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This article analyses qualitative narratives from skilled migrants using Bourdieu's concepts of misrecognition, symbolic and social capital to understand the uneven effects of migration transitions on employment outcomes among migrant groups. Transnational skilled migration is increasing to unprecedented levels, especially from non-OECD countries to OECD countries, where inward migration is a strategy to increase the skill level of workforces. Drawing on a qualitative case study of skilled migration to a regional non-metropolitan area of Australia, the article discusses the key finding that ‘It's who you know, not what you know’ which enabled both skilled migrants and their partners to secure employment commensurate with their qualifications and previous employment histories. Building the ‘right’ social networks post-migration were the gateways to securing employment. A ‘regime of skills’ was used by employers, employment agencies and educational providers who acted as gatekeepers to employment opening up opportunities for some or closing down that for others through processes of misrecognition of the migrants' experiences and skills and the prioritising of localised knowledge and native-like English accents. Through this process of misrecognition, the doxa of who should be employed and in what capacity was sustained.  相似文献   
简单地从人事管理角度把邓建军看作干部或知识分子,或者从邓建军所从事的一线工人岗位把邓建军看作一般工人,都不利于对邓建军作为制造业公众人物本质属性的认识;邓建军是将工人与知识分子有机地融合到一起的工人,属于新时代的"知识型工人"。所谓"邓建军式的工人"就是"知识型工人",也就是"站在时代前列、不断学习、具有开拓精神的当代知识型、高技能型工人"。对邓建军身份的这一界定使邓建军作为制造业公众人物独特的历史意义和强烈的时代特点得以彰显,而且符合高职生的培养目标,有利于帮助高职生克服就业方面的浮躁心理,培养职业意识。  相似文献   
采用课堂观察法和访谈法研究一位熟手型幼儿园教师的数学学科教学知识现状,结果发现:(1)数学内容知识方面,教师重视幼儿数学内容知识学习的衔接性和全面性。(2)数学教学策略知识方面,教师在教学中鼓励幼儿自由操作和探索,常采用直观材料演示的教学策略。(3)幼儿的知识方面,教师更为关注幼儿已有数学知识的经验准备,对本班幼儿有较全面的了解。(4)数学教学情境知识方面,常以创设游戏情境的方式开展教学活动,能为幼儿的数学知识学习创设问题情境。  相似文献   
调查表明,企业技能型人才现状与需求间存在诸多矛盾,服务企业技能型人才需求,必须建立政府、职业院校、企业三方利益共同体,需要政府履行主导责任,职业院校发挥主体作用,企业付诸参与行动,共同打造职业教育持续发展力.  相似文献   
职业技能竞赛已经成为检验高职学院教学水平的标尺。对于高职模具专业来说,参加技能竞赛,可使学生明确专业发展方向,提升教师队伍素质,提高实践教学质量,迅速提高学生技能水平,进一步改善实践环境。同时,通过参赛选手优异的表现带动全体学生,达到提高教学质量、培养出高素质技能型人才的目的。  相似文献   
高职院校专业人才培养方案是教学纲领性文件,是人才培养模式体现。对于高职建筑工程技术专业人才培养方案的制定,首先通过企业调研确定建筑施工岗位群和核心技能点,并将它们转化为教学知识内容;然后采用合理的教学方法教授给学生;最后再利用课程设置和教学内容的重组,探索学生职业能力培养模式。  相似文献   
高技能人才在当前和今后相当时期内存在巨大的社会需求。电大在培养高技能人才上,对中、高级工在职人员,具有其他学校和机构无法比拟的优势。但是,也存在适应培养高技能人才继续教育的视频教学资源不足,适应培养高技能人才技能提升与拓宽的实训条件欠缺,适应培养高技能人才的"双师型"教师稀少,培养高技能人才的办学模式尚未建立等不足。解决这些问题,电大就能在高技能人才的培养中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   
通过对我国技术工人短缺现状的阐述,对短缺的成因进行了深层次的分析,提出了加大职业教育投资以及企业培训力度,完善技术工人激励机制等来缓解技术工人短缺的措施和办法。  相似文献   
应用写作教学存在的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用写作是高技能人才培养的一个重要方面。对学校、教师、学生三个层面存在的问题,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   
The current concern about low levels of English proficiency among international students who graduate from degree courses – that students’ English language skills are not being developed during their higher education experience – reflects negatively on the quality of Australian higher education and its graduates. More careful selection of students and increased use of English language testing are among the solutions put forward. These debates over English language proficiency tend to construct English language as a skill that can be applied in any context and ‘native‐speaker’‐levels of language ability as essential for employment. Within such a formulation international students can only ever be defined as in deficit. Drawing on socio‐cultural theories of language learning and academic literacy, alternative understandings of language proficiency in internationalized higher education are explored. Improved communication skills among graduates are likely to be achieved through a better understanding of issues beyond classroom instruction, such as barriers to social integration with native‐speakers, which reveal many international students unable to access adequate levels of language experience. Without wider perspectives on the debate over English language proficiency in higher education, the many benefits of having international students in higher education institutions are obscured by negative attitudes and unrealistic expectations.  相似文献   
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