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Guided by control theory, this study examines memorable messages that women on probation and parole receive from their probation and parole agents. Women interviewed for the study were asked to report a memorable message they received from an agent, and to describe situations if/when the message came to mind in three contexts likely to emerge from a control theory perspective: when they did something of which they were proud, when they stopped themselves from doing something they would later regret, and when they did something of which they were not proud. The types of memorable messages and the reactions to these messages within the three contexts were coded, and differences between women on probation versus parole were examined. Overall, a greater proportion of women on parole recalled memorable messages, and the most frequently reported type of memorable message was behavioral advice. Women reported that the message helped them do things of which they were proud, such as engaging in routine activities and fulfilling goals; helped them to not give into urges that could lead to further negative sanctions or feelings of regret; and came to mind when they relapsed. Practical implications of the findings for training are presented.  相似文献   
关于改进教育见习的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合工作实际,分析了当前师范教育中教育见习工作存在的不足,提出了改进教育见习工作的建议。  相似文献   

We aimed to compare the findings of three research designs to bracket effect estimates of a strongly worded warning letter delivered by certified mail to students on academic probation.

We embedded an experiment within a regression discontinuity design and calculated two achievement estimates, average GPA and percentage of students remaining on probation. Study participants attended a large Midwestern college. Cohen's d experimental effect size was .45. Regression discontinuity design results were validated by our experimental evidence, and outcome measures were generally statistically significant. We provided additional supportive evidence using comparative RD control group design logic. Regression point displacement design results were successfully replicated using a within-study comparison inside the experiment. In the context of probation, a diverse design, replicative approach provided considerable promise for more precise estimation of intervention effectiveness. We found no deleterious impact on reenrollment and concluded that the certified letter represents an inexpensive probation policy.  相似文献   
高师数学专业教育课程的设置对师范生的培养是至关重要的环节,不仅关系着师范生的理论知识储备,而且关系着师范生实践能力的培养。伴随着新课程改革的进行,小学数学教师素养有了新的要求,然而高师数学专业"教育课程"中,传统的课程设置并没有发生变化,以致于形成了师范生不了解新课程的理念、模仿老教师"穿新鞋,走老路"、实践能力差、动手操作能力差等社会现象。本文以江西教育学院为例,在课程设置上提出了一些建议,希望能有效地改善这一社会现象。  相似文献   
严复与夏曾佑合撰的<本馆附印说部缘起>,及其对<天方夜谭>的译介,是他对晚清"小说界革命"的积极贡献,是这位著名历史人物不应被历史遗忘的一个重要方面.  相似文献   
王鸿飞  吕研  宫宇 《科教文汇》2014,(1):106-107
探索骨科临床见习教学模式新方法.让见习生提高临床实践操作能力,临床分析能力,解决临床问题的能力以及树立见习生正确的医德医风.促进见习生学习的积极性、主动性。  相似文献   
口腔黏膜病学是一门理论性、实践性很强的口腔临床课程,相对于牙体牙髓病来说,口腔黏膜病病种多,临床表现复杂多变,病损形态多样,是口腔临床医学教学中的难题.通过尝试把标准化病人引入口腔粘膜病学临床见习教学工作中,摸索一种新培养模式来提高学生的临床实践能力和创新能力,以期达到有效培养合格口腔临床医学生的目的.  相似文献   
医学留学生“实验诊断学”临床见习教学体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验诊断学是一门联系基础医学与临床医学的桥梁学科。本教研室针对实验诊断学的实践教学性很强的特点,结合医学留学生的实际情况,开设实验诊断学临床见习课程,对实验诊断学课程的教学内容和临床实践模式等方面进行了一些改进和探索。本文通过总结温州医学院留学生实验诊断学临床实习的实践,分析和探讨医学留学生临床实习的若干问题。  相似文献   
班主任工作是一项非常普通的工作,因此班主任的人格魅力也就只能体现在一系列的平凡小事之中。一个魅力四射让学生爱戴的班主任,他首先应该是一个道德高尚的人;其次他应该如太阳的光辉,让每一个学生都能够感觉到温暖;再次他的威望不是建立在学生的敬畏上,而是建立在学生的认同上。有魅力的班主任,他采取的教育方式,不是用命令形式让学生知道要怎么做,而是通过自身的知识、能力、情感、习惯、意志、信念、气质和道德情操等让学生明白该怎么做。  相似文献   
前苏联领导干部的腐败现象,从斯大林到戈尔巴乔夫时期不仅一直存在,而且呈现愈演愈烈之势。与斯大林时期领导干部以权谋私的情形相比,勃列日涅夫时期的领导干部是有过之而无不及。其腐败现象包括培植亲信,任人唯亲;送礼之风,特别盛行;卖官鬻爵,任人唯钱;疯狂走私,肆无忌惮;特供商品,遍布全国;野外狩猎,成为时尚;等等。各级官员腐败的方法可谓是五花八门,应有尽有,为了一己之私,真是各显神通。前苏联这一时期的这些腐败之所以不仅有物质层面的,而且有制度层面的。官场腐败愈演愈烈,除了萧规曹随的历史原因外,与勃列日涅夫带头以权谋私也有因果关系。  相似文献   
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