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清代是我国历史上官僚制度发展较为完善的一个朝代,其中官僚选任制度也已极其成熟。言官作为监察官员,其选任的重要性自然不言而喻。清代言官选任制度的逐步完备,经历了一个不断调整改进的过程,最终形成了一套严密的言官选任制度,其实际作用不容小觑。  相似文献   
人的全面发展的实现既是自然过程又是自觉过程。自然过程意味着人的全面发展的客观现实性,自觉过程意味着人的全面发展的主体能动性,二者统一于现实实践之中。中国特色社会主义在经济社会发展过程中适时为推进人的全面发展创造条件,这体现为以发展生产力为特征的社会主义本质论、以执政为民为本质的"三个代表"重要思想以及以以人为本为核心的科学发展观。  相似文献   
As assistive technology applications are increasingly implemented in early childhood settings for children who are at risk or who have disabilities, it is critical that teachers utilize observational approaches to determine whether targeted assistive technology-supported interventions make a difference in children’s learning. One structured strategy that employs observations and which has powerful child progress monitoring implications is the concurrent time series probe approach. Requiring multiple performance measures of a child engaged in a targeted task over time—both with and without a specific assistive technology device—the concurrent time series probe approach can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of assistive technology tools in supporting skill acquisition in the classroom. This approach is described in the context of a case study, with accompanying explanations of how to interpret data and make decisions regarding the effectiveness of the technology.  相似文献   
儒家忠恕的核心含义为"尽己而推己",其关键是一"推"字。就其深层意涵而言,忠恕不仅是一种"尽己而推"的道德思维,而且也是一种"因忠而恕"的道德信仰。同时,忠恕更体现为一种宽容的道德态度、推己及人以爱人的道德精神和道德境界。如此阐释,不仅助于全面准确地把握儒家忠恕的深刻涵义,而且对于理解忠恕之于当前和谐社会建设的资源性支持作用也有所助益。  相似文献   
老子之所以揭橥“上善若水”,是因为水能够滋润万物;水顺应自然而不争;水性柔弱,不择地而流,常常停留在卑下的地方,与物无争……,因此,圣人应师法水德,“居善地,心善渊,与善仁,言善信,政善治,事善能,动善时”,以成就上德者之人格。  相似文献   
王荧 《资源科学》2015,37(7):1434-1443
定期根据各省、市、自治区的节能减排效率以及相关的公平标准对减排责任进行重新分配,一是可以激励各省、市、自治区提高节能减排效率,二是对碳排放额分配的政策推行也更具可行性。本文构建了多目标导向的DEA模型解决这个问题,该模型在6个硬性目标约束下,分四个步骤分别解决4个求解的软性目标:最大化期望总产出、最小化非期望总排放、最小化资源投入和各DMU非期望产出额尽可能接近公平分配下应得的非期望产出分配额。该DEA模型的优势在于管理者不仅可以增减硬软性目标的个数、改变硬性目标的参数值以及调整软性目标的优先顺序,而且还可以在每个步骤潜力评估的基础上,根据节能减排潜力通过改变软性目标参数,进一步设定合理的期望目标,从而形成各种目标导向的兼顾效率与公平的分配方案。此外,该DEA模型也可以评估为了实现公平目标需要付出的效率成本。  相似文献   
Universities have a long-established tradition of granting students special consideration when circumstances beyond their control negatively affect performance in assessments. Typically, such situations affect only one student (e.g. medical emergencies) but we consider the impact of a natural disaster that led to all students being eligible for special consideration on a single assessment. Students did not have to get applications for special consideration endorsed by a qualified professional but were able to rate their own level of impairment. Our findings indicated that students were impaired in their performance and accordingly application for special consideration was warranted. Those few students who did not submit an application were disadvantaged relative to their peers. There was little relationship between the students’ self-reported levels of impairment and their performance, but those who considered themselves seriously impaired were disproportionately unlikely to complete the assessment. Those with poorer grades leading into the final assessment were no more likely to request special consideration. Although our observations were with an unusual example, our overall findings support the need for a special consideration policy, and indicate that students can treat such a policy appropriately and not exploit the opportunity to obtain unmerited advantage.  相似文献   
以独立董事监督和监事监督为经理更换约束条件,引入经理管理防御并分析非单一监督主体模式下独立董事与监事的监督效率,结果表明:当不存在惩罚机制时,拥有信息量的多少是决定监督效率的高低判断标准;当存在惩罚机制时,独立董事和监事趋向做出一致的评价结果,而且信息优势和更少惩罚威胁两种优势集中在一方时,将提高监督效率.经理管理防御行为不仅降低了独立董事和监事获取信息的数量,而且对其福利水平产生影响,使信息优势和更小惩罚威胁优势产生更大的分离,从而可能降低监督效率.  相似文献   
运用“换位思考”提高中职物理教学有效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵汉芳 《科教文汇》2013,(36):126-127
在新一轮的中职物理课程改革中,其核心是“以人为本,创新思维”,教师的角色已经发生了根本的变化,成为学生探究知识道路上的合作者。本文结合教学实例,从教学观念“换位思考”、课堂教学“换位思考”、师生关系“换位思考”、作业布置“换位思考”四方面论述了在课堂教学中运用“换位思考”的方法提高中职物理教学有效性的策略,以求从学生的立场出发,优化教学过程,实现有效教学。  相似文献   
文章从培养高素质人才的需要出发 ,阐明了导师制在学分制管理模式下的重要性 ,在分析了福州大学导师制存在不足的基础上 ,对推进和完善导师制提出了对策  相似文献   
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