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在现代社会影响教育公平的诸多因素中,社会资本因素是一类重要的社会因素。在当今市场化的社会发展形态中,存在大量与学生受教育过程密切相关的社会资本失衡现象。社会资本的不平等对于学生的受教育机会公平、社会化处境、教育质量公平、乃至职业与社会地位获得均产生了显著影响。中国市场化的社会转型过程中有必要关注社会资本对教育公平的影响。  相似文献   
高职学生个人知识管理初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
个人知识管理作为一种重要的知识管理技术和方法已应用于教育领域。从应对激烈社会竞争的角度,高职院校学生尤其需要加强个人知识管理。针对高职学生特点,应采取有效的知识管理方法,包括提高信息素养,注重隐性知识的显性化管理,有效利用个人知识管理工具,完善自身知识系统架构,构建个人知识管理的双模型结构。  相似文献   
大学生社会主义荣辱观教育要正确处理的几个关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对大学生进行社会主义荣辱观教育必须正确处理以下五个方面的关系:一是大力弘扬与精心培育的关系,二是理论辩伪与实践体验的关系,三是正面典型引导与反面案例启迪的关系,四是教师以身作则与严格要求学生的关系,五是价值导向与制度安排的关系。  相似文献   
要做好班主任工作,就需要遵循儿童特点,塑造美好心灵;积极改进教学方法,努力提高教学质量;开展多种形式的文体活动,促进学生全面发展.  相似文献   
政论学以日本留学生的创作为世纪先锋,奠定了中国人社科的激进传统。留学生政论学试图构思爱国主义的正面理论,并且释放新民政治的强烈变革感情.提倡积极参与政治管理的人精神,是中国集权体制和官本位化社会所欠缺的。  相似文献   
通过对大学生思维发展特点和高校人文环境的分析,提出应培养学生创造性思维能力,并提出了培养的方法。  相似文献   
A supportive online learning environment entails teachers using effective pedagogical practices to meet the needs of their students and developing a positive teacher–student relationship to foster learner motivation and engagement. This paper reports a study investigating how 32 secondary teachers in New Zealand taught their online distance classes and how they related to their students. These classes were administered by NetNZ, an online distance education community. An online survey conducted in 2016 found that NetNZ teachers used inquiry-based practices including flipped learning and knowledge-building pedagogies to support agency, autonomy, collaboration, and community development. They also used synchronous and asynchronous communication technologies to overcome barriers of relationship building in online settings. NetNZ was unique in delivering distance education in the New Zealand context in that it used a community approach to encourage a more active participation of its member schools and teachers in delivering distance courses to secondary students.  相似文献   
Gaining and saving face are very important in Vietnam as a mechanism of social control, including the professional behaviour of teachers. Interviews with 15 lecturers (aged 24–37) at a teacher training college in a Central Coast province of Vietnam illustrated the relationship between their concepts of face and their beliefs about good teaching. Most were still strongly influenced by traditional Confucian beliefs about the role and position of teachers, the nature of teachers’ knowledge and the relationship between teachers and students. On the other hand, some teachers also were aware of, and to a limited extent open to, more modern ideas that seemed to be related to broad social changes and reforms in approaches to teaching and learning in recent decades in Vietnam. The findings suggest that some teacher educators are uncertain about the value of traditional professional wisdom in the context of critical changes in society and in education. The research also suggests that the concepts of face and saving face are important for teachers’ sense of agency, and that Vietnamese educational authorities could increase the effectiveness of innovations in teacher education by paying attention to the influence of concepts of face on the teachers’ beliefs and behaviours.  相似文献   
当代大学生实用主义价值观的形成主要由以下几个因素造成的:思想政治教育严重弱化,社会上功利主义倾向在大学生中引起共鸣,社会转型期中的校园文化的影响,学习压力、经济压力、就业压力的加重,市场经济负面的影响,传播媒介错误的导向,知识经济的影响,大学生思想不成熟等。上述因素为实用主义价值观在当代大学生这个特殊群体中泛起提供了可乘之机。  相似文献   
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