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Visual matrix methodology has been designed for researching cultural imaginaries. It is an image-led, group-based method that creates a “third space” research setting to observe audience groups re-enacting lived experience of an event or process that takes place in the third space of a cultural setting. In this article, the method is described through its use in relation to an art-science exhibition, Human+ Future of the species, where three audience groups with investments in technology worked with exhibition material to achieve a complex ambivalent state of mind regarding technological futures. The visual matrix has been designed to capture the affective and aesthetic quality of audience engagement in third space by showing what audiences do with what is presented to them. We argue that such methodologies are useful for museums as they grapple with their role as sites where citizens not only engage in dialogue with one another but actively re-work their imaginaries of the future.  相似文献   
第三代中共中央领导集体全面系统地继承了第二代中共中央领导集体的多党合作政治思想,对我国多党合作民主政治的规范化、制度化、法制化建设进行了创造性探索,并确定了新世纪我国多党合作政治发展的根本思想,为我国多党合作政治进一步发展提供了广阔的理论和实践空间。  相似文献   
以江泽民为核心的党的第三代领导集体 ,根据中国政治经济建设不断发展的实际 ,勇于探索 ,在社会主义初级阶段理论、所有制理论以及经济发展战略等方面 ,创造性地运用和发展了邓小平理论 ,使邓小平理论不断深化、丰富和发展  相似文献   
以江泽民为核心的党的第三代领导集体,在历史的关键时期,登上了领导岗位。他们是一个素质高、能力强、团结协作的领导集体。他们凭着自己的坚定信念,带领全党和全国人民在20世纪的最后10年,坚持改革开放,坚持理论创新,不断地开创建没有中国特色社会主义的新局面,胜利地完成了党的第二步战略目标。党的第三代领导是合格的、称职的领导集体,是值得信赖的领导集体,在中国共产党的历史中占据着重要的地位。  相似文献   
第三代诗歌解构了传统的诗歌体,取消了传统体之间的界限,实现了“无体裁写作”,通过对叙述、戏仿和超本的大胆尝试建构了新的诗歌体样式。第三代诗歌的体狂欢标志着现代新诗发展到了一个新的阶段。  相似文献   
第三人侵害债权制度近年来在理论界和司法实务界引起了热烈的讨论.主要原因在于该制度跨越了合同法和侵权法两大领域,对传统的民法理论提出重大挑战。传统理论认为债权系一种相对权.债权人只能向债务人请求履行债务,如果债务人不履行赁务。债权人只能向债务人请求承担违约责任,而不得向债的关系以外的人主张任何权利。但是现实生活中存在大量的第三人侵害债权的案例,迫切需要立法予以明确规定。19世纪末以来.各国均逐步突破债的相对性.通过立法、学说和判例逐渐对第三人侵害债权予以承认。我国理论界和实务界都承认这一特殊侵权类型.但是在具体构成要件上尚缺乏深入探讨。  相似文献   
第三人在海上责任保险中的直接请求权的权利属性,一直是海商法学界争论的重大理论问题,它直接影响着海上责任保险第三人直接请求权法律制度体系的构建。因此,应当根据自愿海上责任保险与强制海上责任保险的特点,将自愿海上责任保险中的第三人直接请求权界定为法定转移的权利,而将强制海上责任保险中的第三人直接请求权界定为法定独立的权利。  相似文献   
This paper explores the experiences of a group of academic developers who support educational development work as Faculty Liaisons at a large, research-intensive university. These academic developers inhabit complex ‘third spaces’, providing support through an embedded partnership relationship that requires lateral movement across functional and organizational boundaries to create new professional spaces, knowledge, and relationships. The authors utilize narrative inquiry and auto-ethnographic approaches to present an interpretive qualitative analysis of their experiences supporting Faculty and University projects across complex and evolving organizational boundaries. From this analysis, they highlight key roles and responsibilities associated with their blended context and identify challenges that academic developers who occupy third spaces within academic organizations face as they negotiate competing interests, identities, and requirements associated with the diverse range of their projects and the blended experience of working in scholarly and administrative, central- and Faculty-based roles. The lessons they have learned from these experiences will be of particular interest to academic developers who are experiencing the flux of change within higher education settings that are impacting teaching and learning practices both for faculty in the classroom and for those across the institution who support them.  相似文献   
结合职业教育进行职业资格证书制度的改造,是建立社会化职业资格证书制度体系的必要条件。具体措施包括:政(府)所(职业技能鉴定所)分开、职责分明、实施第三方认证制度,将职业技能鉴定纳入国家考试制度的范畴、依法管理,政府提供无偿服务,让劳动者将职业资格证书视作劳动与就业前的一种需求和必备条件。  相似文献   
资源配置问题是经济学界长期关注的问题,也是一个古老而又永远年轻的永恒课题。资源的配置除了传统的“看不见的手”和“看得见的手”以外,还存在“第三只手”,即第三配置。传统资源配置问题的理论研究存在诸多不足,第三配置是在市场配置及其失灵、政府配置及其失灵以及资源配置问题上一直存在的二元式思维的缺陷这样一个历史背景下提出的。“第三只手”即第三配置的问题有许多专家涉猎过,实践上自古有之,在现代社会经济运行过程中,信用道德等作为调节社会经济运作的“第三只手”,一直在发挥重要的作用,弥补了政府干预与市场机制的缺陷,第三配置的研究有其理论与实践依据,它为资源配置问题的研究提供了一个新视角。  相似文献   
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