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采用洛伦茨曲线、基尼系数、泰尔指数、非参数分析法及Shorrocks转换矩阵对1978-2009年新疆区域经济差异进行分析,结果表明新疆区域经济发展水平差异呈逐渐加大的趋势,其主要是由于新疆不同区域间发展不平衡造成的;同时,新疆区域经济发展的不平衡是在区域经济格局越来越稳定的惯性中发生的.根据对新疆区域经济差异影响因素的分析,应加大对新疆固定资产投资,并注意投资区域布局的合理化;加快新疆教育事业发展,努力实现教育与经济的协调发展;加快新疆产业结构的调整,推进产业结构的合理化和高级化.  相似文献   
对房产持有环节开征房产税具有国际通用的合理性和合法性,房产税改革是新一轮国家财税体制改革的重要内容。对国内主要城市的房产税改革方案及其财税效应分析表明:采用无差别税率征税方案的优势在于减少征管成本、确保居民纳税义务的公平性,劣势在于造成纳税人税负过重、不利于调节财富分配差距;而按住房面积采用递进税率征税方案的优势在于能够调节贫富差距、体现“量能负担”原则,劣势在于容易被纳税人投机取巧而逃避高税率和监管。权衡利弊,“每人享受一定面积的减免,根据住房面积大小、基于公告价值或评估价值按不同税率征收”的方案,可作为今后房产税改革的主要方向。  相似文献   
本文在理清城乡经济一体化内涵的基础上,构建包含4个维度共27个基础指标的水平评价指标体系,使用两步主成分分析对中国西部省份的城乡经济一体化指数进行测度。结果表明,21世纪以来西部整体城乡经济一体化指数呈稳步上升态势,四个维度指数的增长趋势存在显著差异;西部省份城乡经济一体化指数不断攀升,省际差异明显且呈现“橄榄型”分布;在全国比较中,西部城乡经济一体化水平低于东部、中部和东北,且低于同期全国平均水平。从变动趋势看,西部城乡经济一体化水平的提升速度略高于东北,与中部和东北的差距不断缩小,与东部的差距不断扩大并形成“两级分化”的态势。根据上述结论,从分类制定政策、城乡产业结构、城乡经济发展等角度提出政策建议。  相似文献   
利用保山地区腾冲县、龙陵县、保山市气象站的降水资料,从降水年内分配的不均匀性、集中性等方面比较了高黎贡山两侧降水的区域特征。得出以下结论:在西南季风大气候条件控制下,受高黎贡山"通道-阻隔"及自身地形的影响,龙陵、腾冲、保山3地的降水年内分配特征表现出明显的地域差异。3个地区中受西南季风影响剧烈程度由高到低依次为:龙陵、腾冲、保山;从各地不同时期降水不均匀性的变化来看,保山具有龙陵、腾冲两地的综合特征,又有自身的特点。各时期3地降水集中期变化不大,龙陵、腾冲主要集中在7月下旬,而保山相比则要滞后一段时间,说明保山受西南季风影响比龙陵和腾冲迟,受到的影响相对较小。  相似文献   
文章以现代外语教学中的自主学习理论为基础,在大学专科学生中进行了广泛的调查和结果分析,指出了自主学习理论在不同学生群体中产生效果及反馈的差异性,并针对该差异提出了若干可行的解决方法。  相似文献   
根据2005年河北省城乡60-64岁和65-69岁两年龄组男性老年人共计1551人的体质监测结果,分析了河北省城乡男性老人身体形态、身体机能和素质指标的差异,探讨了造成城乡男性老年人体质差异的原因。  相似文献   
先秦百家纷呈与思维差异创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国先秦时期的百家争鸣、学说蜂起的局面,酿就了中国古代社会思想自由、教育勃兴、学术繁荣的文化景观。追慕其时学界士人的独立思维与创新治学之风,借鉴古代文明“求异趋同”思维模式的文化资源,自觉倡扬当今时代的思维差异创新,对于建设创新型国家、全面构建和谐社会、促进人的全面发展,无疑将大有裨益。  相似文献   
如何对待教学中学生的个体差异 ——从适应到超越   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学生的个体差异是教育教学活动应考虑的重要方面之一。因材施教被认为是应对教学中个体差异的有效方法。在对个体差异的涵义和变量进行分析的基础上,对因材施教这种以适应为主处理个体差异的教学思想和策略进行了反思,并提出要在承认差异,尊重差异的前提下,以形成学生的主体性为根本,在适应的基础上逐步超越学生的个体差异,以促进全体学生的全面发展。  相似文献   
In addition to money or other compensation, other motives for selling sex may be important in a welfare country such as Sweden. The aim of this study was to carry out an exploratory investigation of adolescents’ motives for selling sex in a population-based survey in Sweden. A total of 5839 adolescents from the third year of Swedish high school, mean age 18.0 years, participated in the study. The response rate was 59.7% and 51 students (0.9%) reported having sold sex. Exploratory factor analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis were used to identify groups of adolescents according to underlying motives for selling sex. Further analyses were carried out for characteristics of selling sex and risk factors. Three groups of adolescents were categorized according to their motives for selling sex: Adolescents reporting; 1) Emotional reasons, being at a greater risk of sexual abuse, using sex as a means of self-injury and having a non-heterosexual orientation. 2) Material but no Emotional reasons, who more often receive money as compensation and selling sex to a person over 25 years of age, and 3) Pleasure or no underlying motive for selling sex reported, who were mostly heterosexual males selling sex to a person under 25 years of age, the buyer was not known from the Internet, the reward was seldom money and this group was less exposed to penetrative sexual abuse or using sex as a means of self-injury. In conclusion, adolescents selling sex are a heterogeneous group in regard to underlying motives.  相似文献   
In Cambodia, more than half of all children experience physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. This article examines how Cambodians view the causes and effects of child abuse and analyses its underlying cultural forces. Adopting a conceptual framework originally developed for the cultural context of violence against women, 110 cases of child abuse were ethnographically studied, comprising 61 cases of sexual abuse (50 girls and 11 boys), 26 cases of physical abuse (13 girls and 13 boys), and 23 cases of emotional abuse or neglect (13 girls and 10 boys). The perpetrators included fathers and other close relatives, lay Buddhist officiants and monks, and neighbors. Most informants viewed the sexual or physical abuse of children as stemming from “cultural attractors,” including blighted endowment caused by deeds in a previous life, a bad character starting early in life, astrological vulnerability to abuse, preordained entanglement between the child and the abuser (they are “fated” to meet), sexual craving, “entering the road to ruin,” and a moral blindness that portrays the abuser as blameless. Although these traits are similar to those identified in the explanations of violence against women, there were notable differences such as the role of the tiracchāna in explaining sexual abuse, including incest. Using these findings, this article identifies a cultural epigenesis of child sexual abuse, and provides a blueprint for developing a culturally responsive plan to prevent child abuse.  相似文献   
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