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我国的职业指导起源于民国初期。文章通过对民国初期两位职业指导的倡导者朱元善和周诒春的职业指导思想进行梳理,并对比总结两者思想之异同,对当今的职业指导工作有所启迪。  相似文献   
章杏玲 《鸡西大学学报》2015,(4):150-152,156
凡尔纳的小说《地心游记》一再被改编成电影,充分体现了他幻想小说经久不衰的艺术价值。无论是1959年版抑或2008年和2012年的两部新作品,这三部不同时期的电影,都是基于原著的原则上体现各自的改编特色。三部电影的成功改编都离不开电影导演对原著精髓的挖掘和想象的发挥。同时,在对电影美学充分展现的基础上也不忘把握观众的接受心理,使电影成为艺术性与商业性的结合,充分体现了电影改编的独特魅力。  相似文献   
教育的最终落脚点在于是否能为学生所接受。面对多元化文化和价值观念的冲击,大学生社会主义核心价值观接受效果不够理想,究其原因与信息传授者、接受者自身、信息传播方法以及接受环境等因素有关。文章试以接受理论为视角,探寻构建当代大学生社会主义核心价值观的教育方法。  相似文献   
间接性是人类语言的共有现象,在人们的言语实践中发挥着重要作用。英语委婉语与间接言语行为都研究语言的间接性,产生的前提及动因有相通之处,出发点均含礼貌因素,有些实例相互交织,互为所属。然而,虽然二者的语言间接性存在共性,但它们在理论依据及侧重点等方面存在差异:前者的产生机制主要借助委婉语理论解读,强调表意的间接性;后者的理解则依赖间接言语行为理论,强调实施言语行为的间接性。对比分析英语委婉语与间接言语行为的语言间接性异同有助于人们更精准、得体地运用语言,促进理想交际效果的达成。  相似文献   
重新界定语言和言语的使用单位,提出了句节这一概念,并对句节的结构过程及其组合规律进行了探索。  相似文献   
"逃于言"是王小波特有的一种"言说"策略。王小波利用"逃于言"的策略,一方面阐明了写作的意义,另一方面借助沉默的力量和黑色幽默的叙事智慧来抵抗话语管制和主体异化的消极后果,最大限度地实现了主体的话语救赎。  相似文献   
英汉两种语言都有多种修辞手法,由于人类有共同的认知模式和审美原则,英汉语中的修辞格表现出很多的相似性,但由于历史、文化、风俗习惯及语言本身的发展不同,同一种辞格在英汉语中也有很多差异。对英汉语中几种常见的音韵修辞格的异同进行分析比较,可以加深对英汉文化差异能了解,提高英汉语翻译水平。  相似文献   
言语非流利是指在速率、韵律、词语序列上有标记的部分,包括各种非流利停顿、重复、填充语和自我修正。在二语习得中,大多数非流利现象都反映了言语计划压力,是二语水平欠佳的表现。近期研究发现,非流利现象并不都是由于言语困难所致,它还有可能是一种互动策略,以达到引人注意或引起听众的回应为目的。语法学家运用现有句法理论,甚至增加新的句法规则将非流利纳入语法可以解释的范围。语音学家认为话语的声学特征和音韵信息在非流利的检测和处理中起着重要作用。社会语言学家发现男性和女性、不同年龄的学习者在非流利出现的类别和频率上存在差异。语用学视角将非流利现象看成一种语用策略,涉及说话人和听话人双方的互动。对二语学习者来说,非流利的语用视角对其二语语用能力的发展有着积极意义。  相似文献   
The incorporation of health professionals into inclusive schools is increasingly necessary. However, the work of these professionals has not yet been studied globally. This qualitative research analyses the perceptions of speech therapists, psychologists, physical therapists and occupational therapists on the role that educational policy defines for working in schools with School Integration Programmes in Chile. Through chain sampling, 52 professionals were interviewed. The data were analysed inductively through thematic analysis. The results show that the role defined by policies for professionals is not in line with the needs of schools and the aspirations of the inclusive approach. The exercise of the role emerges as a distinct entity from the defined role that seems to be more responsive to the needs of schools and students. Interviewees described tensions related to the role in schools, professional training, working conditions and contextual features that would permeate the role that the policy mandates them to play. The findings of the study promote new research horizons related to the role of professional assistants, where research is still incipient worldwide, and invite reflection on the importance of designing education policies with a bottom-up approach to capture the needs presented by learners and professional teams.  相似文献   
The net neutrality debate is one of several sites of struggles to adapt and redefine rights and obligations of stakeholders in the Internet-centric communications system. Its outcomes will shape the future of the Internet and influence the level and distribution of its benefits. We identify key values that drive the net neutrality discussion and examine the governance mechanisms proposed to achieve these objectives. We find that there is no single policy instrument that allows realization of the range of valued political and economic objectives simultaneously. Contrary to some of the claims advanced in the current debate, safeguarding multiple goals requires a combination of instruments that will likely involve government and nongovernment measures. Furthermore, promoting goals such as the freedom of speech, political participation, investment, and innovation calls for complementary policies.  相似文献   
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