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In a bilingual context, the mother tongue plays a key role in a child's social and personal development, in education and in second-language learning. There is a complex relationship between these three areas. Support for children receiving education through a second language is often in the form of additional learning opportunities in the second language. However, first-language competence has been shown to affect learning in the second language. This paper looks at pre-school migrant children in a bilingual context and investigates the nature of the children's bilingualism. Findings show that they do not have the same level of mother-tongue competence as children brought up in their country of origin. The paper goes on to consider the reasons for these differences in mother-tongue competence and possible responses. The paper concludes that for these children, nursery education in the mother tongue could raise levels of competence in the second language and increase wider educational opportunities, as well as contributing to mutual respect, social cohesion and harmony. There is a complex relationship between mother-tongue development, children's self-esteem, educational opportunities and second-language learning. This paper considers how this complex relationship affects groups of children in four European contexts: Turkey, Norway, Germany and Austria.  相似文献   
管理学基础是管理类专业的专业基础课,理论性较强。如何结合基层管理者胜任力的要求和特点,强化高职学生职业素养和管理能力,成了课程改革的重点和难点。文章以基层管理者胜任力为导向,以实践性教学贯穿课程教学始终,取得了显著的效果。  相似文献   
本文结合当今普通高校大学英语教学的现状,对学生技能学习现状和大班教学的因素进行分析、思考。指出大班教学的利弊因素对大学英语技能培养的影响,并通过对语言教学特点的分析,为大班教学条件下,最大化地趋利去弊,为大学英语的技能培养提出建设性建议。  相似文献   
This case study explored the perceptions of academic stakeholders about the development and delivery of information literacy (IL) programs in four universities, and identified elements necessary to establishing IL credit courses in Vietnamese higher education. The following research questions framed this study: 1) How do library administrators, instruction librarians, and faculty perceive the current implementation of information literacy instruction (ILI) programs for undergraduates studies in universities libraries in Vietnam? 2) What are the challenges to including IL as a credit course in the curriculum as perceived by library administrators, instruction librarians, and faculty? Respondents were purposefully recruited from four universities, including library administrators, instruction librarians, and faculty. Three online surveys were distributed to 537 individuals through Survey Monkey with 149 replies and a final receipt of 133 completed surveys. Interview and focus group data collection included 23 face-to-face interviews and nine focus groups. Findings showed IL is considered the domain of librarians and has not influenced Vietnamese campus culture. IL activities at four university libraries take the form of lectures, workshops, and basic IL skills modules. Few ILI activities are subject discipline-related. Respondents reported challenges to an ILI credit course revolve around the lasting impact of teacher-centered instruction and rote learning, misperceptions about the effect of IL on student learning outcomes, degree of support of IL by academic stakeholders, degree of faculty–librarian collaboration, and scarcity of resources. Recommendations are given for academic librarians in Vietnam implementing ILI programs and considering developing IL credit courses.  相似文献   

Core competencies have long been established in the competitive world of business and industry. These tenants lend themselves to individualization and branding, being exclusionary tools by their very nature. So how do core competencies fit in the world of libraries and information centers, particularly when considering potential employees? The concept of individual capacity is a better fit for information fields, being more inclusive and reflective of diverse knowledge bases and skillsets that working in this field requires. Juxtaposing the two, core competencies and individual capacity, will help us re-focus our efforts on user-centered information work rather than business rhetoric and conformity.  相似文献   
我国专利"数量大、质量差"的问题日趋显著,学术界和产业界已经逐步重视专利代理服务对科技创新的重要支撑作用,但是如何针对专利质量的提升确立专利代理服务标准和模式这一问题尚没有得到充分论证和清晰解答。在相关文献研究的基础上进行了实证研究,逐一验证了专利代理人胜任特征对专利技术质量和专利申请质量影响的假设命题,进而量化了专利代理人各胜任特征对专利质量的影响程度及路径。研究结果表明,专利代理人的知识结构、职业能力、业务素养、个人品质、发展动机等特征对专利技术质量存在显著正向影响;技能经验、知识结构、社交能力、业务素养、外语技能、职业素养等特征对专利申请质量存在显著正向影响。专利代理人胜任特征与专利质量之间关系的研究有助于引导专利代理行业标准的制定、人员等级的划分以及相关政策的制定,并且为现阶段解决我国专利质量现实问题的政策措施实施提供理论依据。  相似文献   
现代汉语专业面临着学术发展的大好时机,但作为传统专业,也面临着重重困难。如何改进教学,如何顺应形势,如何与时俱进,这些不可回避的问题,正严峻地摆在我们的面前。加大改革力度,注入源头活水,激发教学活力,是我们的基本思路。近年来,我们的做法是,引进新的思想,建立专业信念;注入新的理念,促进教学相长;关注新的现实,强化攻关意识。  相似文献   
学科馆员任职资格及绩效考评研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
学科馆员任职资格和绩效评估是学科馆员制度当前研究的薄弱环节。文章指出学科馆员应当有层次、有针对性地进行资格认定,以形成合理的学科馆员梯队;分析了现有绩效考评的成果,在此基础上构建包括服务环境、服务团队、服务能力和服务效果四个要素的指标体系;并对考评执行中需要注意的问题进行了论述。  相似文献   
人才培养模式决定着人才培养的规格和质量,人力资源管理作为应用性较强的专业,应该以人力资源管理者在实际工作中的胜任能力为依据,建立人才培养模式。借鉴国内外学者的研究成果,确定了人力资源管理者胜任力模型,从培养目标、课程体系、教学方法和实践环节四个方面,构建了以提高学生人力资源管理胜任力为核心的培养模式。  相似文献   
胜任力是驱动员工表现卓越绩效的综合素质。高职人力资源管理专业实践教学在专业认知、实践教学目标设计、实践教学实施过程均存在着不同程度的问题。广东外语艺术职业学院从人力资源管理人员胜任力模型出发,关注企业需求动向、基于胜任力模型进行实践教学设计、完善实践教学评价体系、搭建自主实践平台,开展基于胜任力的人力资源管理实践教学行动。  相似文献   
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