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《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(9):1450-1458
We examined the association between self-reported childhood sexual abuse and a woman's own and perceived-partner extradyadic involvement (EDI). The association was examined both directly and as potentially mediated by attachment-related anxiety and avoidance in a sample of 807 French Canadian women. In line with our hypotheses, we found that a personal history of CSA is associated with a woman's own and perceived-partner EDI and with the woman's levels of attachment anxiety and avoidance. The association between CSA and own EDI was partially mediated by attachment-related avoidance. The results suggest that a sense of betrayal stemming from CSA predisposes a woman to avoidance, which in turn predisposes her to EDI. The association between CSA and perceived-partner EDI was partially mediated by both attachment anxiety and avoidance. These results suggest that victims of CSA become suspicious of others’ relational behavior and intentions, which contribute to attachment-related anxiety and avoidance and both own and perceived-partner EDI.  相似文献   
文章着重阐释的是欧美涉法文学在写实艺术方面与传统现实主义文学的不同,如涉法文学既运用法律写实的方法呈现法律严谨,又用客观写实的方法反衬法律的不公,更用主观写实的方法表达自己的理想;涉法文学既用批判讽刺的手法抨击现实,更用怪诞讽刺的手法在读者心理制造嘲笑憎恶的反映;涉法文学在运用心理刻画方面则可谓"犯罪心理学"的范本。  相似文献   
宪法惯例是宪法学研究当中一个无法避开的问题。对于如何看待英国的宪法惯例的性质,英国以外的其他国家是否存在宪法惯例,如何在我国的政治与法律的语境下正确地认识宪法惯例等诸多问题,仍然存在着广泛的讨论空间。宪法惯例本身不同于公意或政治道德,具有同成文宪法规范相同的法律权威,但其效力并非通过司法,而是通过“授权报复”的机制得以实现。而判断一条宪法惯例成立与否,则须依据心理标准和行为标准共同进行判断。  相似文献   
大众传媒在发挥巨大影响力的同时,也肩负着道德教育的责任。大众传媒通过提升受众的道德认知能力、内化道德观念和外化道德行为来发挥它的德育功能。然而大众传媒在德育过程中也暴露出一些问题:对受众主体性的解构、"后现代传媒"对现有道德体系的反动以及媒体渲染引发的道德恐慌。大众传媒视域下德育效果的提升路径为:明确媒体的社会责任,提升个体的主体能动性,加强对媒介工具使用的规范和管理。  相似文献   
中国教育资源的不平衡,主要体现在城乡教育资源配置的巨大差异。农村基础教育已成为制约中国教育发展的主要瓶颈,在英语教育方面尤其突出。提升培训实效性,促进农村英语教师的专业发展,其关键在于突出农村教师的培训主体地位,贴近农村英语教师教育和教学实际,坚持行动研究导向。重新定位和设计农村英语教师培训的内容和方式,建立学习共同体,将基础教育师资"职前—入职—职后"培训一体化,形成"高等院校—教师培训机构—中小学英语教学课堂"的立体化英语教师培养模式,是依托多个培训项目进行实践探索并证明有效的途径。  相似文献   
全国大多数省市高考政治科目中的题型一般都有表格类、柱状图类、坐标曲线类、饼状图类、复合类等图表类主观题,综合考查学生"获取和解读信息"、"描述和阐释事物"、"论证和探究问题"的能力。此类试题文字量少但信息量大、材料新颖且设问灵活,难度较大,取得高分殊为不易。笔者在长期的教学和考试实践中总结和概括出解答高考政治"图表类"主观题的有效方法——"四三"法,即"三看""三比""三关注""三要求",可帮助学生有效审题和答题。"三看"是指看标题、看内容、看注解,"三比"是指纵比、横比、图表之间比,"三关注"是指关注整题、关注时间、关注时政,"三要求"是指要求全面、要求规范、要求合理。  相似文献   
It is important for educators to recognise that the various calls to decentre the subject—or self—should not be interpreted as necessarily requiring the removal of the subject altogether. Through the individualism of the Enlightenment the self was centred. This highly individualistic notion of the sovereign self has now been decentred especially through post‐structuralist literature. It is contended here however, that this tendency to decentre the subject has been taken to an extreme at times, especially by some designers of school frameworks and curricula, who have eliminated the subject altogether. Such elimination is argued to contribute to the numbers of youth who are dropping out of school. By adopting an existential perspective and by drawing mainly upon Kierkegaard's subjective truth and Dewey's notion of centeredness, the case is made that for education the subject should not only be included but should actually be centred—at least momentarily.  相似文献   
Background From 2002 onwards, initiatives and first steps for the project International Comparative Analysis of Learning and Teaching (ICALT) have been taken by the inspectorates of education in England, Flanders (Belgium), Lower Saxony (Germany) and The Netherlands. The inspectorates of education in these European countries reviewed the results of research on the basic characteristics of good and effective teaching and selected standards and indicators for an observation instrument that could be used to evaluate the quality of teaching. The inspectorates from these countries jointly developed an instrument to observe and analyse the quality of learning and teaching in primary schools.

Purpose The observation instrument was piloted for reliability and inter-rater reliability, and for validity, in the four countries.

Sample Mathematics lessons in England, Flanders (Belgium), Lower Saxony (Germany) and The Netherlands were observed in 854 classrooms, with children who were about 9 years old when they started the school year.

Design and methods Inspectors in the four countries were trained in the proper use of the observation instrument, and used the instrument during their own inspections or evaluations.

Results This study shows that the quality of teaching in the four countries can be compared in a reliable and valid way as regards five aspects: ‘efficient classroom management’, ‘safe and stimulating learning climate’, ‘clear instruction’, ‘adaptation of teaching’ and ‘teaching–learning strategies’.

Conclusions It is found that only a few percentage points of difference between teachers are due to differences existing in the four countries. Furthermore, it may be concluded that the five aspects of quality of teaching are positively and significantly correlated with pupil involvement, attitude, behaviour and attainment.  相似文献   
While homework is a frequent source of distress, positive attitudes of parents can help students develop positive emotions and self-efficacy regarding homework. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that parents' emotions, favored by autonomous motivation, directly and indirectly relate with students' emotions through their self-efficacy with regard to homework. Questionnaires were administered to 205 fourth- to eighth-grade students and their parents to assess both groups' positive and negative emotions, students' self-efficacy with regard to homework, and parents' autonomous motivation. The results supported the hypothesized model: parents' autonomous motivation is associated with parents' positive emotions, which is then associated with students' positive and negative emotions, both directly and through the mediation of students' self-efficacy for doing homework. The discussion focuses on theoretical and educational implications.  相似文献   
本文从区域产业发展视角,结合广西高职特色专业建设项目整体概况,以国家示范性高职南宁职业技术学院的实践为实例,分析高职的校企合作如何持续创新合作形式、丰富内容的途径,提出在准确把握校企合作利益契合点前提下,建立前瞻性干预机制、丰富创新校企合作形式与内涵、构建多方参与的质量评价体系等做法。  相似文献   
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