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Considering the scarce empirical evidence regarding talent predictors in female youth soccer, the present study aimed to investigate the long-term prognostic validity of elite female soccer players’ adolescent motor performance for future success in adulthood. Additionally, the three-year development of highly talented girls’ motor performance and the predictive value of this motor development for reaching a professional adult performance level (APL) was analysed.

Overall, N = 737 female players participated in nationwide motor diagnostics (sprinting, agility, dribbling, ball control, shooting) within the German Soccer Association’s talent identification and development programme at least twice between the age groups Under-12 (U12) and U15. Based on their APL at least four years later, participants were assigned to a professional (first German division, 6.2%) or non-professional group (lower divisions, 93.8%).

Multilevel regression analyses revealed a general prognostic relevance for the investigated parameters with respect to players’ APL. In addition, there was a non-linear improvement in participants’ motor performance across all variables from U12 to U15. However, non-significant interactions between APL and these improvements indicate motor performance development itself cannot adequately predict players’ future success in adulthood. Findings provide insightful information that can help coaches foster optimal support for young female soccer players’ development.  相似文献   
文章对日本青少年足球后备人才培养的各种模式进行研究分析,归纳日本足球培养模式优势以及存在的问题,总结日本青少年足球培养的成功经验,为我国足球后备人才的培养和足球运动水平的提高提出相应的对策。  相似文献   
运用体育营销理论深入分析恒大地产投资职业足球队的根本动因及其运营特点,主要结论包括:恒大地产投资职业足球队是企业实施体育营销、推广企业品牌的重大战略举措;恒大足球营销在选择体育载体、创新性、整合度以及持续性四个RCIC理论维度上具有许多可资借鉴之处。在此基础上,提出联赛管理者应对企业投资足球行为的辩证建议。  相似文献   
针对我国足球体制改革的现状及目前体制运行中存在的诸多矛盾,采用文献资料分析、社会调查和专家调查等方法,在对我国足球改革进程做简要回顾的基础上,确定现行体制运行中存在的十种矛盾关系,并综合地分析各种矛盾的根源及对我国足球事业发展的危害,为深化足球改革及制定发展对策提供参考。  相似文献   
足球是一项攻防转换速度非常快的运动项目,良好的预测能力对足球运动员非常重要。足球比赛中,运动员比非运动员有更好的预测能力,这种差异可能是因为在视觉搜索过程中,运动员注意到了关键线索,而非运动员根本没有注视到。本研究通过不同时间阻断点、放映速度的足球罚点球视频分析不同水平运动员的预测能力和中枢资源占用程度,发现在触球瞬间,运动员组预测准确率较非运动组高。通过眼动仪分析视觉停留区域时间序列特征,发现运动员组采用了有规律的视觉搜索模式提取有效特征值进行预测。本研究认为运动员可以通过反复观看和分析不同场景下的比赛过程,提高视觉搜索能力,进而提高预测能力,结果对运动训练实践有一定的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the weekly natural log of the root-mean-square difference of successive normal inter-beat (RR) intervals (ln RMSSDWeekly) and its coefficient of variation (ln RMSSDCV) in response to 5 weeks of preseason training in professional male futsal players. A secondary aim was to assess the relationship between ln RMSSDWeekly and ln RMSSDCV. The ln RMSSD is a measure of cardiac–vagal activity, and ln RMSSDCV represents the perturbations of cardiac autonomic homeostasis, which may be useful for assessing how athletes are coping with training. Ten futsal players had their resting ln RMSSD recorded prior to the first daily training session on four out of approximately five regular training days · week?1. Session rating of perceived exertion (sRPE) was quantified for all training sessions. Despite weekly sRPE varying between 3455 ± 300 and 5243 ± 463 arbitrary units (a.u.), the group changes in ln RMSSDWeekly were rated as unclear (using magnitude-based inference), although large inter-individual variability in ln RMSSD responses was observed. The ln RMSSDCV in weeks 4 and 5 were likely lower than the previous weeks. A large and significant negative correlation (r = ?0.53; CI 90%: ?0.36; ?0.67) was found between ln RMSSD and ln RMSSDCV. Therefore, monitoring individual ln RMSSD responses is suggested since large inter-individual variations may exist in response to futsal training. In addition, higher values of ln RMSSD are associated with lower oscillations of cardiac autonomic activity.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between intensity of training and changes in hydration status, core temperature, sweat rate and composition and fluid balance in professional football players training in the heat. Thirteen professional football players completed three training sessions; “higher-intensity” (140 min; HI140), “lower-intensity” (120 min; LI120) and “game-simulation” (100 min; GS100). Movement demands were measured by Global Positioning System, sweat rate and concentration were determined from dermal patches and body mass change. Despite similar environmental conditions (26.9 ± 0.1°C and 65.0 ± 7.0% relative humidity [Rh]), higher relative speeds (m · min?1) and increased perceptions of effort and thermal strain were observed in HI140 and GS100 compared with LI120 (P < 0.05). Significantly (P < 0.05) greater sweat rate (L · h?1) and electrolyte losses (g) were observed in HI140 and GS100 compared with LI120. Rate of rise in core temperature was correlated with mean speed (r = 0.85), session rating of perceived exertion (sRPE) (r = 0.61), loss of potassium (K+) (r = 0.51) sweat rate (r = 0.49), and total sweat loss (r = 0.53), with mean speed the strongest predictor. Sodium (Na+) (r = 0.39) and K+ (r = 0.50) losses were associated with total distance covered. In hot conditions, individualised rehydration practices should be adopted following football training to account for differences in sweat rate and electrolyte losses in response to intensity and overall activity within a session.  相似文献   
足球运动员的选材问题,已经引起人们普遍的重视。运动员的成才固然受到后天的环境、训练、营养等因素的重大影响,但是,先天的遗传也是一个关键性因素。血型作为一项重要的遗传学指标,在体育科研中已经得到广泛的应用。本文采用检测法、数理统计法和专家访谈法,对目前中国女子足球运动员的总体血型分布特征和位置上的血型分布特征,针对血型与女子足球运动项目关系的可靠性进行研究,为女子足球运动的发展提供可靠性理论参考,为我国女子足球运动选材提供理论依据。  相似文献   
人文与科学融合的足球教育课程改革探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
根据当前我国学校体育改革的需要和社会人才市场需求的变化,提出构建人文与科学融合的足球教育课程新体系,树立“育人夺标”的足球教育新理念,建立知识、能力、素质“三合一”的足球教育课程新模式及实施的基本内容,为促进足球教育的改革与发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   
我国职业足球运动员体能训练研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
龚波 《体育科学》2005,25(10):90-95
采用文献资料调研、专家访谈、问卷调查、观察、测量、数理统计等研究方法,对我国足球运动员体能特征及其训练进行了探索,结果表明,体能是一个复杂的结构系统。足球运动员身体形态粗壮,有氧与无氧能力表现为非衡补偿性,身体素质以速度力量组合为主;位置技术与体能特征关系密切;训练诊断、计划、控制和运动营养是当前体能训练组织实施的基本内容;赛季中足球运动员体能呈耗散模型,训练计划要多样并有机贯通,正态与偏态控制、弹性控制、个体训练、负荷量度要有机配合;营养量、营养比例、营养制度及特殊营养的科学实施是体能训练的重要保证。我国足球界在训练思维理念、体能特征认识和组织实施3个层面上均存在不同程度的问题。  相似文献   
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