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利用log-logT图研究太阳系的行星卫星系统,得出八大行星卫星系统都符合开普勒第三定律,推导出行星卫星系统logR-logT图线截距与中心天体质量的关系;通过描绘未知行星卫星系统、水星卫星系统和金星卫星系统的logR-logT图线,推测未知行星的质量和公转周期,以及水星和金星的未知卫星可能存在的位置与周期.  相似文献   
对太阳能热水器的控制制系统进行了全新的智能设计,可以实现:水箱中水位、水温的智能控制与显示;自动排空水箱至淋浴器间管道(也是上水管道)中的存水;智能处理再利用管道排空的水;语音控制浴室的辅助设备(浴霸、换气扇、除湿机等)等.使太阳能热水器操作性能、利用功能、扩展范围、产品档次等诸多方面得到质的飞跃.解决了普通太阳能热水器上水时水满益出;冬天太阳能水温偏低;上(下)水管道需要保温;使用前需要放出水管中大量冷水等问题.  相似文献   
设计了一种将加热、蒸发、冷凝三个环节集成于一个装置之中的太阳能咸水淡化装置,并进行了实际测试。测试结果表明,与已经投入运行的其它咸水淡化设备相比,整个淡化装置动力辅助系统最少,而且装置的制造成本低廉。  相似文献   
1 Introduction Howasupernovaexplodesisstillanunsolvedprob lemrelatingcriticallytothetransportofneutrinoswithinthestar.TheneutrinoheatingmechanismhasbeenaresearchfocusfortypeⅡsupernovaexplosionsinceitwaspresentedbyWilsonin 1982 [1,2 ] .Accord ingtotheircalculationtheoutgoingshockdoesnothaveenoughenergytoejecttheouterlayersofthesu pernova .Theshockwavestallsafterpropagating 10 0~ 30 0kmfromthecore .Immenselyhighenergyflux esofneutrinos (Lνe≈Lνe≈ 4× 10 52 ergs/s ,withνμ,νμ,νT,and…  相似文献   
ESI数据库基于高被引论文(Top 1%)间的共被引关系聚类形成一个个研究前沿。文章以ESI数据库中的11 814个研究前沿为基础,通过文献检索、专家遴选等方法筛选出纳米领域的研究前沿1 391个,再通过人工聚类形成若干研究方向和研究领域。并选取了太阳能电池、纳米仿生孔、纳米催化、测量表征4个研究领域进行了重点分析解读,比较了各国高被引论文数量,解读了中国具有优势的研究方向和研究团队。  相似文献   
梳理了宋代历法中的日月食起讫算法。详细分析《纪元历》《崇天历》《乾元历》日食泛用分和定用分算法,进而分析中国古代历法中处理时间和距离换算问题的两种不同思路。指出《崇天历》以前的历法使用线性插值算法处理日月食初亏到食甚的时间,《崇天历》以后的历法则采用二次内插法来处理;《纪元历》及其以后的历法为了简化运算,在对食延进行月亮不均匀性修正的过程中使用了近似算法。文中对《纪元历》的月食时差算法进行了讨论。,  相似文献   
The coupling of the sun's gravitational field with processes of diffusion and convection exerts a significant influence on the dynamical behavior of the core 3He nuclear reaction-diffusion system. Stability analyses of the system are made in this paper by using the theory of nonequilibrium dynamics. It is showed that, in the nuclear reaction regions extending from the center to about 0.38 times of the radius of the sun, the gravitational field enables the core 3He nuclear reaction-diffusion system to become unstable and, after the instability, new states to appear in the system have characteristic of time oscillation. This may change the production rates of both 7Be and 8B neutrinos.  相似文献   
IthasbeenlongunderstoodthatthegravityplaysavitalroleinsuchinstabilityofhydrodynamicsastheBenardconvection. Itisworthnoticing, forareac tion diffusionsystem, thegravityfieldcouldbringaboutinhomogeneityinspace, leadingtothebreakofspacesymmetryandthenintroducingthepreferenceforstates[1]. Intheinteriorofastar, thecorenuclearreactionsareaffectedalwaysbythegravitationalfield,thepressure, thediffusionofparticlesandthemotionoffluid, amongwhichthegravitationalfieldwasbe lievedtobeareasonfordrivingt…  相似文献   
Ganguli  S. N. 《Resonance》2004,9(4):8-20
In the concluding part of the article on Neutrinos and our Sun we discuss the detection of atmospheric neutrinos, their fluxes and zenith angle distributions. Here too one finds discrepancies with theoretical predictions. We discuss how the idea of neutrino oscillations helps resolve both the solar neutrino puzzle (discussed in Part 2) and the discrepancy observed in atmospheric neutrino fluxes. This is followed by a discussion of neutrino masses and the recent confirmation of the neutrino oscillations in the KamLAND experiment.  相似文献   
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