,在传统清教思想影响下对性的过度压抑,以及人们意识形态的内化导致了人与人之间的不可交流和"人的异化"。  相似文献   
理查德.赖特的代表作《土生子》被誉为美国黑人文学史上的里程碑式作品、"抗议小说"的扛鼎之作,因此学界针对《土生子》的研究多集中于黑白二元对立上,着重探讨的是美国社会制度和种族歧视对美国黑人心灵的戕害及其灾难性后果。在此基础上,本文尝试采用新的视角,以跨种族性关系为切入点,重新审视小说主人公别格的悲剧成因,并且通过分析书中白人如何利用虚假的黑人"性神话"构建黑人的他者身份,揭示别格杀害白人姑娘玛丽的讽刺性寓意,彰显"抗议小说之父"赖特解构黑人"性神话"的创作智慧。  相似文献   
“道”是儒道哲学体系中的核心概念,怛“道”的含义在儒道哲学中有很大的差异。从“道”的明晰性与模糊性、主体性与本体性、人文性与超越性等方面对儒家之“道”和道家之“道”进行比较辨析,以便准确理解中国古代的一些哲学问题、深刻把握整个儒道哲学体系中的核心价值。  相似文献   
不同个人经验下,关于同一对象的书写呈现出不同的面貌,王蒙和张承志不同的新疆经验使他们在关注对象的书写上迥然不同,尤其是他们的新疆题材小说分别将日常生活情境和宗教神性氛围作为书写对象,前者热衷于描绘新疆人的生存智慧和异域情趣,后者将目光聚焦在民族宗教信仰和"心灵模式"。作为外来者书写新疆,两者的写作都存在着不同程度的"想象",探寻王蒙和张承志新疆经验书写差异的原因,可以从一个侧面观照中国当代文学的人文精神及文化价值的建构。  相似文献   
Internationally young people report experiencing sexual abuse and violence within schools. Developments within the field of adolescent sexual harm are increasingly recognising the need for ecological approaches to harm. Yet, to date, interventions with young people displaying harmful sexual behaviours have prioritised individual behaviours and characteristics over place-based interventions.This article presents empirical evidence from a mixed-methods study aimed at understanding the enablers and barriers to preventing and responding to harmful sexual behaviour in schools. Research was carried out in seven schools and four multi-agency partnerships in England, UK. Using evidence from focus groups, observations, case reviews and policy analysis the article outlines nine components that enable, or are barriers to, effective responses and interventions into harmful sexual behaviour in schools. The paper concludes that responses and interventions into harmful sexual behaviour must move beyond responding to individual behaviours to intervening within factors within schools themselves.  相似文献   
BackgroundHomeless, runaway, and youth exiting foster care are vulnerable to sexual exploitation, but little research has parsed the societal, community, and individual factors that contribute to their risk.Objectives(1) To estimate child welfare characteristics in a sample of homeless young people who engaged in commercial sex (CS); and (2) To compare young people who were sex trafficked (ST) to those who engaged in some other form of CS.Participants and settingThis study includes 98 homeless young people in Philadelphia, PA, Phoenix, AZ, and Washington, DC, who were interviewed for a larger study of ST and endorsed engagement in CS.MethodsWe used a non-probability, purposive, maximum variation sampling procedure. Interviews were recorded and responses were simultaneously noted on a standardized interview form. Data were analyzed through means, frequencies, and bivariate tests of association.ResultsAverage age of the full sample of 98 homeless young people was 20.9 years; 48% were female and 50% were Black/African American. Forty-six percent of the full sample was sex trafficked. The full sample and the victims of ST differed significantly in three child welfare characteristics, with the ST group more likely to have been maltreated as children, more likely to have had family involvement with the child welfare system (CWS), and more likely to report higher rates of living someplace other than with their biological parents as children.ConclusionsST victims differ from those who engaged in other forms of CS in histories of maltreatment, involvement with the CWS, and exposure to residential instability while growing up.  相似文献   
税法与会计制度差异成因分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
众所周知,目前我国税法和会计制度有一定的差异,有的甚至相冲突。特别是新《企业会计准则》颁布以后,从某种程度上说,这种差距正在日益扩大,使得企业不得不增加成本去进行纳税调整。这种差异所导致的成本是否应该一定由企业来承担呢?国家对于两种制度的协调是否有原则性的指导方向等等,这些问题的解决都需要从两者最基本的原则谈起,本文将以世界主要国家模式选择为背景,立足于我国实践,以历史发展为线索,从原则层面分析两者产生的原因。  相似文献   
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