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全息思维是一种阐述了局部和整体关系的新型思维方式,它的主要观点是局部与整体是密切相关的以及局部衔接整体,整体又求同于局部。这种观点是契合了当前体育运动的思维方式的。文章通过对全息思维涵义的阐述,分析在短跑训练中充分运用整体性(相关)思维观、辐辏性思维观、交合性思维观三者相结合而成的全息思维方式对提高训练效果有明显的效果,笔者希望通过对全息思维在短跑运动训练技术创新中的运用进行分析,力图为短跑训练的技术创新提供新的思路。  相似文献   
研究目的:探究拖重物跑训练手段对短跑运动员的身体素质、途中跑阶段的技术特征及下肢环节肌肉力量的影响,深入认识其对短跑途中跑技术和专项力量的作用机制。研究方法:对14名男子二级左右水平短跑运动员进行为期8周每周3次6%~10% BM负荷的拖重物跑训练,采用高速摄像分析法、等动肌力测试法分析运动员身体素质;支撑阶段髋、膝、踝关节运动学参数和下肢各环节肌肉力量实验前后的变化情况。结果:(1)实验后运动员30m、60m、立定跳远、立定三级跳远等身体素质及专项成绩显著提高;(2)步长、重心水平速度显著性提高,两大腿剪绞平均速度提高、单步时间减少;支撑阶段最小膝、踝角显著降低,角速度提高;(3)髋、膝关节伸/屈肌群PT/BW、AP除膝关节60°/sPT/BW值未见统计学意义,其余各角速度下PT/BW、AP均呈显著性差异,踝关节跖屈肌群各角速度下PT/BW值显著提高,跖屈肌群60°/s速度下AP提高,背屈肌群AP略降低。结论:适宜负荷的拖重物跑训练可显著改善短跑运动员运动素质、提高运动成绩;有利于提高髋关节剪绞-制动力量,使膝、踝关节处于低位超等长"屈蹬"状态;提高了髋、膝关节屈伸肌群快速主动收缩能力及踝关节跖屈肌群退让性快速收缩能力。  相似文献   
"后蹬式或屈蹬式短跑途中跑技术脚着地期间的生物力学分析经典理论"是在脚着地期间先"缓冲"、再"后蹬"的生物力学分析理论,文章提出的"划船式短跑途中跑技术脚着地期间的生物力学分析理论"合理解释了短跑途中跑前支撑时期是主要动力来源,后支撑时期着地腿的运动是前支撑时期转动—平动的继续  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法等方法对南京市业余体校110名少年儿童短跑运动员运动损伤的调查与分析。结果显示:在少儿短跑运动中最易出现损伤的部位为踝、大腿、膝、小腿,损伤类型以关节损伤、肌肉和韧带拉伤、肌肉劳损居多,而这些损伤大多由于准备活动不充分、训练安排不合理、疲劳、技术动作不规范和某方面身体素质差引起的。建议:加强预防的同时强调训练的科学化,正确及时处理损伤并合理安排计划。  相似文献   
通过对短跑运动员和非运动员跟腱横截面积和弹性模量的研究后发现,短跑运动员和非运动员相比,跟腱的横截面积无显著性变化,弹性模量则明显增加,其差异有显著性,表明短跑训练后肌腱能够承受更大的应力可能是通过内部结构的改变而不是通过增粗、肥大来实现的.  相似文献   
现代短跑技术理论对短跑专门性练习的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献资料法对现代短跑技术理论中途中跑的动力来源、途中跑的屈蹬技术、途中跑的支撑阶段、心理调试在短跑技术训练中的运用、短跑的放松技术进行回顾,总结认为:途中跑中两大腿应以髋为轴进行剪绞—制动;曲蹬时重心应相对放低,着地时间要短;要系统地看待短跑专门性练习。由半高抬小步跑、折叠高摆腿、小车轮跑这三个练习手段按照其固定顺序组成跑的专门性练习组合是比较合理的。  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of two different interval training programs–high-intensity interval training (HIT) and supramaximal interval training (SMIT)–on measures of sprint and endurance performance. Physically active individuals (Females: n=32; age 19.3, s=2.2 years; mass 67.6, s=9.1 kg; stature 172.7, s=6.6 cm. Males: n=23; age 20.0, s=2.7 years; mass 71.3, s=8.3 kg; stature 176.6, s=5.8 cm) completed pre-testing that comprised (1) 3000 m time-trial, (2) 40 m sprint, and (3) repeated sprint ability (RSA–6×40 m sprints, 24 s active recovery) performance. Participants were then matched for average 3000 m running velocity (AV) and randomly assigned to one of three groups: (i) HIT, n=19, 4 min at 100% AV, 4 min passive recovery, 4–6 bouts per session; (ii) SMIT, n=20, 30 s at 130% AV, 150 s passive recovery, 7–12 bouts per session; and (iii) control group, n=16, 30 min continuous running at 75% AV. Groups trained three times per week for six weeks. When time to complete each test were compared among groups: (i) improvements in 3000 m time trial performance were greater following SMIT than continuous running, and (ii) improvements in 40 m sprint and RSA performance were greater following SMIT than HIT and continuous running. In addition, a gender effect was observed for the 3000 m time trial only, where females changed more following the training intervention than males. In summary, for concurrent improvements in endurance, sprint and repeated sprint performance, SMIT provides the greatest benefits for physically active individuals.  相似文献   
短跑运动生物力学——运动学研究现状   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在回顾总结前人采用运动学测量方法在短跑运动中取得的成就的基础上,认真分析了该领域研究中的不足,并展望了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
提高短跑运动员技术水平应注意的问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在短跑训练中,普通存在的问题是:摆动腿后摆折叠不充分;摆动力量差;没有缓冲动作。因此,教练员必须把握目前短跑技术结构的发展规律,明确训练方向,并施之有效的训练手段,以达到提高短跑运动水平的目的。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the time series relationships between the peak musculotendon length and electromyography (EMG) activation during overground sprinting to clarify the risk of muscle strain injury incidence in each hamstring muscle. Full-body kinematics and EMG of the right biceps femoris long head (BFlh) and semitendinosus (ST) muscles were recorded in 13 male sprinters during overground sprinting at maximum effort. The hamstring musculotendon lengths during sprinting were computed using a three-dimensional musculoskeletal model. The time of the peak musculotendon length, in terms of the percentage of the running gait cycle, was measured and compared with that of the peak EMG activity. The maximum length of the hamstring muscles was noted during the late swing phase of sprinting. The peak musculotendon length was synchronous with the peak EMG activation in the BFlh muscle, while the time of peak musculotendon length in the ST muscle occurred significantly later than the peak level of EMG activation (p < 0.05). These results suggest that the BFlh muscle is exposed to an instantaneous high tensile force during the late swing phase of sprinting, indicating a higher risk for muscle strain injury.  相似文献   
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