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Extensive research emphasises the importance of parental involvement for children’s learning and academic achievement. This paper reports from a Norwegian study researching parents’ experiences on follow-up after their child’s cochlear implantation. Within this context, parental involvement is suggested to be of major importance for the child’s language learning. The study explores the parents’ talk on their involvement in the child’s language after implantation. Data consist of 27 written parental accounts and interviews with 14 of these parents. The analysis shows the parents’ extensive involvement in the child’s language learning. The study brings into conversation how understandings of learning influence parental involvement, leading to implications for the parents and children involved. It addresses a need for debate on how parents can support children’s learning, whilst avoiding parenthood becoming a series of educational tasks.  相似文献   
Maria Edgeworth was a nineteenth century novelist, primarily remembered for her adult and children's novels. Yet her book, Letters for literary ladies discussed the importance of science education for girls and in conjunction with her father, Richard Edgeworth, she wrote several treatises on education. Their book Practical education advocates an inquiry approach to teaching science and also using scientific practices, such as observation and data collection, to examine and plan children's education. They emphasised the importance and the role of experimentation, observation and critical thinking in the development of children's knowledge, skills and attitudes towards learning. However, the history of science education has to date ignored this seminal work and Maria's contributions to women's science education.  相似文献   
利玛窦具有很丰富的数学知识背景,他以他的数学才能和语言天赋,在中西方数学文化融合方面做出了杰出的贡献,对中国近、现代数学的萌芽与发展产生了深远影响.利玛窦在肇庆既传播了欧氏几何,也传播了“非欧几何”.他所传播的“西方现代数学”及其所获得的效应,确立了他以数学来赢取中国民心的学术传教思想,为他后来在中国系统地传播“西方现代数学”奠定了坚实的基础.利玛窦与中国士大夫合译了许多西方数学名著,不仅引入了新的数学体系,而且引入了新的数学思想和方法(包括几何公理化思想),使中国传统数学焕发出了生机与活力,开创了中西方数学文化融合的纪元,推动了中国近、现代数学与数学教育的萌芽和发展.  相似文献   
植被生态需水研究进展及展望   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
生态需水研究是目前生态学和水文学、水资源学研究的热点领域.植被生态需水研究不仅是其中的重要研究内容,而且对于指导区域植被生态恢复与生态建设也具有重要意义.本文在调研有关研究文献的基础上,对植被生态需水的概念与内涵、计算方法进行了分析.认为植被生态需水是指为了保证植被生态系统能够健康维持,并确保其生态服务功能得到正常发挥而必须消耗的一部分水量.在区域植被生态需水量的计算中,最关键的是对单位面积、单位时间内某一植被类型生态需水定额的确定,目前常用的计算方法多是基于农业气象学原理的直接计算法.  相似文献   
论社会支持的社会学意义   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
社会支持的主体是一定的社会网络 ;社会支持的客体是一定的社会弱者 ;社会支持的介体是一定的物质支持和精神支持 ;社会支持的本质特征有社会性、选择性和无偿性。因此 ,就社会学语义而言 ,社会支持是一定社会网络运用一定的物质和精神手段对社会弱者进行无偿帮助的一种选择性社会行为  相似文献   
大学生宗教暧昧现象的社会学解析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
随着改革开放的不断深入和社会开放的扩大、交流的增多,当前大学生对宗教普遍持宽容态度,甚至还主动接受宗教的影响,这既是宗教本身具有的积极功能使然,也是因为社会转型带来的价值迷茫和原有社会整合的解体而新的整合又未建立的缘故,而高校思想政治教育的“异化”则是另一重要原因。文章在这四个层面上进行社会学解析,并在此基础上就引导大学生正确对待宗教问题提出一些可行的建议。  相似文献   
依法治国,建设社会主义民主法治国家,已成为我国基本的治国方略,实现这一基本治国方略需要相应的全民法律意识。但由于我国长期以来形成的城乡二元结构,使得民众在法律意识现状上呈现出,一方面随着经济社会的迅速发展城市居民的法律意识正在逐步增强,另一方面农村居民的法律意识仍存在传统社会特征的差异局面。造成城乡居民法律意识差异的原因除了社会构建因素,还包括社会环境因素、法律制度本身的局限性、文化环境因素。同时,这种差异可能造成社会的不稳定、冲突的增多、城乡认同的长期对立、法律公正难以实现,等一系列社会问题。  相似文献   
"儿童的视角"研究不同于关于儿童的研究,它探索的是儿童作为主体对世界的感知和体验。目前"儿童的视角"研究主要在欧美国家展开,我国这方面的研究处于起步阶段,所以非常有必要进一步澄清和明确其价值取向与方法原则。开展"儿童的视角"研究,需要承认童年自有其意义,儿童有能力展现其视角,同时儿童的视角也应该受到关注和尊重。为此,研究者应实现从"带有儿童视角"到"探索儿童的视角"、从"以儿童为对象开展研究"到"以儿童为合作伙伴开展研究"的转变。在选择具体的研究方法时,研究者应坚持参与性与发展适宜性、操作性与趣味性原则,让儿童能够且乐于参与研究。"儿童的视角"研究应确保儿童对研究的知情与同意,应确认儿童是否认同研究所得数据与结论,并对研究过程中成人与儿童的权力不对等保持敏感。  相似文献   
仁和礼是孔子社会思想最重要的概念和范畴。其社会思想的核心就是“克己复礼,天下归仁”。在孔子那里,这两个概念都有不同层次的多重内涵,而在最高层次上,它们是同一的,因此不能说哪一个概念更为根本。无论是仁还是礼,孔子都主要是针对社会上层而言的;“仁者爱人”中的仁者和所爱的人,都有特定的等级意义,并非泛指所有的人。如果排除仁和礼这两个基本概念,排除周代的社会规范即周礼,关于孔子的社会思想我们不能说出任何具体的有意义的东西来。  相似文献   
Streaming in secondary schools is not beneficial for improving student outcomes of education with vast amounts of educational research indicating that it does not improve academic results and increases inequity. Yet teachers often prefer working in streamed classes, and research shows that teachers mediate the effects of streaming on students. This study sought to add to the understanding of teachers’ role in student learning by investigating how teachers conceptualise the students in streamed classes. A qualitative case study approach was used, where 18 teachers were interviewed in-depth to create narrative examples, three of which are presented here. These narratives summarise the research findings that teachers saw students in high and low streams as having homogenous characteristics according to five dichotomous categories: approach to learning, attitude to learning, learning style, autonomy and background. Students in mixed-ability classes were viewed along these same continua, but as more heterogeneous groups. Furthermore, these views of students had direct implications for how teachers planned for learning and the expectations that they held of their students. The discussion links streaming research with teacher expectation research, suggesting that teachers of streamed classes in this secondary school hold specific whole-class ideas that affect student learning. The article concludes with recommendations for further inquiry that links these two important fields of educational research.  相似文献   
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