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简介了机械工程中应变检测的意义和基本方法,重点说明了基于LabVIEw的动态应变检测系统的检测原理、硬件组成,以及利用LabVIEW软件实现该系统功能模块的程序流程和具体的设计过程,给出了机械振动中应变测量图例,最后指出该系统在机械工程方面的技术应用.该系统可实时表现所测得应变值及其动态变化过程.测量系统检测效率高,简单易用,可按需增减其他功能模块,在机械参量的检测中广泛应用,非常适用于机械工程的研究.  相似文献   
Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is defined as performance that supports the social and psychological environment in which a task is conducted. Teachers’ OCB can be directed toward particular individuals (OCBI) and/or toward the organization (OCBO). Despite their beneficial impact on school, these could entail personal costs for the teacher. The present study argues that OCB contributes to teachers’ strain through the mediating impact of role overload, role ambiguity, and role conflict, while job autonomy buffers it. The structural equation modeling results from a sample of 483 Israeli teachers and their principals confirmed the main hypotheses for OCBO. Role overload and role ambiguity fully mediated the relation of OCBO to teachers’ strain; the relation of OCBO to role stressors was significant for teachers with low job autonomy, but was non-significant for teachers with high job autonomy. This study opens an exploration of the positive and the negative consequences of OCB for teacher and school.  相似文献   
阐述篮球运动中髌骨劳损的机制、检查、预防及处理方法,针对髌骨劳损具有患病率高,不易察觉,逐渐积累且又无特别有效治疗方法的持点,提出预防髌骨劳损应以预防为主,合理安排负荷和正确的训练方法,  相似文献   
发散波作用下粒子速度的二维电磁测试关键技术包括恒定强磁场、动态载荷与磁场同步、交叉干扰项信号消除等.研究并设计了米级尺度的Helmholtz线圈,对Helmholtz线圈施加脉冲电流,获得了持续时间8.26~30.62 ms的恒定磁场平台,峰值波动误差为0.1%~1.0%.设计了新型二维发散波电磁粒子速度计,采用“对称双S型”布局感应线圈,消除干扰项,获取有效的微弱信号.有机玻璃样品中粒子速度的一维和二维电磁测试对比实验结果表明:粒子速度首峰值随爆心距的变化关系、信号时间特性符合物理规律.为有分界面、沟槽或节理的非均匀分层介质中发散波传播规律研究提供了有效的测试手段.  相似文献   
某城市跨线桥上部结构为预应力简支梁结构,最大一跨横跨高速路,跨幅为35m,盖梁为独柱悬挑预应力结构。单跨跨度大,盖梁结构形式特殊,为了检验结构的设计、施工质量,对其进行成桥静载试验。通过挠度和应变的检测数据确定该桥能够满足设计要求。  相似文献   
以Si衬底上外延Ge薄膜为吸收区,研究了Si基Ge光电探测器的材料生长与器件制作工艺,并对材料晶体质量和器件性能进行表征分析。Ge薄膜是采用低温缓冲层技术在超高真空化学气相沉积系统上生长的。1μm厚Ge薄膜的表面仅出现纳米量级的岛,表面粗糙度只有1.5 nm。Ge薄膜的X射线衍射峰形对称,峰值半高宽低于100 arc sec。Ge薄膜中存在0.14%的张应变。Si基Ge光电探测器在-1 V偏压时暗电流密度为13.7 mA/cm2,在波长1.31μm处的响应度高达0.38 A/W,对应外量子效率为36.0%,响应波长扩展到1.6μm以上。  相似文献   
Uniaxial compression experiments on horizontal and vertical samples of first-year freshwater ice in a res- ervoir were conducted at different temperatures and strain rates with an electronic universal machine equipped with low temperature cabinet. The results show that there is no difference between the strengths of two horizontal samples with grain sizes ranging from 1 to 4,mm and 4 to 14,mm, while the strength of the 1-4 mm vertical samples is 1.4 times higher than that of the 4-14 mm vertical samples because of the change of crystal structure. For different loading directions, the strengths of the horizontal samples do not differ from those of the vertical samples with the same grain sizes. The relation among the uniaxial compressive strength, strain rate and temperature was established through data analysis in both the ductile and brittle regions.  相似文献   
大学生是社会主义现代化事业的建设者和接班人,如何通过廉洁教育提高自身的思想道德修养和自律意识,关系到自身健康成长。从大学生廉洁观教育的价值诉求出发,拟合量规评价方法,针对当前大学生廉洁观评价结果提出大学生廉洁观教育优化的路径。  相似文献   
腰椎间盘突出症在日常生活和运动中极易出现.其损伤与日常生活和运动的动作姿势、技术特点.背部肌肉的收缩力和牵拉力等因素有关,研究腰椎间盘突出损伤的机理,目的是预防损伤,提高生活质量.延长运动年限.  相似文献   
“三个代表”重要思想坚持和发展了邓小平的“三个有利于”标准,是对邓小平理论的一脉相承和与时俱进。二者都坚持了马克思主义唯物史观的基本立场和观点,把实践标准作为共同前提和出发点,把发展生产力作为社会进步的根本物质力量,把人民群众的利益作为工作的落脚点。新世纪“三个代表”重要思想在继承“三个有利于”的基本内容的基础上,进一步丰富和发展了“三个有利于”标准。  相似文献   
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