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苏焕 《海外英语》2014,(18):143-144,166
The debate between domestication and foreignization translation strategies has aroused scholars’ research interest for a long time. This thesis makes a comparative study on the application of domestication and foreignization of the Stylistic Devices in Legge’s and Zhao Zhentao’s translated versions of Mencius.  相似文献   
The debate between domestication and foreignization translation strategies has aroused scholars ’research interest for a long time. This thesis makes a comparative study on the application of domestica...  相似文献   
该文通过选取两篇演讲范文进行文体比较,一篇是美国著名民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金在1963年8月28日的著名演讲“I have a dream”,另一篇是2005年4月19日美国总统布什来中国在清华大学的演讲。这两篇演讲有很多共同点,如:演讲者都是美国人,都处于领袖的地位,都是受过良好教育的人;同时也有很多不同点,如:两篇演讲的时代不同、针对的听众的国籍不同、演讲的内容、目的、作用也不同。该文旨在从语音、代词、修辞手段、时态、句子类型等五个方面对这两篇演讲的文体特点进行分析和比较,进而探析公共演讲的文体特征。  相似文献   
Enterprise profile plays an important role in promoting company in the international market, showing its strength, expanding its influence, and advancing their business. At present, the translation of Chinese enterprise profile is not very good. The problems of inappropriate words, grammatical mistakes, and pragmatic errors have deeply influenced the delivery of correct information of Chinese enterprises. Wrong translation or informal translation not only seriously affects the corporate image, but also damages China's international image. Based on this, this paper focuses on studying stylistic functions of Chinese enterprise profile and its translation strategies.  相似文献   
张冠男 《海外英语》2014,(15):262-264
As a unique feature of literature, poem brings readers music beauty, image beauty, visual beauty as well as symbolic beauty. Robert Frost is an American contemporary poet who is good at stylistic feature of poems, especially in macroscopic organization, rhetorical methods, grammatical metaphor, vocabulary, rhythmic feature, and semantic relations. Generally, sound is related to phonetics and phonology. Patterns of sound can create melodious effect in poetry, and sometimes a single vowel or consonant will make the verse or even the particular poem significant. Sometimes musical or incantatory effects are achieved through devices such as onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance and rhythm. A stylistic analysis of Robert Frost’s famous poem"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"is given, which mainly focused on its language features. Through the excellent choice of words and organization of sound, Frost makes the simplest pieces into meaningful poems with beautiful melody and brings readers refreshing sense, flatus of life, tranquility and geniality.  相似文献   
初唐赋是初唐文学百花园中的石楠花,沉毅庄严。关于它,前人虽有论者,但不免抑扬过当,与实难符。文章以初唐百余篇赋为基础,从题材内容、文体特征到艺术手法诸方面展开研究,期在揭示出初唐赋所具有的独特艺术内涵,彰显其在文学史上的意义。  相似文献   
《文心雕龙》中"体"的含义多样,"体裁"即为其中的一种。刘勰从四个方面论述了各种文体:一是"原始以表末",即叙述各种体裁的起源和演变;二是"释名以章义",解释各种体裁的名称,并说明其意义;三是"选文以定篇",从各种文体中选出各个时期具有代表性的作品加以评论;四是"敷理以举统",就是总结各种体裁的写作法则及其特点。从中反映出刘勰为代表的南朝宗经、通变及体用并重的文体观。  相似文献   
名词化是语法隐喻的主要来源,是将过程和特性隐喻化为由名词化词组体现的事物。名词化广泛存在于各类语篇,科技论文是使用名词化频率很高的语篇类型。笔者从功能文体学的角度,以语料研究为基础,定量分析名词化结构在英语科技论文中的分布特征,揭示其普遍性的文体功能,即名词化的分布频率与语篇的正式程度和简洁程度密切相关。然后,从突出科技论文语篇的科学性、技术性、说理性三方面探讨名词化在科技论文语篇中的特殊文体功能。  相似文献   
孟子、荀子所说的人性具有不同的内涵。孟子的性善论揭示了人天生的合群性,及一个人成人成德的可能性与主动性,荀子的性恶论则揭示了人天生的追求自我满足的感性欲望,及一个人成人成德的必要性、主动与被动的统一性。由于受人性观的制约,孟子、荀子在道德理想人格教育的方法论上,既有差异性又有共同性。  相似文献   
流行歌曲是一门独特的语言艺术,它的流行不仅在于其优美动听的旋律,歌词的语言艺术也使其独具魅力。流行歌词的总体特征是节奏优美、质朴简洁、新颖奇特、饱含感情。本文从文体学角度,基于语料的调查和分析,分别从音位、词汇、句法和修辞四个层面,通过列举大量典型实例,探讨当代英文流行歌词的文体特征。  相似文献   
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